Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I ran around the side of hospital building straight to the beach. I walked quickly along the sand, looking for her.

A dock stuck out into the sea, and I saw Naomi sitting under it, feeling the tide run over her legs. Her back was to me, and I could see her whole back. The hospital gown lay crumpled beside her on the ground.

I froze, and ran a hand nervously through my hair. I thanked heaven that she was the only person on the whole beach, then I pulled out my phone and texted Ms. Kendall.

“Found her. I’ll bring her back…”

Then I called out to Naomi, who didn’t have her phone.

“Naomi, I’m here! Will you please put on the gown?”

          “No, Gianluca! I can’t!”

          I ran a hand through my hair again, blushing.

“But…I’ll see…”

“I don’t care, Gianluca…” she said, pulling her knees to her chest.

I sighed, then shrugged out of my coat and walked up behind her, eyes on the horizon. I draped it over her back, and when she realized what it was, she put her hands through the sleeves and buttoned up the front, then scooted back, out of reach of the tide, brushing sand off of her shorts.

I sat next to her, watching the tears stream down her face.

She turned to look at me, and I reached out and pulled her into my arms. She was shaking, and struggling to breathe, and I knew she needed to get back.

“Naomi, tell me what you’re thinking.” 

She started to cry again, and I held her tightly and kissed her cheeks, tasting her tears on my lips.

“I’m scared, Gianluca! I had a panic attack, and it’s hard to breathe, and you left me, and…I don’t want to go back!”

“Listen to me, Naomi. You are okay. Everything is fine. The hospital is just a building.”

“A building where people die!”

“And a building where people are healed. You don’t need to be scared, okay? They made me leave so they could run some tests, and I’m going to stay here overnight with you.”

“You will?”

“I will. I won’t be able to sleep at home anyway, knowing you’re here.”

“What if I have another panic attack? They want to give me tranquilizers so that I won’t, but…that won’t work! As soon as they start to wear off, I’ll start to panic! You shouldn’t try to keep yourself from having an attack, or it gets worse! Do they not understand!?”

She buried her face in my chest, but then pulled back, gulping for air.

“Naomi, why did you leave?”

She sighed.

“Gianluca, panic attacks are a fight or flight feeling, and I just can’t fight anymore!”

I cupped her sweet face in my hand and made her look at me.

“But, Naomi, you are a fighter.”

She looked away, out at the water..

“Naomi, today you saved a little girl from a burning building. Just a few days ago, you fell down a mountain after having a panic attack, and then you walked home in the rain! When that guy in the sheep’s field grabbed you, you roundhouse-kicked him in the face!”

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