Chapter 1

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"Do we need wine?" Jason asked, sounding aroused with sarcasm painted on his face.

"No, I need some more wine. You need to put some pants on." I stated with unspeakable frustration.

"But life is so freeing without them." He raised his arms and sighed. Looking extremely high.

"Pants. On. NOW!" I screamed releasing the anger I had welled up inside of me and letting it surface in my voice.

"Buzzkill." Jase mumbled, grabbing his pants and attempting to put them back on.

"You know what, don't. Because one, you are putting those on backwards," Gesturing to his back pockets right below his knees. "Two, you couldn't stop making yourself look like a jerk even if you tried and three, I'm leaving. So be free. Jerk!" I threw my glass of wine at his clean tidy whities and dashed out of the room before the river of tears started to spill over.

"Lily, wait!" He ran out of the room, grabbed my arm, and yanked me back. I struggled to get away to no avail. He had both of my shoulders in his tight grasp.

"WHAT! WHAT DO YOU WANT?" I cried as angry tears rolled down my cheeks. My face turning bright red.

"I WANT YOU TO LOOK AT ME! Please," His voice grew soft as he said that one word. He shook me a few times until I finally conceded and looked up at his bright green eyes, tears still cascading down my face. He wiped the ones he could catch back and looked at me. "You know, you are even beautiful when you cry."

"Shut it," I looked away from his apologetic gaze and shrugged from his strong hands.

"No, I'm serious," We let a few minutes pass in silence. Just listening to each other's breathing. "You know I should apologize. I might be drunk and stupid, but it doesn't give me the right to act like I did."

"Like a dick." I whispered out of earshot, so he wouldn't hear me.


"Nothing. I should get going. You know before my brothers have my head."

"Right and if you don't mind. Don't mention the alcohol. Or me for that matter." He said handing me my car keys.

I nod my head, unable to find anything more to say, and head out. I can feel his eyes on me as I shut the thick wooden door. I look back and run my fingers along the numbers to his apartment. 417. As I am about to exit the apartment building, I feel my phone buzzing in my back pants pocket. I quickly take it out and glance at the caller ID. Of course it's my oldest brother, Luke. I contemplate letting it go to voice mail, but change my mind when I realize it is 10:34 at night and I am just now going to my car. I click the green answer button and wait for the ranting to begin.

"Where are you? We've been worried sick!" Luke raises his voice into the phone, sounding like a worried mother.

"Don't worry I'm on my way home as we speak." It wasn't entirely a lie. I was heading to my car and that was part of the process I had to do to get home.

"How about I just come and get you? It's too late for you to be driving now!" He said exasperated.

"Who says I'm not driving right now?" I asked wondering how he could have possibly known I hadn't yet gotten in the car.

"I can tell. I don't hear the engine and your car is very loud. Just stay where you are and Chris will be there as soon as possible."

"Wait, Chris? Why aren't you coming? Not that I'm complaining or anything." I asked, as I walked across the parking lot and opened my car door and got in, staring at the steering wheel.

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