Untitled Part 7

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The plane crashed on the mountain which damaged the windows, The glass shattered and there was scratches and dents all over but it was hard to tell if it was permanently broken.

They've been through so many plans crashes to the point that it was normal but this was really bad because Nobody was wearing a seatbelt and There was glass literally everywhere. Huey was on the floor of the plane He had scratch marks all over his arms and a couple on His face from the broken glass nothing too serious but he was still concerned about everyone else. He got up and saw minima He helped her up. "Are you ok?"He asked

"Yeah I'm fine"She said "Louie?"She asked

"I'm still alive"Louie said he hit his shoulder pretty bad but it didn't seem serious it was just sore "Webby?"Louie tried to locate His friend who was just looking around

"Webby are you ok?"Huey asked She didn't seem to have a single scratch on her.

"Where's Dewey?"She asked As they all looked around webby ran out of the plane. the others followed. apparently Dewey fell out of the plane during the crash. He must've hit his head on a rock or something because his left hand was directly on a sore spot on his head.

Webby ran toward him "Dewey are you ok?"Webby asked, She accidentally touched his sore arm and made Dewey winced But he didn't move his sore arm he took the left one from his head and grabbed his right one. "Owe"He said.

"Yeah don't worry webby I'm fine"Dewey said Trying to stand up but webby and Huey both grabbed him and set him down. The sore spot on his head was starting to bleed.

"Dewey your not fine your bleeding!"Webby said

Dewey touched his head with his left hand then looked at the blood and sighed.

"Dewey we have to call Uncle Scrooge or Uncle Donald we can't go any further"Huey said with concern

"No!"Dewey shouted and stood up "We've come eat to far to quit now!"Dewey said

"Look at yourself!"Huey shouted back "You're in no condition to continue, Why can't you just accept that Della is-"

"Don't!"Dewey cut him off "Ok I get that you're scared but can't you trust me just this once?"He asked

"I'm sorry Dewey but you go too far"Huey said

"Ok, Ok everyone knock it off!"Louie shouted "I understand that everyone is going through stuff right now but that's no excuse to treat each other this way!"He said "As much as I hate being the one to do the right thing, everyone apologize to each other, get over it, so we can decide what to do next or walk home!"He shouted

"He's right you know"Huey said "I'm sorry about what I said Dewey"

webby went inside the plane and grabbed the first aid kit and put a large bandage on Dewey's head to stop the bleeding "Thanks webby"Dewey said "and I'm sorry I crashed the plane"

"For what it's worth, I am actually sorry webby"Minima said "I shouldn't have said what I did"Her voice sounded really guilty "I'm not very good with friendships"

"I'm the one who's sorry"She said back "I shouldn't have brought up a sore subject"

"So what's the plan?"Minima asked

"I don't know"Huey said "Ok Dewey I trust you, what do we do next?"

Dewey smiled at Huey and looked around "We find a way up there"Dewey pointed at the temple of Selene. They made it at last!

"Ok don you have them tracked on your phone right?"Gladstone asked to clarify

"Yeah"Donald said he pulled out his phone and showed gladstone.

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