Nightmares and Shadows

882 20 13

(Long chapter warning!)

???'s POV

"Dark Chirithy, is everything set?" I ask him. "Yes master, the shadows are ready to be launched at your command." Dark Chirithy responds. I then felt a slight sting of pain. "Argh..." it was noticeable but it only lasted for a second. "Is something wrong master?" Dark Chirithy asks. I took a moment before responding. "Saïx has been defeated, which means Sora and the others are almost here." I said. "Then we need to be ready!" Dark Chirithy exclaimed, but I merely shook my head.

"No... let them come." I look to my right hand and see that the dream eater sigil. The sigil That was once pink and pure, was now dark and frightening. The sigil then began to glow and from what appeared were Nightmares, specifically Nightmare Meow Wow's, Komory Bat's, and a few Tyranto Rex's. A smirk goes onto my face. "My beloved Nightmares, I have a mission for you." The Nightmares listen attentively. "Go out and stall Sora and his companions. Go drain their energy before the final battle." They nod and leave the room. HE then goes through me. "Still I wonder how this will have an effect on Sora? Maybe he'll fall to darkness or will he continue to struggle in order to save something that is unable to be saved? Only time can tell and sadly time is short for both him and I."

Sora's POV

There were only 6 of us left: me, Riku, Kairi, Naminé, (D/n), and (M/n). With this many people left it's going to be a bit more difficult if we have to split up anymore, but even if that's the case we have to keep going. The hallways we kept walking through still has dark at the far end, even now I still can't make out what's on the other side of the hallway. And now that we're past Saïx, I'm worried to who we'll face next. Is it another Organization member? Is it a massive Heartless or Nobody, is it a person controlled by Xehanort? These questions filled my mind, unable to find the answer to any of them.

I then felt a hand on my shoulder, which snapped me out of my trance. I look to my side I only to see Riku who was giving me a reassuring smile. "Don't worry Sora. No matter who we face, we'll be a step closer to saving (Y/n)." A small smile creeps on my face. "Heh. You're right." That put me slightly at ease, but in a place like this you can't get too comfortable. Suddenly new enemies appear with black on their bodies along with some other noticeable features that contained different color. These enemies are very familiar. "Nightmares!" Riku and I yell, but these Nightmares were Meow Wow's Komory Bat's and Tyranto Rex's. Riku, Kairi and I readied our keyblades and went into battle.

The Nightmares attacked. The Meow Wow's bounce around, creating shockwaves that can push us back. The Komory Bat's created sound waves that could make anyone deaf and defenseless, and the Tyranto Rex's just charge at us, destroying everything in its path. Everyone dodged their attacks and me, Riku, and Kairi attacked back with our keyblades. The Meow Wows and Komory Bats were easy to defeat, and so we turned our attention to the Tyranto Rex. It was very durable but after we hit it around ten times it disappeared.

"Why are Nightmares here? No one in the Organization uses Nightmares." But then it hit me, only one person I knew could summon Dream Eaters. "Oh no..." The only person that can summon Dream Eaters is... (Y/n). "Does that mean... I have to fight him?" I immediately shook my head from the very thought, but it just kept coming back to me. "If I fight (Y/n)... what will happen to him? I don't want to hurt him." I couldn't stop that thought from coming back to me.

"Sora." I turn around and I see both Kairi and Riku behind me. "Don't freak out Sora. It won't do anyone any good." Riku said, but I couldn't calm down. "Sora, I know this may be hard to believe... but we may need to fight (Y/n)." Kairi said, but I shook my head. "No I refuse to believe that!" Then both Riku and Kairi put their hands on my shoulders. "Sora listen. If we have to fight (Y/n), it may be the only way to save him. You have to be prepared to fight, even if you don't want to." Riku said. "Don't think of it as hurting (Y/n), think of it as saving him from the darkness, even though that may not change that fact that you're fighting him, you'll have a better mindset on the reason why you're fighting him." Kairi said. I took a moment to process their words, and I nod in response. "You're right. Think of it as saving (Y/n)." They both smile at me, giving the boost of confidence I needed to continue onward. I nod at them and turn back around, continuing to walk down the hallway.

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