Chapter 4

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"Scrooge Scrooge wake up!"Donald shouted

Scrooge woke up in shock to see Donald screaming at Him. "Nephew what in bagpipes do you want? It's my day off remember?"

"I don't care the kids ran away!"He said

Scrooge got up and looked at the note that Donald was holding and it said:

'Dear, Mr Mcduck and two other adults

Huey, Dewey, Louie, Minima and Me Are going to funzos and totally not trying to find Della or anything, We wouldn't do that, Anyway don't try to look for us because we didn't do anything wrong or something like that.

Love, Webby'.

"Bless me Bagpipes"Scrooge looked at the letter for a second and sighed, "Where do we even start looking?"

"No problem"Donald said shaking and obviously very nervous, He grabs out his phone and sets the GPS on Louie's phone "All we have to do is follow them".

"I'll get launchpad!"Scrooge said then he ran out the door.

"What's all this commotion?"Mrs beakley asked. Donald handed her the note and she followed them. "I have told webby countless times to never leave on a adventure without an adult!"

Scrooge ran as fast a he could to launchpads quarters, He knocked on the door "Launchpad?"Scrooge asked.

Launchpad opened the door "Oh hey Mr Mcdee!"He said.

"Launchpad I needn't you to take us somewhere!"

"No can do Mr Mcdee"Launchpad said "It's your day off and you told me not to disturb you remember?"

"Forget that, The kids ran away look!"Scrooge handed launchpad webby's note.

"Mr Mcdee I can see why this would make you confused but it says they didn't run away see?"

Scrooge knocked him on the head with his cane "Just get the stupid plane"He said they had to use a different plane because Dewey took the one they normally used.

The kids flew for another couple hours when they finally reached macaw where Uncle Gladstone lived "Dewey try landing in the water next to the docs"Huey suggested. but even though Dewey tried he crashed into it damaging the wooden planks. "Well good try"Huey said as They hopped out of the plane.

"Yo Louie wake up"Minima shouted.

Louie groaned "Where are we?"


Louie got up and looked around "Dang it I thought I was dreaming!"he said.

"Welp sorry but you're  not"She said and dragged him out of the plane.

"Ok so what kind of information do we need?"Webby asked.

"Just enough to take the next step"Minima said "We really need to know where seline's temple is"she explained.

"Great, Webby and Mimima stay here and guard the plane we will go find Gladstone"Huey said.

"Why because we're girls?"Minima asked

"No because He's our uncle and He doesn't know you"Huey said.

"Oh fair enough"Minima said then walked inside the plane with webby.

"So webkins You dating blue shirt?"She asked

"What?"Webby asked surprisingly "No,No,No,No we're way too young and he doesn't even like me that way, we're just friends and totally not a thing"She laughed awkwardly.

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