37. I Need You

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Lauren's POV

It was Monday night. Tonight would be the night I started at Lampton's being a regular act there. The nerves I had were only building as time passed and the event got closer. I practiced this song over and over with Keaton and he said he thinks I've got it down pact. I'm glad someone thinks that. I'm juts horrified of what I'll do once I finally hit the stage. I've got to push these nerves out of my system though. Tonight is like a night to prove something to myself. With a bigger audience I was facing a lot more critics.

For all I know, I could get booed off of stage and have a tomato plummet through the air and into my forehead. I feel like I'm going to be sick as my phone buzzes in my pocket. I take it out to see Camila's picture on the screen. A smile finds its way onto my face as I accept the call.

"Hey you." I say playfully. "Still coming to Lampton's tonight right?" I ask hopefully. "That's what I was calling about actually, babe I can't make it tonight. I have bunches of homework piled up into a clusterfuck." I hear her voice say sadly. My grin is replaced with a frown as I sigh. "Whaaaaaat?" I whine. "Can't you just finish it later? I'll even help you. It can't be too much." I plead. "I'm so sorry baby, I really can't but I know you'll do great! You still have my upmost support tonight. Text me when you're done okay?" She says cheerfully. "Uh yeah. Of course, I'll just text you." I try to put on a believable tone of voice. "Alright, see ya babe!" She hangs up.

Great. Now not only am I nervous, but the one face I wanted to see amongst every other one tonight, I won't. She may not know it but she's one of a few reasons why I even feel inspired enough to go up on stage and pour out my feelings to everyone. She's my inspiration. I just wish I could have her with me tonight, now it'll be even harder to get through this performance.

Keaton will be there of course, and I'm glad I have his full support. It just won't be the same or that much enjoyable if Camila won't be there.

Camila's POV

"I hope this song thingy works out Chancho, I can't believe you just flaked on Lauren." She says highly surprised. I sigh as I think back to the phone call I just made. "I know Dinah I just can't waste any time. This song has got to be perfect. I have to spend every moment trying to get this done or it'll all flop." I whine.

She puts a hand on my shoulder and gives me a reassuring smile. "We've been working on this for merely 24 hours and from what I'm seeing, this song is going to blow her away." She exaggerates by opening her fingers in an explosion type manner. I laugh quietly as I pick up the songbook with the lyrics on it. I put the pencil's eraser in between my teeth and think, while looking down at the notebook.

"Alright I got the next line...There's no place quite like here, there's no better time than now." I sing while playing on the keys. "That sound good?" I ask Dinah. I look to her to see her facial expression, and she looks rather impressed from my view. "Digging this way more than I should. Put this on a CD and give it to me for Christmas pero like damn." She smiles. "Alright, come on, help me out with the next one..."

Keaton's POV (ha, this is new)

"Ready Laur?" I ask her. I can tell by the look on her face that she's anything but ready and that her nerves are really bad at the moment.

She bites her lip and stares out at the rather large amount of people eating around Lampton's. I see her subtly shake her head and look back to me.

"Why am I even here? I'm gonna choke, I can feel it." She says in a shaky voice. Her hands are shaking uncontrollably and her complexion is even more pale than before as she looks at me with desperation in her emerald eyes.

"Hey hey hey. Look you're going to do absolutely amazing. When you get up there just let the music take you away." I put my hands on her shoulders and look into her eyes with concerned look. She clenches her eyes shut and bows her head as she tries to slow her breathing down a bit.

"...but all those people." She starts before I cut her off. "Forget 'em. Just forget all about those people. Pretend like you're back at Lenny's alright? I'll be in the back, just keep your eyes on me. Keep your eyes focused on me, and cut everyone else out okay?" I say now with my hands clutched in hers. She gulps and shakily nods. "I'll t-try my b-best but I-" Give me your phone." I put a hand out. She slightly opens her eyes and looks confused. "Just give me your phone." I say again. She obliges and takes her phone from her back pocket, handing it to me with her still shaking hand.

I unlock her phone and go into her contacts. I scroll down until I see a familiar name. I press the call icon and patiently wait.

"Lauren? I thought you were performing?"

"Hey! Its uh, its Keaton." I say nervously. I look up to a still very confused Lauren with a look on her face wondering who I could possibly be talking to.

"Keaton? Why do you have Lauren's phone? What happened?"

"Everything's fine. Promise. Just she's freaking out and I've tried calming her down but I think she just needs to hear your voice so-"

"Give her the phone." She cuts me off. I hesitantly give Lauren the phone as she takes it and puts it to her ear.

Lauren's POV

"Hello?" I say in a very shaky voice.

"Babe? Why are you all nervous?" I hear Camila say through the phone. I instantly sigh in relief at the sound of her voice. I find comfort in hearing it.

"I'm-I need you." I say with a quivering bottom lip. "I'm losing all my confidence, I-I just need you."

"Just go out there, and kill that crowd. I know you can do it. I believe in you. No one else has as much heart, mind and soul as you do when it comes to this. You deserve it, and now you have it. I promise you, everything will be alright." She says.

"How do you know that?" I ask biting my lip.

"Because...I'm here." I instantly turn around and look out to the crowd as I see her with Dinah, looking up to the empty stage that I should be up on right now. She continues to talk. "I'm here and I can't wait to see you, and hear that amazing voice so get up there, and blow us away." She says with a little giggle. I can't help but smile at her words.

"I'm on it." I say before I hang up and look back to Keaton. "I'm ready." I say with a smirk before I head to the stage.

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