Chapter 3

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I wake up screaming. Another nightmare. I have been waking up in cold sweats lately because of them, but this time is worse. My brothers heard. They are already light sleepers and there is no possible way they slept through that. I sit up in bed, planning my explanations when the inevitable happens and they open my door. I try to stand but fall back on my bed. I try to readjust and convince myself that I just wasn't steady on my feet, it being first thing in the morning. When I try to stand again, I fall onto my knees. That should have hurt. My knees hit the hardwood with such force that they might be bloody or broken, but I don't feel a thing. I only notice the strange package in my floor at that moment. I almost fall on my face looking at the object but catch myself with my hands before I face plant.

    I have to drag myself to the strange brown wrapping because I am starting to lose all feeling below my waist. When I reach the wall by my door, I look down at the plain white note laying on top of the package. I am now leaning against the wall, two inches from the door, holding the white paper in my small, shaking hands. In beautiful scrawl across the card it reads,

You will be mine my love. ~D

    D? I don't know what to think of this. It's creepy but I don't feel any surges of emotion. I don't know how to react. I don't think I should open the package but curiosity rules over sanity and reasoning so I bring the gift to my lap and carefully begin to open the package when Justin rushes through the door. He looks afraid and worried beyond all reason when he doesn't see me in bed. I wait for him to catch my gaze which doesn't take long and I hold it until he speaks. There is nothing for me to say.

    "What is that?" Not exactly what I was expecting first thing, but it'll due. I stare into his eyes with an emotionless expression and answer as truthfully as possible.

    "It's a package I found sitting here when I woke up and fell off the bed." It's blunt but true. I don't have the energy to lie to him. Yet, anyway.

    "Start from the moment you woke up and tell me everything. I'll try not to interrupt." With that he sits on the bed and watches me intently.

    "I woke up screaming and tried to stand but couldn't and fell on my knees to the floor. I noticed the package and crawled over here and read this note. You walked in before I could open the box." I can tell it took all of his will power not to cut me off after every word I said but he made good on his promise.

    "Back up. You couldn't stand?" He's confused. I understand. I am too.

    "Yep. I couldn't stand and the bottom half of me is numb." It's like I have no filter. Everything comes out in a rush. If he asks the question it's like I have to answer with the truth whether I want to or not. He practically jumps off the bed and leans down next to me.

    "Can you feel this?" He presses his palm up against my thigh. His knuckles turn white and I can tell he's squeezing my leg as hard as he can without seriously damaging it. I shake my head because I receive no pain. I know that's bad but I can't bring myself to care. Justin grabs the box from my arms and almost immediately when he does my arms go limp and I lose feeling in my hands. My wrists start to tingle and I slowly lose all feeling from head to toe. As the numbness reaches my neck, I begin to see black spots and Justin is fumbling for my phone. "I'm calling 9-1-1 and Luke. Don't move." As if I could.

    My vision goes before I lose all consciousness.

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