1. Roomie

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A/N: This book was the absolute first piece of fanfiction I had written when I made this account back in July of last year. (2014) I have definitely developed more in my writing since then and I am proud of how much I've changed in the short time. I'm still a growing writer, and this what I'm attending college for in the fall. (I'm so excited!) So I keep this story up for a few reasons;

1. So that anyone who wants to read it can.
2. So that I can look back and see my own progression.
3. It has a pretty good plot, hopefully one day I'll rewrite it to the best of my abilities.

Enjoy this messy story as much as I did writing it.

-Jaz 😘

Camila's POV

Well here it is.

Miami University. The place where hopefully for me, everything would change. I mean of course there would be change with how it usually was. I'm finally free, in my own space and able to care for myself in a way. That's something new. I just hope that the people here are absolutely nothing like back at my high school. It's like if there was some virus of full stupidity running wild there. When I look back on it, nothing ever really went my way back there. If I wasn't being tortured by the lame jocks who just wanted to bang, I was being scolded by the preppy girls who thought they could scare me into their group. And oh once everybody found out I had developed a keen liking to the female society...let's just say that that helped my case about -68%. So here. Here is where I hope to finally be able to express, explore and evolve.

"Mija, don't forget to check in at admissions so they know you're here okay?" I nod, as my mom continues. "Make sure you set your alarms so you're on time to all your classes." I smile falsely as she continues. "...oh! And please please please make sure you apply your rash cream on your--"

"OKAY mami, I think I got, I promise. You can trust me. I'll be fine." I reassure her as I grab her shoulders and try to force her out of the room.

"Okay mija, I'll bring Sofi up tomorrow sometime so she can see you after school. Go get settled in. I love you!" She kisses my cheek and walks out of my dorm.

I turn to the now empty room and open my arms out wide and breathe in the new aroma from these unfamiliar surroundings. "Sweet, sweet freedom." I inhale as I drop down onto my bed.

"Well don't you look comfy." A voice startles me interrupting my lovely thoughts. I look up to see a girl with long dark brown hair and brown eyes, she's wearing a Miami U sweatshirt, black sweatpants with rhinestones all around the waistband. She must have came from the other room that was attached to mine because I saw that door was now slightly open.

"Sorry I didn't mean to interrupt your little peaceful state, I just heard voices and thought I should come introduce myself, I'm Normani, one of your suite mates." She smiles. I rise off of my bed and go over and give her a friendly handshake before responding.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Camila. And don't worry, you didn't interrupt, I might have gotten worried had nobody shown up soon." I lightly chuckled. "So uh, make yourself at home! Well you got here first but I guess, make yourself at home! ... On this side of the suite." I joke.

We sat and talked for a bit, about 15 minutes before there was a shuffle at the door followed by the sound of a key dropping and the words "Holy shit!" I turn to Normani and stifle a laugh.

"I think my roommate has arrived." I say bouncing up from the bed and quickly opening the door. I see a tall girl in yoga pants and a polka dot vest with a hat that says "Swag" on it crouching down to the floor trying to grab the key she had dropped. She finally grabs it then looks up to notice me staring down at her.

"Ah, whew. You would not believe the struggle I just went through with that key, Hi I'm Dinah Jane." She stood up giving me a smile.

"Oh no, I heard the struggle. Haha, I'm Camila and that's Normani I said gesturing to Normani who had just joined me near the door. She came in and plopped down on her bed and sighed. We all began talking again as we waited for Normani's roommate.

The girl finally appeared within the next hour, her name is Ally and we all seemed to click. Her and Normani are both from Texas so they share that in common. Me and Dinah are the youngest, both Freshman, while Normani is a Sophmore and Ally is a Senior but she just moved to Miami along with Normani because they heard it was quite fun and enjoyable here.

The rest of the first day was nice & pretty chill. We all went out and saw some other people living in out building and chatted with our RA.

The next morning I turned over in my bed as my alarm clock rang signaling I should get my lazy buns up.

"Camila, I thought it was Sunday. Why do you have on your alarm? We have one more day of freedom." Dinah whined putting her pillow over her head.

"I know, I know, but I surprisingly forgot to get my schedule yesterday from admissions so I have to go." I shrug finally sitting up. She rubs her eyes and grabs her phone looking at the time.

"...At 8 a.m. ?"

"From what I heard, Sunday is the day everyone who forgot anything runs to admissions. They spent all weekend partying or not paying attention because of their new surroundings and shrugged it off. The earlier I get there, the earlier I come back and relax before class tomorrow. So toodaloo." I say going into the bathroom.

When I finally get down to the courtyard I see students all over. They look like busy worker bees. No scratch that. They look like chickens with their heads cut off. And as I look the admissions building, I see the longest line ever. "Great." I mumbled to myself. As I run over before the line could protrude any farther I run into someone and fall onto the cement below me.

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