Chapter 17: Hunt Part 2

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Hey Guys and Girls. I finally got this chapter finished. And I really hope you liked the last chapter, because here comes the next part. Also the next chapter is going to be the last of the Hunt Part and I hope that I will get further with the story. Also I said that I would try to get Dark and Anti and Jack and Mark together pretty soon, but I got so many ideas that I wrote everything down. But that put the confessions further back, so it will take a while. I try my hardest to get there as fast as I can, but I can't promise to get there in a specific amount of chapters. Just wait for it. Even if speed is key, sometimes things need time and I write as fast as I can. Meanwhile I will put some teasing and other embarrising moments in (at least I hope I can think of some.)

Well I'm talking a lot again and hold you up. So enjoy this chapter.

LG Caro :D

Cardinal direction East

Evil POV

My way lead me deeper into the middle of the foggy forest, where the cage of the memories should be placed. I was now already walking around for four minutes and my eyes still couldn't find any kind of movement. The centrum of our playground was only 200 metres away from me. Only now I noticed the smoke of a campfire, which was camouflaged a little bit before by the fog and I hadn't paid attention to it. "This slowly explains now why I could smell fire on the way towards here. Apparently somebody wanted to camp by the start point of our game. Then I really should say hello to our sweet players and show them the rules.", said I to myself and walked further towards the location of the cage. What I didn't expect to see when I arrived at my destination were the built up walls with the fallen down trunks of trees, which were placed around the cage in a radius of four metres. //Not bad, somebody probably was knowing what he should do. But that won't help them against me.//, I thought and had to whistle a bit afterwards. I could hear two voices behind the barricades.

They sounded like one older man and one younger man. The older man's voice said: "We should survive with this plan for some time. But we have to get as quickly as possible out of this woods." "Don't worry father. James will soon be back from exploring the area and after he explained everything to us how this forest looks like, we can escape.", said the younger voice. Slowly I had to start laughing out loud, which got the attention of both men and they noticed the sound of my laughter was coming right behind their defence. Now there was only silence, except my own voice echoing. Amused I held my left hand out in front of my body and made a quick movement upwards with my fingers. As if we were in space the trunks started to float through the sky. With a wide grin I stared at my startled victims. Politely it came from me: "I did not want to interfere, but as you might want to know, there is unfortunately no door where I could have knocked on to asked for entrance." Shortly after the older man reached for a self-made bow and shot an arrow towards me.

Now irritated I lifted my other hand. One metre before me the arrow made a 90 degrees turn to the right. "Wow, how rude. Has your mother never taught you some manners? You shouldn't just attack your guests.", I complained angrily. The man with the almost completely grey hair whispered to the younger man: "Tobias run as far as your legs can take you and find your brother, so you two can get the hell out of here. I will get you as much time as possible." The boy nodded and stormed into the deeps of the woods. He was running south where the huge ravine was. //Oh run as fast as you want, I will still find you and kill you. Even if I actually didn't want to make myself dirty. Dirt is sometimes so hard to get out of this clothes. However, they aren't as annoying as sweat spots, because they smell so badly. Ugh. Well, but I'm still lucky that I don't have to run through the swamp to hunt my victims. There I would have become 100% dirty and my clothes ruined with mud.//, I said to myself in thoughts.

The old person had noticed that I was deep in my thoughts and attacked. However, I stopped the arrow in time, which was floating in front of me. Shortly after the wooden stick with the sharp stone on it, fell onto the forest ground into a pile of leafs. Slowly I became really furious. My first victim wanted to shot a new arrow when I let the still floating trunks storm at the slightly build body and buried him underneath them. You could still hear yelling for a few seconds, which became quieter with the time until it turned into a coughing sound before it went silent. After I had buried the man, I put my hands into my trouser pockets again. Carefully I climbed onto the pile of trunks in front of me and saw between the gaps several glass splinters. Satisfied I jumped off from the top of the pile and turned my head into the direction where the younger one of them both had disappeared.

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