Untitled Part 5

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"Ok let me get this straight"Gladstone started "You let the kids take control of your airplane?"He asked

"Not all the kids"Launchpad said "Just Dewey"

Scrooge knocked launchpad on the head with his cane "Idiot!"

"Sorry mr mcdee I did tell Him to only use the plane for emergencys"He said

"Dewey doesn't listen to anyone launchpad"Donald said "Its not entirely your fault"Then he turned around and pointed at Scrooge "It's yours for mentioning Selene in the first place!"He yelled

"Don't go blaming me nephew!"Scrooge said "Your the one who mentioned Selene!"

"Me?"Donald asked "That's crazy I barely know anything about it!"

"You know as much as I do!"Scrooge yelled back

"Then who told them?"Donald asked

"How am I supposed to know that?"Scrooge asked

"Ok ok red riding hood and Jack that doesn't matter now!"Gladstone said "It's midnight go to sleep!"

"And how did you have a map to selene in the first place aye?"Scrooge asked

"Oh that well I helped Della return the spear of Selene"Gladstone explained

"What?"Donald asked

"And ye didn't tell us?"Scrooge asked

"Look I'll explain everything tomorrow ok?"He asked

They both agreed and got some rest

Everyone was asleep on the plane except minima and Huey, Huey looked over at his Brother Dewey and he looked kinda cold, The night was colder then Huey thought it would be,He reached in his backpack and grabbed an extra blanket at put it on Him. Minima saw him and laughed as she rolled her eyes.

"What?"Huey asked sitting next to her.

"You mother your brother"She said playfully

"Well someone has to"Huey said as he walked to the window and looked up at the stars, The fog had cleared up very fast and this was a good thing because they can get a fresh start tomorrow. Minima followed Huey and put her arm on His shoulder "Hey you ok?"She asked.

"Of course"Huey said "why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you just found out your mom froze to death, I wouldn't consider that fine "She said.

"Oh that"Huey sighed "Well I wasn't on this trip to find her, I just wanted to know what happened so Uncle Scrooge and Uncle Donald would stop fighting and keeping secrets from us"Huey explained

"Oh"She said, She started to walk away

"Why did you want us to come with you?"Huey asked

"Because Louie is fun!"She said "He's sarcastic and kinda funny"She said.


"Oh?"minima asked "Do you need a better explanation than that?"She asked

"No, it's just...Nevermind"Huey gave up on what He was trying to say, He didn't forget, He just thought it was a bad idea.

"Just what?"She asked

"Really it's nothing"Huey said

"Ok"She paused awkwardly "The stars really are nice, my mom says that she can see me from up there"Minima said

"What happened to your mom?"Huey asked

"She died of cancer last year"She answered

"I'm so sorry"He said putting his arm on her shoulder

"Its fine, I was mad that she lied to me all these years about my dad and where I come from that...I never forgave her"She said

"That's awful"Huey said

"I know but I just couldn't do it, I can't forgive Her truly until I find him!"She said

"I was talking about what your mother did"Huey said "Uncle Donald did the same thing to us"

"What happened to your father?"She asked

"I never knew Him"Huey said "But that's on Him, Whatever the reason is I don't care Uncle Donald was the one taking care of us, he's the one who spent late nights with us when we're sick, He lifts us when we're down and He's the one who loves us If anyone deserves the title 'Father it's Him!"

"Wow"Minima said I guess that would be my aunt back home, I ran away from Her so I can discover the truth"Minima said "What do you think your mother was like?"She asked

"She's.."Huey started to think, He grabbed his jr Woodchuck Guidebook "Another page in History, someone who lived,Loved then eventually died"He said

"But Huey she was your mother, I'd assume you'd be more upset about this"She said

"George Washington died a long time ago, I read about Him a lot but when He died I didn't get emotional about it, and I knew more about him then my own mother, Isn't that interesting?"He asked

Minima was at a loss for words Huey was smart and not just book smart She looked at Him with a tear in her eye and hugged Him tight He hugged Her back to comfort Her they both let go and looked at each other.

Huey looked at minimas ravin hair and bright blue eyes and smiled, He had no idea anyone could be so beautiful, Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight like diamonds.

She then looked away as if none of this mattered "Um we should get some sleep night Huey!"She said

"Night minima"Huey said awkwardly then went to the other side of the plane.

Minima was right next to Louie and she waited about ten minutes before she tapped him on the head to wake Him up "Louie are you awake?"She asked

"No"Louie answered "Go away"

"Louie Please open the note!"She asked inpatiently

"Minima im never opening that note"He said

"Can I open it?"She asked

"Nope you should have done that before you gave it to me"He said

She smiled, She didn't know why she smiled she probably was blushing too luckily for Her Louie can't see because he has his sleeping bag over his head "Ok then night slug!"She said then went back to sleep.

"Night minima"

That next morning in a temple on a high cloud

"ALL HAIL SELENE!"The subjects and servents cheered

"All hail princess Diana!"The servant yelled

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