34. No Place Like Us

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Lauren's POV

I was at Camila's door for the second time today. I made sure this time to knock, before rushing in at the expense of seeing something I didn't want to yet again.

I heard loud and rushed footsteps as the younger girl practically ripped the door open and off its hinges. "Oh my gosh, Lauren!" She sighs as she engulfs me into a hug, melting into my body. I was taken aback by her sudden gesture as I stumbled backwards for a second before gaining balance again and reciprocating her hug. She had her arms wrapped around so tight, I thought my eyeballs would pop out any minute now but I love the affection she's showing so suddenly right now so I just enjoy the moment.

She finally eases her grip on me just a bit so that she can stare into my eyes with her hypnotizing chocolate orbs. I see a sad smile on her face as she buries her head into my neck and squeezes me tight again.

"Please...please tell me you're not mad at me still." She mumbles into the crook of my neck. I sigh hearing her trembling voice as I can sense now that the little scene I caused this morning had not only hurt me, but upset her as well. And I mentally scolded myself for making her feel even the slightest bit of hurt. I rub my firm hands softly up and down her back to try to comfort her. I sigh deeply as I begin to walk us into her dorm and I close the door behind us.

I look up to see Dinah, sitting on her bed and eating some of the pineapple she had bought earlier. Her face stuffed, she looks up to me. I still had Camila firm in my hold and she was facing away from the door. I take one of my hands from Camila's back, gently wave and throw a smile her wave before pointing my thumb towards the other side of the suite, subtly telling her to give us a moment. She nods, and gives me the 'ok' sign before grabbing the almost empty box of pizza and heading over to the other girls' room silently.

I let go of Camila and grab her shoulders to pull her away and look at me. Once I see those eyes, I realize now that their puffy and red. Her cheeks were red and stained with tears as she sniffled.

"Hey woah woah woah. Why are you crying?" I ask with concern. She sniffles again before answering. "I really messed up with you didn't I?" She says letting another tear roll down her cheek. I instantly wipe the tear away mid journey down her face as I lean in and kiss all of the others away, just like she had did for me the night of my breakdown. "You didn't mess up anything. If anybody messed up, it was me. I let my emotions get the better of me. And I didn't stand up. I fleed instead. I hate fleeing away but sadly, that's what I do best. And I'm sorry for running away when I didn't know how to deal with things. I promise you right now that I will never leave you when things get too rough okay? I am by your side. You are mine Camila Cabello." I didn't let her respond before crashing our lips together.

She gasps from my sudden action but then sighs into the kiss. Her arms move upward to my neck as she wraps them around it perfectly as I grab a hold of her waist. Our lips moved together in perfect sync as I feel her bite my bottom lip, making me moan instantly. I hear a giggle come from her as she reluctantly pulls away from me. She gives me a reassuring wink, as she sees my embarrassed smile and flushed cheeks. Her playful state turns into a serious demeanor as she sighs and grabs both of my hands.

"I told Austin off." She says with a small smile. I open my eyes a bit widely in shock at her sentence. "Told him off?" I ask for clarification. She nods lightly. "After you left I felt horrible. Like I had no control in my own relationship. I felt like a pansy for not being able to fess up and tell Austin that we weren't going to happen because I was with someone. So I got amped and rushed out. I found him at the Deli Bus and we might've gotten into a little argument." She shrugs nonchalantly. "Argument?" I ask confused. "Yeah I was trying to let him down easily at first but he got antsy and pissed...so I gave him his pissed attitude back. Caused a whole scene, you would've been proud." She puts on a comical grin. I shake my head and chuckle a bit.

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