Corrosion Episode 9

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Karen shuddered nervously in the waiting room. She had been 'set free' yet here she was again, getting ready to fight another fighter. She felt well rested and prepared for this fight. She already knew perfectly well how well her life had been ever since J-Hope took her in. She had the ability and chance to learn simple things in a safe environment. She was lucky. Most of the people here would rot to death or die on the battlefield. Or when they were sold, they would be treated with cruelty. Karen hated the sharp kick that she felt in her stomach as she was reminded of the hard life they had to live through. They were dirty, hungry, and in pain. She wanted to cry and hold them in her arms, to tell them everything was going to be okay, she just hoped that was true. She took off her jacket and gave it to a ten-year-old boy, who looked as if he had lost all hope. She lovingly held onto his one and only hand in both of hers, giving him a warming smile of encouragement. Most people were matched with their own level of fighting skills. So when beginners fought with each other, they had to continue to live with the fact they had or almost killed another person who didn't know how to fight either. Their conscious rested a bit easier when they knew their opponent could defend themselves and could take a hit, just a bit.

As Karen looked into the little boy's eyes, she saw him shaking with fear, his conscious slowly eating away at him, as his physical shape did not help in any way. She comforted him until it was his turn to fight. She watched as his opponent, a fifteen-year-old boy under the influence of his Master, fought with this little kid. She turned away from the screen, crying as she was unable to watch as the poor boy was pummeled. Her breathing became harder and her heart felt as if it was torn from her chest as she saw his limp body being brought out on a stretcher. She was shaking with anger again. All of these stupid fights, the physical, the mental, and the emotional pain of the helpless, all for the entertainment of fools! She happened to look at the screen. The camera was pointing at the audience. She noticed J-Hope was standing up. His eyes seemed dead, unreadable. However, his entire body was tense, his hands gripping the metal railing so tightly his knuckles turned white. He sat stiffly, his breathing growing heavier as the fights progressed. He wanted to take everyone responsible for such agony and pour his grievous anger out of them. However, he couldn't do much, not right now. Feeling helpless from his amount of options, he bolted out to the Match Requester and processed a fight against the boy, that same day.

Karen let out a shaky breath, as her turn was next. As she stepped into the 'Demolished Forest' field, she looked up at the audience to see J-Hope watching her calmly from the bleachers. Kendall Grey was another great fighter. Her form was big and bulky, for that of a woman, but it made her survive for years in the Underground Fights, so it seemed worth it.

Kendall rushed up to Karen with a roar. Karen flattened herself against the ground, so that Kendall tripped over her body, face planting into the ground. Karen got back up, grabbing a fistful of dust on her way up. Kendall had grabbed a log and swung it at Karen, who ducked, and popped back up, sending a punch to Kendall's elbow, which sent a blazing shot of pain down Kendall's arm. The woman dropped the log, breaking part of it off, so she held a sharp piece of wood in her left hand. Karen threw the dust into Kendall's eyes, but Kendall had already fainted a punch towards Karen's head and dug the makeshift knife into Karen's right thigh. "Ah!" Karen cried in pain, dropping to the ground. Kendall was standing with her eyes closed, shaking her head, trying to get rid of the dust in her eyes. Karen managed to straighten her leg as she sat on the ground, taking three short quick breaths before yanking the wood from her leg. She stood up, leaning against another tree, grimacing from the pain. From the corner of her eye, she noticed J-Hope getting ready to jump over the railing.

Karen threw the wood in her hands behind Kendall while limping upright. She took two quiet steps forward, one hand in the air, palm facing forward, while the other hand was clenched tight in front of her chest. She tried to keep her breathing quiet, as she thought of her options. She quickly decided what to do and rushed forward. Karen used a tree nearby to propel herself forwards.

Kendall, hearing her coming, sent a blind punch in Karen's direction. Karen, in attempt to dodge, dropped on her right knee, her injury sending massive jolts of pain through her body, making her inhale sharply and hiss, as she punched Kendall's ribs with her left hand. Kendall managed to clean her eyes enough to see Karen on one knee. She came running, sending a blasting punch from the side. Karen, unable to move, lifted her arm so that her elbow hit the side of Kendall's wrist. Kendall pulled her arm back painfully as Karen fell to the ground from the impact. Kendall kicked Karen's head, making her roll over.

Karen used her left leg and a nearby tree to pull herself up, leaning against her hands raised up, ready for impact. Kendall jumped forward sending another stomping kick at Karen's kneecap. Karen spread her legs and squatted, doing a horse stance, to dodge the kick. At the same time ignoring the pain in her leg, as she took advantage of the close proximity to punch Kendall's stomach, throat, and nose in three quick blows.

Kendall fell backward from hurt and shock. Karen stepped forward, right forearm on Kendall's throat as Karen pushed Kendall into a stump behind her making Kendall trip. Karen hobbled around the stump and pinned Kendall's arms and legs down as best she could. However, Kendall wasn't going to have any of it. She plucked Karen off like a flea and twisted herself around to stand up. Karen knew, if she didn't end it now, she wouldn't make it, and if she didn't make it, she wouldn't get to the Underground Championship. She jumped on Kendall's back, one arm wrapped around Kendall's throat, pulling tightly to block airflow. After a few seconds, Kendall blacked out and fell to the ground, defeated. Karen fell to the ground by her side, "I'm so sorry, Kendall," she whispered. The worst part was the roar of cheers after Kendall's fall made Karen turn her face towards the ground, unable to look at anyone without bursting into tears again.

Corrosion || BTS Jung Hoseok (J-Hope) ✓Where stories live. Discover now