The End

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I'm sorry!

I'm having a lot of trouble with this book. I have ideas for it, but I just can't seem to be able to write them. So, I've come to the decision that Harry Potter Next Generation Instagram is done. Again, I'm really sorry but I just can't keep going.

If you want to know what I had planned for it, read the following. If not, than skip to the end for a few announments you may want to know.

Find the ship you like to see what happened with them!

Tedorie:   Victorie has a miscarriage. She becomes devastated and cuts herself off from almost everyone until Teddy convinced her otherwise. A year after the miscarriage, she becomes pregnant again and later gives birth to Danielle Fluer Lupin. They also have a son, three years after Danielle, Theodore Remus Lupin.

Scorose:   Scorpius falls for Lily when she kisses him under a mistletoe while wearing ChapStick combined with a love potion. No one realizes until Liliy confesses a few months layer when she comes to terms that she loves Frank. She lifts the potion. Rose and Scorpius her married a few months before Danielle is born. They have three kids. Izaiyah Arthur Malfoy, who is a year younger than Danielle. Addy Astoria Malfoy, the same age as Theodore. And Dora McGonagall Malfoy (that took a lot if persuading on Rose's part. She even had to bring up the she was the one birthing the child), who is two years younger than Addy and Theodore.

Scorlily:  This happened shortly. Lily tricked Scorpius into liking her with a love potion. That was until she found herself deeply in love with Frank Longbottom.

Lia:  Even though they are bound for life and can't be with anyone else, Mia and Luis don't just settle down and start a family. They travel around the world for a few years before getting married shortly after Addy and Theodore are born. Draco passed before they got married, unfortunatley, so Scopius had the privledge to walk his sister down the aisle. They have a single son, Tyler Sirius Weasley, who is a year younger than Dora. Tyler is also a Veela who is later mated to Lauren Wood and Ella Thomas-Finnigan's adopted daughter, Parker.

Tayln:  Tayln stays together forever. They are one of the rare middleschool-highschool love stories that will actually working out. Taylor and Dylan have five kids. Jackson Kai Longbottom is the oldest of them and he is the same age as Danielle. Gabe Steven Longbottom js a year younger than Jackson followed by Daniel Mike Longbottom, who is the same age as Theodore. Tanya Longbottom and Tammy Longbottom are twin girls and are the youngest. They are the youngest in the family being two years younger than Dora. Jackson, Gabex and Daniel are very brotherly and protective over their sisters, something Dylan taught them to be at a young age.

Frelena:  Its dead. This ship sunk to the bottom of the ocean.

Donry:  Donry is also dead. By that, I mean it literally. Henry died before he and Domi could get married. Henry died working alongside Teddy and James as Aurors. May he rest in peace.

Lucesander:  Lucy and Lysander both refused to beileve they liked each other. That is, however, until Lucy almost drowned. Lysander saved her, but she wasnt breathing. It is the very cliche case of he was giving her CPR and she kissrd him after he saved her. They get married after Danielle's birth and have a daughter, Karyn Audrey Scamander, who is the same age as Gabe.

Lorxanne:  Dead. Roxanne fell in love with a muggle and Lorcan followed in Charlie's footsteps and became a Dragonsexual.

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