A World of Light and Darkness

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(Y/n)'s POV

As we were walking through the portal we were surrounded by a bright light. It felt longer then when I first went through one. I wonder why? I turn my head to Sora who has a big smile on his face. He looks at me and I blush and look away. "W-Why am I feeling like this?" My heartbeat is going faster. I look at our hands being held together. I blush again and my heartbeat is going faster and faster. "W-Why is my heart beating so fast? It feels like it's going to burst out of my chest!" It was starting to get a bit hard to keep calm, knowing that the person that saved me is right beside me. Holding my hand.

All of a sudden the light went incredibly bright and I close in order to keep them from burning. The light then faded and I slowly opened my eyes. And what I saw was not what I expected. I knew that dark presence just wasn't paranoia! The Heartless are here too! Fear entered my body and I began to shake. Sora looked at me and gave me a confident look. "Don't worry (Y/n)! I'll take care of them!" He takes
out his keyblade and heads into battle.

I saw Riku fighting the Heartless and I also saw Lea and Kairi doing the same. I stood back. But there are so many Heartless... can they really defeat them all? I felt my heart ache, I wanted to help, but what can I do? I don't have a keyblade, I'll just be a liability. They all kept fighting the Heartless and their numbers went down until there was none left. My jaw dropped. How can 4 keyblade weilders be able to defeat what seemed to be 50 Heartless?! "That... was AMAZING!" I yelled as they put away their keyblades. I run up to everyone with my eyes filled with amazement. "You guys were amazing! That was so cool! I wanna fight like that!" Sora smiled and rubbed the back of his head and Riku was also smiling. Lea and Kairi looked confused. "Um... who's this Sora?" My jaw dropped again. "Kairi you don't remember? It's me (Y/n)!" I said. Now Lea and Kairi's jaws dropped. "THERES NO WAY!" Lea yelled. "How is that possible? I thought we couldn't open a Gate to your world!"

I tilted my head in confusion. "What do you mean you couldn't? Sora managed to do it with ease." Kairi shook her head. "But your world was in darkness!" I'm so confused. "Wait what are you talking about?" I asked. "Allow me to answer on behalf of Kairi." A man with a huge beard appeared and he was wearing a blue robe and magician hat. "Master Yen Sid!" They all yelled.

"Wait so this is the Keyblade Master?" I asked and they all nodded. "Please everyone come with me and I will explain everything." Yen Sid said and he began to walk to some kind of castle. "Why does that look so familiar to me?"

We followed Yen Sid to the castle and eventually we reached the top of the castle and entered a room which I assumed to be his study. "Now listen carefully." Everyone began to pay attention. "Now forgive me, but I did not fully explain fully about (Y/n)'s world." My eyes widened. "Excuse me sir, but how do you know my name?" I asked. "I know the names of all the people in the worlds. Now I will continue. You see (Y/n)'s world is not actually covered in darkness nor is it covered in light. It is actually a balance of both." The room went silent.

"You see when the X Blade shattered it created 21 keys instead of 20. As you know there were 7 of light and 13 of darkness, but one contained both. This world allowed the people who resided in it to choose their fate. They can choose their destiny and what they do. People could be part of the light or of the dark, but all of it was in balance. Until now."

"What do mean by that master Yen Sid?" Riku asked. "Recently there was a strange surge in (Y/n)'s world, which caused a massive disturbance in balance. This disturbance is what cause the Heartless to appear in that world. And that started 4 days ago." My eyes widened. "4 days ago? But my parents disappeared 4 days ago!" I cover my mouth and the room went silent with everyone watching me.

"Then it's possible that this disturbance may have caused you parents disappearance. However we have more pressing matters. Your world is now being engulfed in darkness and because of that we can't send you home. Which means we have to find a way to bring balance back to your world. I'll send this news to the others, and you 5 I want you to find any clues that might help us get any lead to get (Y/n) home." They all nod and we leave Yen Sid's study.

Everyone one was quiet as we left the castle. It was really unsettling so I try to lighten the mood. "Hey look guys everything is going to be okay. I'm thankful you want to help me, but if it's too much you don't need to do it." I said , but everyone was still silent. "Why didn't you tell me your parents disappeared?" Sora said out of the blue. "I-I didn't want to burden you with my personal problems Sora." Sora then got upset. "That doesn't matter! You're my friend and I want to help you!" Riku then stepped in and went next to Sora and put a hand on his shoulder. "Sora calm down. Some people just don't want to talk about it." But that didn't stop Sora. "Please I want to help you (Y/n)!"

Sora really cares for me. Ba-dump! "Gah! Why am I feeling this?" My heart began to beat faster. "W-Well if you really want to Sora, then I won't stop you." Sora then smiled. "Thank you! I promise to get you and your parents home!" I smiled and my heartbeat went faster.


All of a sudden a huge Heartless appears out of nowhere and was about to attack Riku and Sora. "SORA, RIKU LOOK OUT!" I yelled and I pushed them out of the way. I was bracing myself for impact. Then a sudden surge filled my body, I felt power rising inside me. All of a sudden ice began to surround the huge Heartless. I know what to do. I stretched my arms out in front of me. I spin my arms into a circle motion and ice shards appear. I slash my hand through the circle and the shards went toward the Heartless. It froze. I felt my hands were filled with power and I threw my hands and out came fireballs heading toward the Heartless. They hit and the Heartless was destroyed.

I was in awe on what I just did. I casted magic. I can fight! "Sora, Riku are you okay?!" There are both still on the floor in awe on what I just did. They both nod, but I think Sora's face is a bit red. Did he get burned? "Sora are you okay? Your face is red." He puts his hands up and shakes them. "Y-Yeah I'm okay! I'm fine!" I smiled and offered my hand. He gladly took it and I held him up. I then went to Riku and did that same.

Lea and Kairi were still in shock and I'm pretty sure they had enough shock for one day. "This day was incredibly crazy." Kairi said. "I've had enough crazy for today. Let's start finding clues tomorrow alright?" Lea proposed. We all nod and we head to a nearby town and stay in a inn. "Man this really is amazing. Meeting Sora for real is amazing! All my friends are real! I'm so happy! But starting tomorrow I begin on a adventure of a lifetime!"

Hey guys I hope you like the chapter. Comment, Share, and Vote! See ya later!

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