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Our turn! Molly and my entry to the Couples Photo Contest

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Our turn! Molly and my entry to the Couples Photo Contest

Tagged: @Molls
📷: @LyWy


@Siriusly_Potter   What's so funny?

@Molls   I'm not sure. I just started laughing

@LyWy   That's what a tickling charm does @Molls

@Not_a_hen   You're evil @LyWy

@LyWy  Aren't I?

@Hzabini   I am officially scared of her

@Domi1  That makes two of us @Hzabini

@EmmaM   @Sxorp @MalfoyM   Please answer me!

@Sxorp  Bye Emma @EmmaM

@EmmaM   I'm your family @Sxorp

@MalfoyM   You are no family of ours. @EmmaM

@EmmaM   I feel bad for your friends. They have to put up with you both just because you hide your true selves. Nice too know you care. @Sxorp @MalfoyM

@Sxorp   Leave Emma @EmmaM

@EmmaM   And just when I thought I'd get help. Bye then @Sxorp

@L_Weasel   That was a little harsh @Sxorp @MalfoyM

@Sxorp   No. If anything it wasn't bad enough. @L_Weasel

@Winners   Who is Emma?

@MalfoyM   Someone who used to be a part of us. Someone we relied on so deeply, yet she threw our trust in her out. If she talks to you just ignore here @Winners

@The_Headmasters   That's Emma?

@Sxorp   yes @The_Headmasters

@The_Headmasters   She's not like you described her

@Molls   You know her Al? @The_Headmasters

@MalfoyM   He's only heard half the story @Molls   And he will never repeat it

@L_Weasel   I'm surprised Rose isn't here yet

@Molls   Luis, don't you dare! @L_Weasel

@L_Weasel   @Flames.  Oops?

@the_even_better_1   I hate you so much

@Flames   ......... #MOSANDER

@Sxorp   Will she ever give up? Unfortunately she will not

@Flames   Ah, you love it, Hob @Sxorp

@Sxorp   I can truly say I don't @Flames

@Flames   Whatever helps you sleep at night @Sxorp

@Sxorp   I give up!

@LyWy   ^^ I love watching them fight

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