Don't Leave Me

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           I walk into my house, smiling for once, with the fact that I got off of work early. But sadly, it wasn’t early enough. I walk into a police man, and a medic. Both standing around a pool of blood. And the main person I loved in my life, my mom.

            Tears start swelling out my eyes, my heart pumping, my stomach felt sick, like I was going to throw up, bad thoughts running through my mind. I crouch over, sick to my stomach, I saw my mom, with a gun in her hand, laying on my living room floor, cold and dead.

            Her stain of blood will remain in this house, the ugly smell of death of a beautiful person will always be in these walls. No matter how much they clean up the carpet, the pain of my mom once lying dead there will always remain.

            Why? Why would she do this? Do this to me, her husband, her son? Why? “WHY MOM WHY?! I THOUGHT YOU LOVED US!” I bursted out of my mouth. I didn’t mean to, it just happened, I finally said what was on my mind instead of holding it in.

            People look and turn their blood strut eyes at me, I start to breath heavily as my anxiety catches up. I grab my stomach, not wanting to look at anyone and I quickly rush up stairs to my room. I slam the door and jump on my bed burying my head into my pillow, quickly soaking it.

            I hear my door open, I quickly react with “GET OUT” not even bothering to look at who it was, even if it was a police man, no one understands me, no one!

            A sweet, familiar voice echoes in my ear. “Emily…” my brother comes up to my bed side and rest an arm on my back. “Look, I know how you feel, it happened 10 minutes ago, we just heard the shot, ran downstairs to find the best mom in the world down stairs, dead.” He pauses for a moment, as I start sobbing. “I know you wonder why, and umm... Well... She wrote a note, here read it” He says handing me the note and starts heading out.

            “W-wait, stay p-please” I say softly as I sit up. He comes to the edge of my bed again as I start to read.

            Dear my wonderful family,

            So yeas, as you are just now finding out, I’m ending my life right now. It’s for the better, I don’t want to put you guys through the trouble of dealing with me not remembering things, not even knowing your names. I love you all so so so so so much. Don’t think I’m doing this because of you, I’m not. I just don’t feel the need to be here, I’m not needed, and you can live perfectly fine on your own. Carter, I ask you to take good care of your sister. And Emily you do the same to him, make sure he does good in school. This is already hard enough, so don’t cry okay. I’m going to go now, I love you with all my heart. I’ll always be there, I promise.

                                                                        Love, Mom

            How could she even think about saying she will always be there, when she obviously won’t be because she is freaking dead. Honestly, I’m lost for words. It feels like I’m crying up the Pacific Ocean right now. My brother quickly tries to come to my comfort. He scoots closer to me and hugs me. This is the first time in forever that we have bonded, I like it like this

Broken Inside (Strauberryjam FF)Where stories live. Discover now