Untitled Part 11

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Gladstone walked Minima out of the hospital "Now let's get you a cab"He said

"Excuse me but a cab driver wouldn't be out at nine at night near a hospital"She said

"Just wait"He said, At a wink of an eye a cab driver pulls over "Mr gander?"The cab driver asked "What an honer, Do you need a ride?"He asked.

"Well I did but I seemed to forgot my wallet at home"Gladstone said

"That figures"Minima said as she rolled her eyes.

"No charge mr gander, Its a honor for me to drive you"He said

"Well if you insist"Gladstone said as he and minima got into the cab.

"How?"She asked

Gladstone chuckled "I have my ways"

They drove only fifteen minutes and pulled up to Her house, She looked at the house and groans "oh no hank is there"She wined

"Who?"Gladstone asked

"My aunts boyfriend"She explained "Sorry and thanks for the ride"She said

"Hold on!"Gladstone stopped her "If you're hungry we could get a bite to eat?"He suggested

"No thanks mr gander I couldn't let you do that"She said

"Its no trouble"He said "we'll probably get the meal for free"He said

She looked back at her house and agreed.

It was late, everyone was tired, Donald convinced launchpad to take the boys and webby home. They said they'd only go if Donald insured them Dewey was going to be ok and that they could visit Him tomorrow and Donald agreed.

It was Eleven at night Donald refused to leave Dewey's sight for one minute. Scrooge knocked on the door gently just to let Donald know he was there "Are ye alright lad?"He asked

"Yeah I think everything's ok"He said.

"Yer sister is awake"Scrooge said

"I'm aware"Donald said reassuring Him

"She really wants to see you"He said

"Why not make Her come in here with her 'son'?"He asked


"If she can't take time in Her day to visit Her own son then I don't have time to see her"Donald interrupted

"She'd going through some stuff lad, sometimes we have to be the better man you know?"Scrooge said

"There it is taking Her side again, why don't you go be with Her if you love her so much?"He asked

"Donald I know you're going through stuff so I'm going to let that one slide"Scrooge said.

"Scrooge He went through so much to get Her back and She can't walk into another room?"He asked

"I understand lad"He said then slowly shut the door.

"Uncle Scrooge wait"Donald said, Scrooge paused

"Watch Him"Donald said "I'll talk to Her"He sighed

"thanks lad"Scrooge said. While Donald left Scrooge walked over to Dewey who was still sleeping and put His hand on His head "yer goin ta be alright lad, trust me"He said.

"Della?.."Donald slowly steps in He hasn't seen Della in almost 12 years, He wasn't sure what to say.

Della looked at Donald and hugged Him "Donald it's so nice to see you again,I'm so sorry about...everything"She said. It felt so niceness to have Della in his arms again It was like she never changed.

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