Chapter 44: A week later

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Hey Guys and Girls. I am already back. I'm surprised myself how fast I could publish my chapters now. Maybe I am just a super bored person and just write my story all day everyday. xD Nope of course I don't but I managed to write a lot of chapter beforehand so. I am actually writing the first drafts of chapter 47 now. So you could expect a new chapter as soon as I finish that draft.

Until then,

Caro :D

Ps: I would really like to know if you want a 300 vote special, we are nearly there and I still have no clue if and what you want for it. Would be nice to know. -.-

One week later

Mark POV

A week has passed now since the raid during my examination. Our teachers and our school director were still investigating what had caused this attack. However, the reason was already clear for me. They were after my soul. A day after the raid Miss Starlight had explained to me that I had acted very brave and how glad she was that Sora and Caro reacted in time. From her I also learned that the two were registered as Thirds. Finally my teachers have decided to evaluate the first part of my practical examination, however, I still had to repeat it anyway. Three days after the raid the repetition of my examination was held, which I passed flawlessly with Jack. I was also told that I was the valedictorian of this year. For that reason and because Tyler, Ethan and I passed my friends had decided to have a party at the upcoming weekend.

At the moment my friends discussed everything that we would need for the party during our lunchbreak. "So we need alcohol, snacks, decorations, games, music and soft drinks. Who wants to get what?", came it from Felix, which made a list. Quickly those people were found that would organise everything. Shortly after I saw Caro and Sora leaving the cafeteria. Instinctively I said to my friends: "I'll be right back, I just got to do something real quick." With these words I stood up and ran after the two girls. A couple of hallways later I caught up to them. "Caro, Sora!", I called after them, which made them turn around to me. Friendly it came from Caro: "Mark, what gives us the honour to talk with you?" "I just wanted to ask whether you want to come to a party that my friends and I are going to have.", I explained and Sora shrugged her shoulder, while Caro replied: "Sure, if we have time. When is that party going to be?"

"This weekend on Saturday at eight o'clock p.m.", I gave the information to her. Caro pondered for a moment and said then: "I think this could work. If not I'll be half an hour or one hour maybe too late. So don't worry if I'm not there on time, I will try to come as soon as I can." I smiled at her promise and they both returned my smile. Shortly after I scratched my head and asked: "Would it be possible that you can tell me more about the past or anything else?" Both looked at me in surprise, before they laughed slightly and lead me to the library. At the most backmost table we sat down. "So, what do you want to know?", asked Sora, leaning back in her chair. I pondered for a moment to gather my questions for the moment, before I said: "Okay, could you tell me more about the first hybrid?" "He was very friendly, polite, respectful, lovingly, protective and so much more. Everyone liked him and he made friends very quickly. His name was Mason and his partner was called Galaxy. From their appearance they looked very similar to you and Dark, but that is due to the fact that you two are kind of their reincarnations. You are from the same blood line", told me Caro.

I looked at her with wide eyes and they both laughed slightly. Sora only said: "Come on, Mark. That still surprises you?" "Well, I didn't expected that. Then my next question. What is Luxilia doing now and do you still have contact with her?", came it from me. Caro smiled and said: "She is monitoring what is happening and thinking on what to do to maybe help her brother and the corrupted demons. And yes, I still have contact with her. But I don't contact her very often. Only if it's really important." Understanding I nodded and pondered. "Do you know the demon that Dark fought against? He said it seemed as if you have already met each other.", I wanted to know next. Both sighed and nodded, before Sora told me: "Yes, we know him. Insanity is probably the most annoying, most cunning, most vicious demon that exists. One look in his eyes and he gives you illusions that make you go crazy and lets you wonder what reality is. He tortures his victims in the cruellest way and enjoys it and calls it fun time. You can't underestimate him, he is incredibly strong and you should not test out his patience or anything else. We met each other a lot over the many years we walked on this earth and we often got just barely out of it alive. Anti and Dark were very lucky that they survived."

Highschool of Demons & Priests; Book 1 Children of Light and ShadowsWhere stories live. Discover now