Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

*Naomi’s Point Of View

       I held the loaf of fresh bread in my hand as I entered the kitchen, my other hand in Gianluca’s.

          I smiled at our mothers, who were sitting on the couch together flipping through a catalog.

          “Gianluca bought me some bread!” I said, placing it on the counter.

          “How could I not?” Gianluca asked. “If you could only see the way you looked pressing your face against the window.”

          I laughed, and our moms stood up.

          “We’re going shopping together, okay?” Mrs. Ginoble said, linking arms with my mom. “Your dad went to visit some friends, Gianluca, and you and your friends should practice some before the concert tomorrow.”

          “Right,” Gianluca said. “Can you hand out flyers?”

          “Of course, darling,” she said, taking the stack he handed her.

          They left, and I took a seat at the counter, tearing pieces off the warm loaf and tasting them.

          Gianluca called Piero and Ignazio, and they arrived after a few minutes, Ignazio holding two white boxes.

          “Naomi!” he said. “I thought you might like to try this.”

          He came over and placed the boxes in front of me, and I cautiously opened them.

          “What are they?” I asked.

          “This is called Parrozzo. It’s a cake-like thing with almonds and chocolate.”

          I repeated the word, and he nodded.

          “And this is Torrone Nurzia, which is chocolate nougat.”

          “Thank you, Ignazio!” I said, reaching out to hug him.

          “No problem.” He went over to where Gianluca was standing and put his arm around his shoulder. “I thought Gianluca might be slacking in showing you the food of Italy.”

          “Hey, this is only the second day we’re in Abruzzo! I’m trying to show her things a bit at a time.”

          “Yeah, I think I spoiled that when we got here by exploring for six hours,” I commented, and Ignazio laughed.

          “Hey, are we going to practice or what?” Piero said.

          “Sure,” Gianluca said. “Naomi, will you be our audience?”

          “I’d love to!” I said, getting excited.

          They went about pushing furniture aside.

          “We need room to move around,” Piero explained, pushing the coffee table into the kitchen.

          He stood and offered his hand to me. I took it, and grabbed the box of          Parrozzo with my other hand.

          Gianluca and Ignazio shoved the couch against the wall, and Piero led me to it.

          I sat cross-legged, the box of sweets in my lap.

          The boys went to stand against the wall.

          “So…what needs work?” Ignazio said.

          They looked at each other and shrugged.

          I laughed.

          “I can see this is going to be extremely productive,” I said, and they smiled.

          “Let’s just sing some things and make sure we’re…in sync?” Piero asked.

          Gianluca nodded.

          “Any requests, Naomi?”

          I smiled.

          “ “This Time!” ”

          Gianluca started, “After all the empty stars, and beautiful illusions, how can I be sure you’re even here? Maybe I’m too cynical to fall until it’s proven, or maybe you’re my year after year.

          After his part came Ignazio’s turn.

          “Tell me you’re in, tell me I’m home, Promise you’ll stay…and don’t let me go!”

          Angels. They have the most beautiful voices…

          I beamed in excitement as Gianluca came over to kneel in front of me, taking my hands. I blushed and smiled, and he kissed my cheek.

He released my hands and stepped back to stand with the other boys.

          After “This Time”, they sang “Il Mondo”, “El reloj”, and “O Sole Mio.”

          Then Piero flopped on the couch next to me.

          “Okay, that can be enough,” he said, taking a Parrozzo from the box.

          “Lazy, lazy!” Ignazio teased, but he sat on the other side of me and took one also.

          “You guys are so amazing!” I gushed.

          “Hey, guys!” Gianluca said, crossing his arms. “You’re both taking up all the space next to Naomi!”

          I blushed.

          “Oh, your girl, eh?” Ignazio teased, smiling at me.

          Gianluca leaned forward and slipped a hand under my legs and one behind my back, pulling me up off the couch.

          “Hey!” I said.

          He turned and sat with me on his lap, smiling.

          I playfully glared at him.

          “I suppose you want a Parrozzo too?”

          He opened his mouth, and I smiled and gave him one.

          “You know what this would go well with?” Piero asked.

          “What?” Ignazio asked.

          “The nougat!”

          He got up to get it, and Ignazio did as well, and they raced each other.

          I got off of Gianluca’s lap to watch, and we laughed as Piero grabbed hold of the box and Ignazio tried to wrestle it away from him.

          The box broke and nougats flew into the air.

          Piero and Ignazio desperately grabbed for them, shoving each other, and were able to save most of them.

          I shook my head, laughing.

          “What, are we entertaining you, Naomi?” Ignazio teased.


          Silly boys…

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