A Bond Grows and A Heart Breaks

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The next morning

(Y/n)'s POV

I yawn lightly as I slowly wake up. I open my eyes slowly only to see a sleeping Sora right beside me, and held in my arms. Or technically is his because he's holding me in his arms. Either way he was sleeping next to me, sleeping peacefully. I move my hand toward his cheek and I stroke in gently with my thumb. He smiles and moans lightly in a pleasing manner. I giggle lightly seeing my new boyfriend this peaceful and happy, his smile just makes my day much better.

Then my mind wanders and I start to think about last night after we came back from the festival. We were coming back to the inn after the swarm of Heartless was defeated and after me and Sora had a good time at the festival. I remember us walking home holding hands, and once we got back they others were so shocked to see us back, and once we told them we were dating they freaked out.


"YOU GUYS ARE DATING?!" Riku says incredibly shocked. "Y-Yeah we are." I say confidently, while looking at Sora who was giving me a smile. "Honestly Riku why are you so surprised?" Lea asked Riku, to which Riku gave a confused look. "I mean it's kinda obvious that Sora and (Y/n) like each other." Lea finished his statement. Kairi then giggles and joins the conversation. "Hehe... I think your becoming more like Sora, because your acting oblivious like him." She said. "Hey!" Sora yells and I giggle lightly. Riku then blushes from embarrassment and looks away from everyone. "Aww... you look cute when your embarrassed Riku." I said teasingly.

The blush on his face deepened, and we all ended up laughing seeing Riku like this. Afterward Riku didn't want to stay up, so he went to bed and slowly we each did the same. As Kairi and Lea went back to their room, me and Sora went into the covers of the bed we shared. As I lay on the bed I see Sora smiling at me. "What are you smiling about?" I ask him playfully. "I'm smiling because I'm looking at you." Sora says. "Pfft... you dork." "But I'm you dork." "Yes... yes you are."

"Can you guys go to sleep? We are going to be busy tomorrow." Riku says sounding a bit annoyed. "Fiiiinnne..." we both say at the same time and giggle lightly. "Goodnight Sora. I love you." I say with a soft smile on my face. "I love you too (Y/n)." Sora responded also with a soft smile. And after he said that he then gave me a peck on the lips and we both closed out eyes and went to sleep.

Flashback ends

I reset my mind and focus back to the handsome boy in front of me. Still sleeping. I should wake him up or Riku will have our heads. So I reach my hand and reach to Sora's shoulder and gently shook him. "Sora wake up..." I say softly, and he began to stir but he didn't wake up. I decide to shake him a bit harder. "Sora come on get up." I say a little louder, but he still didn't wake up. "Damn... he's a heavy sleeper. What can I do to wake him up?" Then I remembered a trick my parents used to to when I slept in. They would sneak through my room and tickle me and then I would be wide awake laughing. "Man those were the best times..."

I sit up slowly so I can avoid waking up Sora, and slowly I move both my hands toward Sora's sides. "Sorry about this Sora..." and then I attack his sides  and Sora starts squirming and begins to laugh. "Pffft... hehehe.... HAHAHAHAHA! (Y/N) WHAT ARE YOU DOIHIHIHIING?!" Sora asked while laughing. "What do you think I'm doing? I'm waking you up!" I say while giggling at my cute boyfriend. "PLEHEHESE STHAHAHAP TICKLING ME!" Sora said while he was still laughing in hysterics. I then remove my hands from Sora's sides, leaving a tired panting Sora who was awake at least.

"What...*huff* was that...*huff* for?" He asked still trying to catch his breath. "You were sleeping for a while and I wanted to wake you up or Riku would yell at us because we overslept." Sora looks at me and nods, and his breathing is back to normal. "Well let's go get dressed Sora. Besides I need to work on my magic as well."

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