Chapter 2

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Sunday morning passed in a blur. We all did the usual routine. Wake up, put our church clothes on, and go to church. I like church it gets me away from the real world. It forces me to think of happier things like the fact that even if I lose everyone that loves me in this life, I still have Jesus. But it's Monday morning and unfortunately the first day of school this week. I don't dread school like most people. I just dread waking up so early and having that much more time to worry about things that haven't happened yet.

    I sit up at 7:02 in the morning wondering what horrors lay in store for me today. Of course I won't tell anyone that even though they probably already know it. Sometimes being happy or even faking happy is hard and most of the time someone asks me "what's wrong". I always answer with a blatant "nothing" and they never press it, but they know I'm lying.

    When I finally get the motivation to stand up and put jeans and my favorite plain, black sweatshirt on, I walk out of my room and down the hall. I go into the bathroom and brush my teeth, put my hair up in a French braid. The normal routine. When I leave the bathroom and go downstairs to the kitchen, I ram right into someone. It takes me a minute to realize its Justin's girlfriend.

    "Hey, Lilian! You're up. I'm impressed," She looks at me with feigned shock. She's a little eccentric for me, but she's sweet and there is no way not to like her.

    "Hey. I haven't seen you in like 2 weeks. Where you been?"

    "Out of town, but when 2 weeks pass without seeing anyone other than your parents, you have to make up a fake date with your boyfriend. It's the only logical choice," I laugh out loud and from the table Chris and Justin turn to stare at me with are you going crazy looks on their faces. They have the ability to lift one of their eyebrows without the other one going up. I have never been able to do it and when I try they always laugh at my attempts so I gave up a long time ago. That doesn't mean they don't try to get me to be their entertainment though.

    "Leaving in 5 so be ready," Luke says as he walks past me and Aliyah.

    "I haven't eaten yet," I complain and he shoves bacon in my hand and points to the door. I sigh and walk towards the car. When we are outside in the blazing heat, Erik walks out and jumps in the passenger side door of Luke's dark blue truck followed by Luke climbing into the driver's seat. With a confused look on my face, I walk over to the car and toss my backpack in the backseat. I hop in and when the door is successfully shut, Luke starts the engine.

    "Why are you riding with us?" I say to Erik genuinely confused.

    "He's driving me over to pick up your car which you forgot at that boy's apartment Friday night." I flush red and he looks at me through the rearview mirror with a stern look on his face.

    "Why can't I get it? I can drive myself to school." Then I remember Luke's whole thing about driving while you're grounded even if it is to school and back. Now Luke is the one giving me the stern expression through the rearview mirror that means no nonsense.   

    "You know why. I still have yet to figure out what you were doing Friday night. I was trying to let it slide for a few days, but I am going to figure it out whether I pry it out of you or your boy...friend." He puts a serious gap in between boy and friend. I can't date anyone unless he is preapproved by all of my brothers. That is 6 different opinions and all of them have to be the same for me to go on one single date. That's why I sneak time with Jason. All of my brothers hate him with a passion and don't want me to get within a 60 yard radius of him. Obviously I don't care about their permission so I see him behind their backs often. This time I just happen to slip up and stay several hours past the time I would usually get up and leave for home. I was slightly drunk and lost track of time, but that is one snippet of information that will not pass my lips or I will be grounded for eternity instead of a few weeks.

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