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Would you rather go to Hogwarts or Beauxbatons?

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Would you rather go to Hogwarts or Beauxbatons?

Tagged: @_Emma_


@_Emma_   Well, I went to Beauxbatons but as a child I always dreamed of going to Hogwarts. I just didn't get the choice when the time came. I'd have to say Hogwarts and live my childhood dream.

@Sxorp   Uh, sorry bout that @_Emma_

@_Emma_   Forgive and Forget @Sxorp

@All.bus   Hogwarts was amazing!

@Professor_Badass   Hasn't been since I retired at the end of last year @All.bus

@Siriusly_Potter   True 'dat Minnie @Professor_Badass

@Professor_Badass   Call me 'Minnie' again and I'll make sure you can never secure a job in the future @Siriusly_Potter

@Flames   She lives up to her IG name

@Vic.Loop  ^^ totally agree

@Siriusly_Potter   Just because I'm curious of what she'd actually do; No can do Minnie @Professor_Badass

@Professor_Badass   Minister of Magic has been owled with your entire Hogwarts detention file

@DevilZ   Isn't that thing like six inches thick? @Professor_Badass

@Siriusly_Potter   Ouch @DevilZ

@HuWeasley   So much love ^^

@Professor_Badass   Its seven inches @DevilZ   I've measured.

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