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Morning came quickly and I'm on my way to school when mom called me. I smiled and walk towards her.

"Have breakfast with me, yeah?" she said and I smiled and sat in front of her. "Well, you know your dad was here yesterday and we talk about.... Some things." she trailed and I just gesture for her to continue. She sighed.

"We talk about your future, Harry." she said and I look at her. "Your father wants to support you wherever you want to study in college." she said.

"Why? We don't need his help, mom. I can have a job while studying to help you with bills and stuffs. We don't need him." I said and she sighed while placing her hands over mine.

"That's the thing, Harry. We can't just erase your father out if the picture. It is his duty to supply you with everything you need. Please, for me. Accept his offer." she begs and I sighed.

"Fine, but not because I want to accept his offer. He can suck all that money to himself and that lady." she smiled when she hears my answer. I glance at my watch and notice the time.

"Well, I gotta go now. Thanks for breakfast, Mom. Love you." I said and she smiled.

"Take care." she called out and I was off to school.

When I arrived everyone was busy doing their own business, as usual every morning. I came to get my books in my locker and closed it when I saw Lianne behind me.

"Li...." I said and she smiled. Not making eye contact or anything. I smiled back. "Hi!" I awkwardly greeted.

"I have read your letter yesterday." she trailed and I sighed.

"About that, sorr-" I was cut off by her hugging me. "Okay." I mumble and hug her back. Her shoulders start to go up and down and I know she is crying. "Hey, no need to cry." I said while caressing her back soothingly.

"I know, I'm sorry. I'm just happy and I miss you a lot." she said while wiping her cheeks. I smiled and cup her cheeks. My thumb wipes some stray tears and I push her lips upwards.

"Am I forgiven already?" I asks with a big smile in my face.

"Yes, you are. But I'm still mad at you for punching Chase." she said and I chuckle and pull her for a hug again. I sighed and just keep her close this time.

"I'll apologize to him later." I whispered and she hummed in response. "God, I miss you so much." I mumbles.

"Me too." she said, a little bit muffled because I am hugging her too tight. "Okay, we can stop hugging now." she said and I pulled away. I gave her my biggest smile and she return it.

"Let me escort you to your locker, madame." I said and lend my arm for her to take. I waited for her to finish when Stacey comes.

"The letter was cheesy, Styles. It really is." she said and I widen my eyes.

"You made her read it too?" I exclaimed and Lianne just blushes and I did too.

"No worries, only me and her were the one who reads it. Nothing more." she smiled and I hesitantly smiled.

"Blame you boyfriend for that. He's the one who came up with that idea." I said and she just hummed.

"I wish Niall will do that to me. But oh well, let's go." Stacey said and link arms with Lianne. Clearly stealing her from me. I shook my head and make my way to my first class.

3 days later.....

I'm so glad that me and Lianne put the past behind us. I try my best to earn her trust again even though she forgiven me already. Blue was back to our table. Since me and her were done and agree that we should be friends still. Chase also join our group. Leaving Yvonne and the other popular guys and gals in our school.

"Remember, when you hit Chase in the head with the ball one time." Niall said as we reminisce our old practice. I laughed and so as Chase.

"Yeah, I still don't get why you did it." Chase said and I sighed.

"Well, you're being a bastard. You want the ball to yourself and don't want to pass it to someone so I did give you the ball and the fact I am suspended for one game because of that." I said and he chuckles. The girls joining our laughter.

"That was harsh of you." Lianne commented and I smile. Oh, wanna know me and Lianne's relationship? It's still the same. We never talk about the confession of my feelings that was written on the letter and I'm glad we didn't because it'll be awkward as hell.

I still want to take her out but I guess right now isn't the right time yet. I'll just be her bestfriend for now until time comes.

Day comes to an end pretty quickly, we were dismissed early because of an urgent meeting. As usual, I drop Lianne back to her house and I make my way home. I was doing my homework when my phone rings.

"Hello?" I answered and I heard her pant.

"I need you to come here. Bring the group. This is creeping me out." she answered and I immediately stood up.

"What's the matter? Are you okay?" I asks while grabbing my jacket and car keys.

"Just come." she said and ended the call. Okay, that wasn't a good call. I dialed Niall's number and at the third ring he answers.

"Be at the front of your house in 5 minutes. I'm going to be there. Bring Stacey too. I know she's in there." I said and left no time for Niall to ask what was going on because I don't know what was going on too.

"I'll be at Lianne, mom. I'll be right back." I said and she yelled an okay. I dialled Blue's phone and Chase's too. They were part of the group now. So I need to.

When I arrived at Chase's house, Blue was with him because were just one block away from each other.

"What's the matter?" Chase asks and I just look at him and shrugged.

"I don't know. She just wants us to be there. We'll be picking up Niall then we're going straight to Lianne's house." I said and he nodded. As I said, we pick up the couple who bombarded me with questions and I didn't answer them. When I pulled to Lianne's driveway, her maid, Mary let us in. The other followed me to her room and I saw her state. A lot of papers were scattered in her room and she looks scared.

"I'm sorry for calling all of you." she trembles and I immediately came in to her hug her. She hugs me tight back. She is trembling as hell. I can feel her heart beating really fast against my chest. Not romantically.

"What happen here?" Niall was the first one to spoke among them. She pulled away and look at me before looking at them.

"I should've tell you this earlier but I think now is the right time." she said and I furrowed my brows.

"What are you talking about?" I asks and she gave me a letter.

"See it for yourself." she said handing me the paper.

•To be continue•

A/n: How was it? Cliffhanger, again? Sorry though but it is necessary. Hehehe. Don't forget to coment and vote.



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