11. Might Be Better

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Camila's POV

It's been a few days since my first kiss with Lauren and really I couldn't be anymore happy.

We've been on a few more lunch dates and strolls on campus. Although I haven't kissed her since that night and I think she's starting to feel as if I only kissed her to calm her nerves. It's just that I've never been in this sort of thing before. I mean we're not even dating but this is all so new and I don't know what to expect next to be completely honest.

Its Friday and I'm gonna go home for the weekend and spend some time with my family and Sofi just like I promised. I called Lauren and told her to come over before I left. She should be here in a minute.

"Chancho! I thought you were gone already girl." Dinah said walking into the room. "I'm about to leave actually, I'm just waiting for Lauren to come over so I can say goodbye to her." I explain.

"Goodbye? You're coming back tomorrow night? You guys that inseparable?" She jokes.

"Oh you hush Cheech. I just wanna see her before I leave, that's all." I admit. "So..." She says picking up her backpack and taking out some homework. "You guys...made it official yet or...?"

"Official? No. I mean I think we're comfortable with the just hanging out stage right now." I say shutting my bag and putting it beside my bed.

"We? Or you?" She asks. I raise and eyebrow. "What do you mean? Of course we. We've only known each other for about a week, I'm sure she isn't ready for any type of commitment just yet." I sit on my bed and cross my legs.

"I get that Mila, but how would you yourself describe the relationship between you and Lauren?" She asks.

That's kind of a difficult question. If I really had to answer it's have to be more than a few words. How is our relationship? What is our relationship? I mean we aren't together...are we? We haven't really talked much about defining it, we just hang out sometimes...and flirt. It seems like harmless fun if you ask me.

"Um...friends hanging out?" I shrug. She looks at me with a cocked eyebrow and a knowing look.

"Friends hanging out? Mila, you're scared of moving too fast. I know. And of course I think its too soon to begin an actually relationship with you two, but it seems like you aren't ready to actually define things. You two aren't just friend now, and you know it." She points at me.

I lower my head into my hands and shake my head. If everything she was saying wasn't right I wouldn't be so ashamed right now.

"You're right. I know we're much more than that. Its clear that I like her and she likes me. I just...I'm not used to this stuff. Especially not with someone as beautifully charming, smart, funny and down to earth as Lauren is. It just scares me. What if I mess something up?" I look up to her.

"Lauren sees something in your goofy self Camila. She sees something that she likes a lot. So give her a chance to show you that. Don't be afraid to let loose a little." She pats my back and smiles.

"Thanks Dinah." I give her a warm hug. A knock comes from our door. As I get up to open it. "So you're leaving after you talk to Lauren?" She asks. I nod. "Alright, see you tomorrow night Chancho! Tell your mom and Sofi I said hi! I'm gonna go scope that Italian restaurant we went to the other day in a little while with the girls, I saw a cute guy that works there." She winks as she follows me to the door and out of it once it opens after she greets Lauren.

"Hi there. Come in." I gesture for her to enter the room with my hand. "Hello there beautiful. So you're about to leave?" She asks already knowing the answer.

I nod slightly as we both take a seat on my bed.

"Yeah I'll be gone for just a day though, I kinda have a lot work to do for school this weekend so I'm gonna go see Sofi and hang out with her all day tomorrow, then come back and get down to business." I snap my fingers and point at her.

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