43. Past Due

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Camila's POV

I slammed Lauren up against the door of her dorm room and instantly start attacking her neck. I hear her moan loudly as my teeth graze her soft skin and I smirk to myself.

"U-uh someone's eager here huh?" She chuckles a bit.

"This is way past due babe." I growl as I suck down on her pulse. Her breath is already erratic and I'm proud of the affect I have on her, and that she isn't even trying to hold back as she lets some more moans slip out.

I pull away and smirk at her before licking my lips and hungrily kissing hers passionately, while she tries interrupting me once again.

"Babe I-uh told the doctor I'd...ask about-you telling your parents about...what happened-" I continue to kiss her, ignoring her statement. "Camz...?"

"Could you shut the hell up and let me fuck you Lauren?!" I yell frustrated. I hear her gulp as she stares into my eyes with surprise as simply nods and I smirk and caress her flushed cheeks. "You talk to damn much, ya know?" I once again continuing my previous activity.

I grab her hand and pull her over to her bed, pushing her down roughly, while I straddle her giving her sloppy, wet kisses along her jawline. She moans quietly before grabbing my waist lightly.

"You're a virgin...how are you doing this?" She exhales. I chuckle a bit while I run my tongue along her neck and bite down on her sweet spot, eliciting a rather throaty moan from my girlfriend.

"I'm a virgin...not dumb. This isn't brain surgery."

I thrust my hips against hers abruptly, and grind into, as we both moan together.

"Plus..." I take a deep breath. "Watching porn helps." I smirk, lifting her shirt to trail my hands on her sides. I see her eyes widen and dilate as she grips my hips tighter and flips us over, putting me under her.

"That is so hot." She mumbles into my neck, before letting her teeth graze my ear. I felt my breath hitch in my throat as she places kissed on my neck and jawline. "You didn't think you could have all the fun now did you?" Her low, raspy voice echoes into my ear.

She wastes no time before ripping my shirt off with the same amount of force from the last time we were in her dorm alone. And I only felt it necessary to unbutton her jeans and slide them off at an agonizingly slow pace. I trace my fingers down her thighs and feel goosebumps arise at my touch. She was currently attacking my lips with a perfect amount of suction, making me moan in pleasure.

I finally get off her tight jeans and throw them mindlessly to the ground before letting my hands travel up to her shirt. I slide my hands underneath the cotton fabric and feel her toned stomach. I decide to have some fun and unclip her bra before taking off her shirt. I pull it out and looks at the garment in my right hand.

"I have always wanted to do that." I chuckle. She lifts her head up from what I can sense, now hickey infested neck and look down at me with her now, dark green eyes and smirks.

"Do what? Take off my bra?"

"No. Take off someone's bra with one hand." I giggle. She shakes her head and smiles.

"Stop being cute, I'm trying to 'bang your brains out' here." She jokes, breathing quite heavily.

"Sorry I ju-" She places a finger over my lips.

"You talk too damn much, ya know?" She winks as she lowers herself once again and kisses me slowly. Her hands find their way down to my skirt and yanks them down with one swift motion. Her tongue darts into my mouth, with no warning at all, not like I'm complaining. Needless to say I was a moaning mess by now, especially since she had her hands teasing my covered center.

I hear her chuckle, thinking she definitely had a hold over me now. I rip off her shirt as her perfect bare breast are finally in my view, and she gasps at the new uncovered region of her body. I reach up and grab both of them giving them a light squeeze as she moans almost inaudibly from lack of breath. A smirk found its way to my face as butterflies bursted in my stomach at the sound of her moaning. I slowly trail my finger down to her panty line and tease the area right below her hips. She growls in my ear as she starts to lightly massage my center.

We both still had on our underwear and it was obvious that it was not a contest to see who would break first, but to be honest, I was close already. Our sweaty bodies still touching as she unclips my bra and throws it to the side. She goes down and begins to suck on my left breast. Her tongue circling around my hardened nipple made me a quivering puddle beneath her. My hands had now found their way to her hair, tugging lightly as she continues.

"L-Lauren." I squeak.

"Mhm." She says switching to my other breast, giving the same treatment to it as the other. "Begging?" She continues. I bite my lip and shake my head vigorously. "You sure?" She mumbles. I nod weakly.

Hell no I'm not sure, fucking fuck me.

She thrusts her hips into mine and I let out a moan. "Now?" She asks. I shake my head again as I gulp. She will not win. She slips a finger into my panties and lightly traces my most private and heated area, causing me to wiggle under her touch.

This asshole.

"How about now?" She teases while licking around my navel, her hands still teasing my center.

Why? Why me? Ugh, I can't take this shit.

"Please..." I moan. "I'm begging you, please." I give in.

"As you wish babe."

She rips off my underwear and hers as well and I finally get to take in her perfect naked body on top of mine. I'm astounded, turned on and in awe gaping at her beauty.

"You're beautiful." We both say at the same time, causing a chuckle from the both us us.

"Uh...by the way, any sudden movements and I might just cum on spot." I warn her with blushed cheeks. She looks down and widens her eyes as her cheeks turn red as well.

"You...are so...soaked." She says shocked. "This is going to be so easy." I can almost hear her smirk as she places her hands on either side of my head. She grinds her center into mine, catching me off guard as I let out an almost animalistic screech at the contact of our naked bodies together. She repeats this action another time, this time she also moans. Our breathing erratic and heavy as we're both sweaty and weak.

"I-can't hold it." I moan as I feel this overwhelming sensation take over my body. My moans were the loudest they've been throughout this whole time and I was convulsing under Lauren like crazy. I caught sight of her now almost dark brown like eyes and she too was matching my volume in moans. She buried her face in the crook of my neck as she collapsed on top of me.

I felt her bare chest rising and falling at a quick speed, as did mine. The tingling sensation all over my body making me limp and not wanting to move. I feel the older girl on top of me move her head up to look me in my eyes.

"I love you so much." She breathes out still clearly out of breath. I smile as my eyes close slowly and I stroke her hair.

"I love you too." I whisper as I lay my head back on the cool pillow.
A/N: I need Ally and her holy water. Was that good? That's my first time writing a sex scene 😂 if it sucked just let me know. -Jaz 😘

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