8. Hi Again

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Camila's POV

"Wait. What?" Dinah says scrunching her face up in confusing.

"And who's Lauren?" Normani asks for the almost hundredth time.

I sigh as I know that I probably didn't thoroughly explain this situation enough or as much as I should have for them to actually grasp what I'm getting at so I cut to the chase, since I've been struggling to make them understand for almost 15 minutes now.

"Austin took me out. He showed me around. We went to the fountain, and that's when I had seen Lauren so I went to go find her, because earlier today she had asked me and ran off because I was too nervous to reply." I breath out.

"And you say you ran into this Lauren girl when you went to admissions for your schedule?" Dinah clarifies. I nod in agreement.

"And she has your music class..." Normani extends the clarification. I nod once again.

"So okay. Got it. She ran off and you followed..." Dinah waves her hand begging for me to continue.

"I went to her dorm room, spent a great amount of time babbling and then boom. Asked her out." I smirked thinking of how confident I was when I did the great task.

"Oh my gosh Mila! And you haven't mentioned her to us once?" Normani smiles while playfully hitting my shoulder.

"I'm sorry I really didn't even think she was into me to be honest. Plus, she's so...so...just GORGEOUS. I mean you guys have to see her." I sigh.

"So where are you taking her Friday?" Normani asks.

"Wow uh, that's actually a good question. I don't know really. I don't know a thing about this place what's even around here to do?" I scratch my head.

I'm interrupted when we hear Ally's voice outside talking to someone before entering in her and Normani's side of the suite. She's giggling at high volume and she sounds like she's lacking a lot of oxygen in her lungs. We all give each other a quick glance before slowly creeping around into the other room. We see Ally still laughing, cheeks flushed talking on her cell phone and completely oblivious our presence in the room.

"No no no, I can't not believe you've never tried it. That's it Friday you're trying Apple pie with a scoop of vanilla ice cream if it kills me." She laughs.

She throws her bag down onto the bed, shuffling to take off her sandals as she then flops down onto the bed next to her bag and finally looks up to meet our very interested gazes.

Her eyes widen at the sight of us now in the room staring at her and she begins to stutter immensely.

"Um I-uh hey Troy, I gotta go, but um I'll text you later?...Alright buh bye." She throws her phone near her and quickly looks up to us like a deer in headlights.

"Oooooh Troy!" Dinah says dramatically while imitating Ally's giggle who's joined by Normani.

"Oh you guys shush!" She throws a pillow to us.

"Wow, only a few days here and now both you and Camila have dates on Friday. Dinah I'm starting to think we've lost our game." Normani shakes her head while chuckling.

"I have to admit, you guys are impressive." Dinah nods.

Ally then looks towards me shocked and with a large grin. She runs to me and grabs both of my hands and starts to wave them in the air.

"You've already scored another date with Austin already? Do I hear wedding bells?" She jokes.

"Oh no." Dinah laughs. "See she's going out on Friday, but not with Austin." She lightly snickers.

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