You'll Never Understand

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(Emily’s POV)
            I’m mainly just looking at my feet, I don’t want to look up at him or up at the park either. Just my feet. Thought I felt his eyes on me, I just reacted like I normally would, not that I want to “Why the hell are you staring at me?” I say as I scowl at him.

            I can tell he is tensing up, not saying anything and I grab his arms and look at him “look, I’m sorry, just I tend to burst out at anything, it’s a bit of a problem of mine, it’s hard to live with, that’s why everyone leaves me.” I say with a sigh.

            I feel his muscles getting tighter and tensing up so I let go, as soon as I do he loosens up and I raise an eyebrow in confusion. “No, no, it’s no problem with me, I’m fine with it don’t worry” he says letting out a cheeky smile at me, I can’t help but smile back.

            “Well sorry in advance if I snap at you or something, I even do that to my mo- Brother! In fact, um yeah.” I caught myself quickly. Wait, is that why he left? Because I would get sassy with him?

(Mitch’s POV)

            Her hands on me, make me tense up, I can feel the electricity between us.

            Why did she cut herself off when saying mom? Is something wrong with her mom? Should I say something? No that’d get her all sad, this is supposed to be a happy time together.

            “It’s okay, I like you for you… I mean like as in a, umm friend” I say rubbing my neck nervously, I can’t speak correctly around this girl, she makes me so nervous. But yet, I’m never nervous around a girl, even if I liked them, she is special.

(Emily’s POV)

             I can’t help it but to blush when he says the words ‘like you’ no one has even said that to me, other than my family. What does that mean exactly? I don’t know.

            I look up, trying to kill the awkwardness and I try to be my fun self I use to be as a kid.

            I look up to see the swings and I flip out and scream as I run up to them and jump onto a swing. I may seem childish right now, but it has been 8 years sense I’ve been on a swing. Gosh I remember coming here with my mom and my brother all the time.

            I freeze up in side, feeling a tear rolling down my cheeks when I mention my mom in my head. When he comes up after me and see’s the tear, like a gentlemen he whips the tear away softly with his thumb. I smile a bit as he asks me “why in the world are you crying?”

            I look up with him and rub my eyes. “No reason, I just had a lot of memories here that’s all. Come on LETS SWING!” I say the last part with excitement going back to the little kid in me.

            He lets out a laugh and starts to swing on a swing. But I’m just sitting there now in embarrassment. I get up and walk away him quickly rushing off after me. “What’s wrong? You seemed so excited to go on the swings.”

            I turn around “no, no, it’s too embarrassing.”

            “I bet it’s not, go on you can trust me.” He says with a sweet smile.

            “Kay fine! But please don’t laugh” he nods as I finish “well you see, it’s been 8 years, sense I’ve been on a swing, when I was 11. And umm…”

        “You forgot how to swing” He says finishing my sentence for me seems how I couldn’t. I slowly nod and my cheeks turn red from embarrassment. “Don’t be scared of that, I’ll teach you again” he says grabbing my hand and leading my back to the swings as I sit.

        He start to push me lightly I laugh at the fact on how slow he is going “okay I’m no baby, you don’t have to treat me like one”

            “Oh, crap sorry.” He says and starts to push me higher “okay when you go up, pull your legs out. When you go back down tuck them in. Got it?”
            “Oh yeah, now I remember” I say with a laugh and start to swing. He is still pushing me and I tell him to get on the other swing. We soon both reach the same height “I challenge you to a jumping contest. We both jump, at the same time, whoever goes farther wins.”  I say with a smirk thinking I’ll do better than him.

            He quickly agrees and we both count down “3…..2……1….. GO!

            We both jump off the swings, him landing on his feet. I’m face down on the ground/

            He looks at me with concern, “are you okay?” He says and I just lay there, not moving a muscle. He quickly reacts and runs to me and picks me up in his arms. All I feel is his soft gentle skin against mine. I get tense and open my eyes with a smile.

            “Hey there mister.”

            “Oh! Thank you everything you are okay.” He says smiling while looking down at me showing me his white teeth.

            I laugh a bit “yeah I’ve been through much worse, this was no big deal, wait, oh umm no. I said nothing.” I quickly stand up and start rushing off.

            I’m interrupted by him grabbing my waste, and kissing the back of my head. I couldn’t lie, it felt right, me being in his arms, like the two pieces of the puzzle that fit perfectly into each other, making the picture complete.

            “Shhh, it’s okay. You don’t deserve to be treated badly, you are a wonderful person. Whatever you are going through, I promise no matter what, it will get better.” His arms are still fit, perfectly around me, his warm body warms my bare skin.

            The thing that I wanted, before when I wanted to be held told it was going to be okay, it’ll get better. This is the person actually telling me this. “Thank you, that meant a lot. Whish everything can get better, can’t bring her back though. My name is Emily by the way.” Nothing else is said, I just leave him with that and I walk off to my house, him letting me go.

Broken Inside (Strauberryjam FF)Where stories live. Discover now