Chapter 47: My secret crush is you

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Hey Guys and Girls here is the new chapter. I hope you enjoy it. The next chapter is coming soon.

Until then,

Caro :D

Mark POV

After we had finished eating, Felix suggested the following: "Let us play Truth or Dare." Of course the majority of us was enthusiastic about it right away and we sat down in a circle. Minx asked if she could start with choosing, that's why I asked: "Minx, truth or dare?" "Dare.", answered Minx. With a grin I said: "Take a selfie with the toilet and post it online." Minx got up and walked into our bathroom. Felix decided to go as a witness with her. Shortly after Minx came back and we all got a message from our phones that Minx had uploaded a new picture on her Instagram. "Okay, Yami. Truth or dare?", came it then from Minx. Yami pondered for a moment before he said: "I'm gonna go with truth." "If you had to make out with any Disney character who would it be?", asked Minx and looked at Yami curiously. Yami had a thoughtful look on his face and starred at the ceiling, before he answered: "Well, I guess ... Mulan, maybe? ... So, Wade, truth or dare?"

"Um, Dare.", came it from Wade. Yami replied: "Let each person in the group crack an egg on your head." Wade let his head hang down and waited for the eggs defeated. Each of us took one and one after the other smashed the egg on his head. Then we let Wade wash his head. "Okay, Ken. Truth or dare?", asked Wade. Ken stroked his bread before he said to him: "I will go first with truth." "Who is your favourite? Your Mom or Dad?", wanted Wade to know. Ken looked from left to right and answered nervously: "Eh, my ... my father? I don't know I can't choose. ... Well, Felix. Truth or dare?" "Give me a dare, bro.", said Felix. With a smirk Ken said: "Kiss the person to your right on the back of their neck." Both Felix and Cry looked at Ken. "You're fucking kidding me, bro.", came it from Felix and Ken replied: "What? Are you gonna chicken out?"

Felix was red in the face and turned towards Cry, who looked intensely on the ground. Quickly Felix leaned over to him and kissed his neck, before he sat down with an even redder face than before. Cry was completely silent and didn't spoke a word. "Cry, um ... Truth or dare?", came it from Felix after he cleared his throat. Cry stopped his starring contest with the floor and relied: "Truth." "What does your dream boy or girl look like?", Felix asked and looked in another direction. Shyly it came from Cry: "Uhhh, blonde hair, maybe blue eyes. The rest I don't really care about. ... Hey, Ethan. Truth or dare?" "I think I will go with dare.", said Ethan. Cry thought for a moment, before saying: "Use a brush like you're talking into a microphone each time you speak." Ethan sighed and got a hair brush from the bathroom before he spoke with the brush in front of his mouth: "Tyler, truth or dare?"

"Truth for me, for now.", answered Tyler and Ethan asked: "Have you ever farted loudly in class?" "Uhhh, ... once in elementary school.", Tyler replied before he continued to speak: "Jack, truth or dare." "Give me a dare.", it came motivated from Jack. Tyler thought for a moment, before it came from him: "Eat a spoonful of mustard." With a disgusted look on his face, stood Jack up and went into the kitchen. There he put a spoon full of mustard in his mouth. With a non-enthusiastic facial expression Jack swallowed the mustard. Afterwards Jack drank a glass of water before he came back to us. "Sora, truth or dare?", he asked then. Sora thought for a while, before she replied: "I would like to start with truth." "Have you ever peed yourself in public?", Jack asked then. Sora just grinned and answered Jack: "Something this embarrassing thankfully never happened to me and it will never. ... Bob, truth or dare?"

"I say dare me.", Bob said and Sora looked up expectantly. She sat there with a grin and then it came from her: "Take a shot of pickle juice." "Damn it.", came it from Bob and Sora handed him a glass filled with pickle juice. After a sigh he drank the juice and asked afterwards: "Caro, truth or dare?" "I'll go with truth.", she answered and Bob asked: "What is your biggest fear?" "My biggest fear is losing the people that are very close to me.", I answered honestly. Then Caro looked at me and asked: "Mark, truth or dare?" "Dare me.", I said and prepared myself for the worst. Caro pondered for a moment, before she said: "Let yourself be blindfolded and let someone else feed you with something they choose." I sighed, while Sora wrapped a cloth around my eyes and after a short discussion Yami was allowed to give me a spoonful of chocolate sauce. When I could see again, I saw that Jack looked a bit upset and maybe jealous. I wasn't sure because it was just there for a split second.

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