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"Thank, God, he's gone." Harry said and I look back at him. "What?" he asks clearly not in his right mind. I totally said this for about a hundred times already. I look at the red cup in his hands as I reach for it but he put it higher.

"You need to stop drinking, Harry." I said and he stucked his tongue out at me. "Are you shitting me right now?" I whispered to myself as I saw him dancing crazily.

"Harry, come on. Stop this." I said stopping him from acting crazy.

"Nooooo. Haavee funnn a little, babe." he said and shouted really loud. I need to cover my ears but the way he called me babe sent up shivers to my spine.

"Harry, you're embarrassing. Stop it." I said while pulling him away from the crowd and I giggled as he shimmy his body a little with the most stupidest smile.

"Noooo, commmeee withhh meee." he slurred and pulled me in the crowd with him. I tried to pulled away from his grasps because I know he will be embarrassing himself for the whole school. I mean, if there is someone who is sober enough to video tape it then Harry will be doomed but I believe there wasn't aside from me and probably Chase.

"Come on, Harry. Let's go home. Don't do shit that you will regret." I told him while pulling him. He whined and pull me back to him.

"Just beeeeee freeee for awhillleee, Li." he said and looked at me with his now dilated irises. I don't know why it dilates but it either he took a whiff of something or it just dilates.

"We will be free if you agreed for me to take you home." I said and he shook his head and dance wildly in front of me. I almost chuckled but I am pretending that I am annoyed of him for him to obliged of what I am saying.

"Paaartttyyyyy!!!" he shouted and I looked around when everyone join him. I really want the floor to swallow me right now.

"Come on, Harry." I said and he just waves his arms like a maniac and a lunatic which makes me burst out laughing and I saw him smiles.

"You've got to stop this right now. Where the hell does Stacey goes?" I said as I just spot her earlier dancing wildly too with Niall.

"Commeee on, Liii." He said and put his hands on my waist. I look at him as he look back at me. What the hell are you doing Harry? He let go of my waist before speaking "Liveee a littlleee. Let's danceee." he said and swayed his hips from side to side and I sighed.

"Car keys?" I said with my hands asking for him to give it to me. He shook his head.

"You're such a party pooper, Li. I have a party pooper with me!" he said and I sighed.

"Don't make this too hard, Harry. Car keys." I said and he shook his head once again. "Harryyyyy" I whined and he whined back and giggle to himself. I glared at him and he hug me surprisingly which caught me really off guard.

"I thunk about what would I regret you know. I'd regret letting you go." he whispered and I'm clearly sure he is not in his right mind right now because he is really talking nonsense. I just hugged him back and pat his back.

"What the hell are you saying?" I said and he pulled away and shrugged and smiled. Really intoxicated. I don't know but a part of me wish he wasn't.

"Come on, car keys." I said and he just won't budge. So I forced him to turn around as I fished his car keys on his back pocket. He squirmed a little but I hold him in his place. "Don't move, Harry." I said and he whined.

"I don't want to go home yet, Li." he said once I got his keys out of his pockets. I shook my head and pulled him away from the crowd. It's quite hard because people are just grinding at each other in which there are no place for you to breathe or move.

"You're really a party pooper, Li. You know. You really need to stop hanging out with Chase. He's making you a party killer." he said while dropping his whole weight on me. Well, not exactly his whole weight but he is leaning on me for support. Someone passed us with two red cups and he steals it from the guy who doesn't even react that his drink was stolen and Harry drink the two cups down before I even get it from him.

"Harry!" I scolded and he smiled then drape his arms around me.

"Now, take me home." he slurred while chuckling. I sighed and drag him out of the backyard. Thank God I made it out. Then I remember, there are more people inside than the backyard.

"Can you walk?" I asks and he didn't say anything but he removes his arms and walked away from me in swerving motion. "No, you can't." I said and drape his arms around me as I guided him out.

"You know, I don't really know why Chase only notice you now. I mean, I notice you almost everyday. You look breathtaking everyday. Maybe he has a poor eyesight but I do not. You look pretty awesome when you are wearing my jersey. You look absolutely perfect when you are wearing a dress. You look hot as fuck when you are wearing jeans. Like damn. I mean, you are perfect everytime even though you aren't trying." He compliments me and I blushes.

"You look perfect when you are mad, crying, and pissed. Even more if you are blushing. Like he need a fucking glasses." he said and I blushes even more and just stayed quiet. I was more focus on getting us out of here.

"But.... He can't see it and he's losing his opportunity now because I won't let him have you. Nu-uh." he said and I blushes even more.

"If he think he will get you. No. A big N-O. I mean, if he really wants to he needs to find a time machine for that. But even if he finds it, I won't let him." he slurred and I sighed. My heart is beating faster than ever. I know Harry will probably not remember anything from what he said but I hope he does because I can already hear my heart being shattered.

"You are clearly drunk. Good thing, I'm getting you home right now." I replied and he hummed in replied. He stopped and he look at me.

Ever heard of a slow-mo moment? Where all of a sudden all things around you moves in a sloe pace. The sounds were now silent. All you see is the person in front of you and you are not caring about the chaos and all. Then you are suddenly bring back to reality all of a sudden. Because I literally had that.

And I can't see anything. The whole house was black right now. There's no source of light or anything so I assumed the power went off. I heard people panicking but not the kind panic where all people will run outside because they are drunk now. I heard curses all over the place. But there's only one curse are clear to me.

"Fuck it." Harry said and all of a sudden I feel his lips on mine. Man, it feels amazing as I ever imagine it would be.

A/n: They kissed! Yay! How was it? Don't forget to comment and vote.



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