Untitled Part 9

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Louie and minima climbed the mountain to try to find the others. Minima came up with a plan herself to use rope to get up, unfortunately the rope was in the plane so they had to walk back down the mountain to grab it. then they had to climb the mountain again by the time they got to the top they were exhausted.

"Ok, next to find the hidden underground tunnels of selene"Minima said completely exhausted and panting "This way!" They sneaked past selenes guards and made there way to the tunnel.

"Well that's it"Webby said "Nobody knows we're here,Not Scrooge, Not Donald"She sighed "Not even granny, We've failed guys face it we should've stayed home".

Dewey thought about it for a moment, No matter what the cost, Dewey was going to set this right, there's no point in giving up at this point they got too far to quit. "No"Dewey said.

"What do mean no?"Huey asked

"Did Alexander Hamilton become a hero by giving up?"Dewey asked

"Alexander Hamilton died!"Huey said

"Well did Christopher Columbus discover America by giving up?"Dewey asked

"He found it on accident!"Huey said

"Ok...what about Juan Pounce de Lion?"Dewey asked "If he gave up he wouldn't have found the fountain of youth!"

"Dewey...you're an imbecile, but your hearts in the right place so I'm with you"Huey said

"Great, Webby?"Dewey asked

Webby thought about it then looked at Dewey and smiled "Always"She said

Della was in her room both confused and depressed. The name Donald sounded oddly familiar and the same time not, it was almost as if there was someone inside of her trying to escape. She thought harder and harder "Why can't I remember?"She asked herself. Then she heard a knock on her door.

"Come in!"Della shouted and it was Diana Her friend.

"Della?"Diana asked "Is everything ok?"She asked

"I don't know"She answered "That boy from earlier seemed really upset"She said

"Oh he's fine now"Diana said "He was probably just confused or just plain crazy"

"Yeah, How do I know Donald?"She asked "Who was he?"

"Oh...Um he was... you're secretary"She said

"That's funny because That kid was the one who mentioned him"She said

"oh I thought you said Ronald"She faked laughed

"Diana!"Della yelled "Tell me the truth!"

Diana paused for about a minute before finally "He's your son"She said

Della was mad, sad and felt completely betrayed "Why didn't you tell me?"She asked

"Because if you knew, you would've left forever and then I'd be alone again"She said "I don't want to lose my best friend"

"Friends don't keep secrets Diana, especially secrets that can get someone hurt!"She said

"Della im sorry I was just-"

"No!"Della yelled "You've betrayed our friendship!"

"I can restore your memory!"She said

"You took it?"She asked

"No, but I know how to find it come on!"She said as she grabbed Dellas hand and took her to the library.

Webby noticed that the floor was just dirt and the bars were very week so she's used a shovel that she had in her bag of course, And dug a tunnel underneath. Next she took out the guards using her karate skills and stole the keys to let Huey and Dewey out.

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