Untitled Part 8

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Webby discovered that the mountain is right below Selens temple, if they can climb to the top She can use her grabbling hook to reach the temple. The plan was full proof. With Dewey not being able to move his right hand very well Huey and Webby helped Him, He kept insisting that He was fine but Webby wasn't sure anymore.

They reached the top of the mountain and the plan went perfectly Webby used Her grabbling hook and pulled herself to the temple and then helped Huey and Dewey up with a rope. "Should we wait for Louie and minima?"Webby asked.

Before Huey could answer Dewey was already exploring the outside of the temple so Webby and Huey followed him.

The temple was huge, just To think that this has been on the moon the whole time.

They found a back entrance and entered selenes temple, it was huge and made of marble and covered in jewels "Ok Webby where do we go first?"Dewey asked

"OH MY GOSH!"Webby shouted "The real temple of Selene, this is completely insane I can't believe I'm actually here!"She said with excitement "It's everything I imagined it would be!"She said

"Interesting"Huey said "Where do you suppose we find the hidden artifacts?"

Webby found a map of the whole temple just laying on the floor"This way!"Webby said then grabbed Dewey's left hand and they actually made it to selenes secret library with hidden legends, records and a huge portrait of Selene.

"Wow"Huey said

"How did you know where this was?"Dewey asked

"Oh this map I found"Webby said

"I won't question it"Huey said

Webby found Diana's secret journal and opened it "Diana the princess of the moon,how exciting!"She thought to herself. She opened it and something weird fell out of it, Webby picked it up and saw a picture of Diana a strange man and a baby?

She took a closer look and panicked, Dewey noticed this "Webby are you ok?"He asked from the other side of the room.

"Yup totally"She said then took the candle and set the photo on fire.

"Webby!"Huey yelled then grabbed his water bottle and poured it on the picture to stop the fire.

"What happened?"Dewey asked "Are you ok?"He put his arm around Her, He could tell something was wrong because Webby was breathing deeply and didn't answer His question.

"Intruders!"A guard yelled right behind them, The guards grabbed the three of them no problem,Dewey wondered why Webby didn't just take them out right then and there but He had to focus more on what's important.

"Take them to the queen!"Another one shouted

"Mission impossible: find the others before Selene does code 78.9"

"What?"Minima asked

"oh yeah no brothers"Louie said "just follow me"He said

"How do you know where they are?"She asked "This place is huge!"

"Because triplets have super powers in order to find one another"Louie explained

"Really?"She asked

"No, but wouldn't that be cool?"He asked

"Just atop talking and find them!"She said

"Ok ok geez can't you take a joke?"He asked

Selenes guards took Huey,Dewey and Webby to Selene. Inside the room there was three women selene,Diana and Della.

"Your majesty"The guard said as he bowed "We found thease three sneaking around and looking through your forbidden library"

"Great Louie's completely useless most of the time and the one time we need Louie here he doesn't show up"Dewey whispered to Huey

"Who's Louie?"The guard asked "Who else is with you?"He asked putting a sword up to his neck.

"What?"Dewey asked "Absolutely no one "He said

"Silence!"Selene said this got their attention "What where you kids doing in 'MY' personal library?"She asked

They all refused to answer.

"Take them back home!"Selene said

"wait!"Diana noticed something odd, She looked at the three of them suspiciously "Are you triplets?"She asked

Huey and Dewey looked at each other "Yeah technically speaking"Huey said

Dewey didn't notice Della at first but at the corner of his eye He had finally found Her "Mom?"He asked

She knew Dewey was talking to Her yet she had no idea who he was or what he was talking about "I beg your pardon?"

"I knew you were alive!"He said "I'm your son Dewey!"He said

Della looked at Diana and Diana shook her head, Della knew Diana knew about what her life was like so Della calmly came closer to Dewey an so she said "I'm sorry but you have me mixed up with someone else, For I have no children".

"Guards take them to the cells until we figure out what to do with them!"Diana said

As they were pulling them away Dewey wasn't going to give up "Wait mom you had triplets Huey,Dewey and Louie, you left us in the hands of your twin brother Uncle Donald!"He yelled "Mom Please you have to remember me!"

As they left Della was both disappointed and felt bad for Dewey "Why would he think that I am his mother?"She thought to herself.

The jail cells were underneath Selenes temple so it was dark and cold, Not only that but the guards put all three in different cells, Dewey started to regret ever leaving home, His own mother forgot him.

Huey was on Dewey's left side and Webby on the right, At least they still saw each other and they could still talk.

"Dewey?"Huey asked "Are you ok"

"I'm sorry I talked you into this Huey, you were right all along, I go too far"Dewey said

Huey was about to say something but He couldn't, Instead He left Dewey alone and softly hummed the song Uncle Donald would sing to them whenever they were sad, Dewey remembers the time when He was six and He broke his arm and When it was their birthday His arm was still broken so he couldn't play outside with his friends and His brothers because Donald was overprotective,Donald spent the day with him and showed Him what can be good about having a broken arm he even sang the song to make Him stop crying about the pain.

Dewey felt completely guilty and realized that if He failed anyone today, it was Donald their Uncle who took care of them, Raised them and loved them. Whenever Dewey broke a expensive vase at the store or accidentally got His uncle fired or did something so completely stupid and on purpose he'd always say "I'm sorry Uncle Donald". Then he'd ask Do you still love me?"

And Donald would answer how he always did "Dewey no matter what you do I'll always Love you, I'll get very mad and sometimes even yell at you but no matter what happens I'll always Love you!"And he made it perfectly clear. But sometimes Dewey knew he didn't deserve the Love and affection He got from Him, especially when he messed everything up, He was always the cause of their schemes and talked His brothers into doing what He knew was wrong.

He realized that they didn't need Della to be a family, They just needed each other and most important He needed His Uncle right now. But If there was a time Uncle Donald stopped loving him, It would be now.

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