Starting All Over

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            For some reason I stay up all night watching Staub’s videos. I couldn’t stop and I don’t know why. I had a little nap and ended up waking up at 1:00 pm. I manage to pull myself out of bed and drag myself to the kitchen to pour myself a glass of milk.

            I look up to see Carter sitting there just looking at me with a weird look, “what’s that look for mister?” I laugh at him.

            “You never sleep in this late, what’s up with you?”

            “Oh….” I try to think of something, I can’t let him know I was basically stalking Straub, I mean Mitch, damn why am I calling him Straub? His name is Mitch Emily! “… I had problems sleeping.” He tried to say something but I cut him off trying to change the subject “Hey! Why don’t you and I go on a walk?”

            “A walk?” He questioned with discus.

            “Yeah, a walk… Just me and you… It hasn’t been like that for a while.” It took a lot of convincing but I got him to agree. I don’t know why I thought of going on a walk. Did I really think I’d meet Str-Mitch! Just walking in the streets?

            I dress myself in a hoodie that reads “Minecraft” and a grass block on it.I’ve never played before, because my family couldn’t afford for me to play. So I stuck with watching videos of other people play something I can’t, but I did what was best for the family. I then put on some skinny jeans and sneakers then walked out the door with Carter.

            I don’t have that fancy of clothes, I just learn to live with what I got, which isn’t much. Carter has a lot more than I do, but that’s because my dad loves him a lot, and I still like to think my mother favored him.

            We start to walk and I decided to go buy some ice cream. I brought some money with me so we could. I never really get to hang out with my brother once, so it was good to go hang out with him I guess.

(Mitch’s POV)
            I finished a sg with Graser, it took us around ten tries but I finally won, that goof, I swear you never get a recording with him.

            “Bud, you sounded a bit off this recording, what’s on your mind?” It’s true I have a lot on my mind. There is something about this girl Emily who just makes me feel, I don’t know.

            “Nothing, It’s all good dood!” I laugh back at him. Though it wasn’t, I was basically rejected by this wonderful girl. But Graser can’t know that.

            “Alright bud, I gotta go! Bye!” I didn’t even say goodbye, I just logged out of team speak and logged into twitter. I posted a screenie with me and Graser playing sg bye the deep freeze. We wanted an easy recording so we went to Mineplex, but of course with Graser it’s never an easy recording.

            I start rendering my video, which take almost two hours. Stupid Australian internet! In the meantime of that going on I log into twitter again and tweet.

            “There’s just something special about you, and I don’t know what.”

            Immediately I get replies saying “Straub! Who are you talking about?” “Do you like someone?” “Ooooh Mitchy has a chrushy.” “Nooo :(“ and stuff like that.

            I tweeted out “Don’t be sad, she makes me happy.” I sigh and throw my phone on the bed and call Alfonzo over to me and start to pet him.

(Emily’s POV)

            We have been walking for almost thirty minutes. Not one thought in my mind went away from St-Mitch. I’m urging to want to go home and go onto one of his videos. I look at Carter, “hey, you tired yet?”

            He looked at me and smiled, “of course not, but I know you want to see that boy, come on let’s go home”

            “I do not!” I say quickly in defense and he just give me a funky look, and I return the favor. But do I really want to see him? And if I did, was it really that obvious? Nooo, he is my brother, he has to be joking with me.

            When we reach home, I quickly run upstairs to my room, lock the door, pull the rusty laptop form under my bed and open it up. After ten minutes of it turning on I go to YouTube, and am glad to see that he has another video up.

            I laughed throughout the whole video, it was an SG with Graser10 and HBomb. Every stupid joke Graser would say, and the way Straub yelled at the end when he lost to a noob was the funniest thing ever. He’d get so pissed, and to me I thought it was funny, and kinda cute. Wait what am I talking about?

            I start to scroll through the comments and see so many fangirls say ‘Straub record with me!’ ‘OMG STRAUB I LOVE YOU’ etc. I can’t blame them, I still am one of those crazy fangirls, but I’m always too scared to post a comment.

            I look at the description and see his “follow me” things. I know about Instagram from these people form my old work who would always take pictures and upload them to there, it’s like this stupid picture thing. Google plus runs YouTube. And that’s just his other channel, which I already know. What’s Twitter though?

            I click on the link and it asks me to sign up. So I guess I had no choice? I do all that crap, and it bring me back to his Twitter. I scroll through, and soon understand. Oh, it’s just a place where you put things or funny things and crap about your life or something? I don’t know you just make a tweet? And tweet it, hoping for the best?

            Then it hits me!

            I can get Mitch’s attention by this! I’ll just follow him, he’ll recognize me and then we can hang out again! I love you Twitter! Wait, what? I mean, yeah thanks he can be my friend, I mean, I could have lived without him. I um, maybe… no I’m just gonna stop talking down. Good night.


A/N: Okay I'm such a bad person rn :( ugh okay let me explain. I'm soooo sorry I haven't updated in 6 days! That's a really long time, almost like a week. But I can explain only a little because I don't want to go into major detail and I don't want people feeling bad for me.

        Okay, so a lot has been going on in my life atm, things that I can barley understand, but they are happening and I know about it. I just haven't had the motivation to want to get up and write. And that's why it's so short, which I am really sorry about as well. I just wanted to get something out here for you wonderful, beautiful people who are taking your time to read my stories, and that means a lot.  I promise that soon, I kind of want to say tomorrow a really long one will come out!

        Now I want to say, no I'm not looking for attention, and I'm not looking for anyone's pity either. I'm just trying to tell you all my reason for not writing in a long time. But I also want to say, if any of you are going through anything, I am here fro you, and I most likely will be able to understand a lot. It's a weird trait of mine, it's hard to explain. Only problem, I don't want people to know who I am, so I don't know how I'd talk to you, I'd think of a way.

        The only reason I want to do that ^^ is because I don't want people to go through things, no one deserves that. Ugh I should stop talking I'm sorry :( I might end up deleting this anyways, I'm stupid okay bye!

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