Part 2

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Baekhyun woke up in the midst of piles of rubbel. He brought his hands up to his head and started massaging to reduce the pain that was basically killing him slowly. He tried to take a deep breath but all that came in his lungs were dust.

He lifted himself up on his feet and looked around. No one was there. He examined somewhere further where a tent was up and a mob of people were crowding around.

Just as he was about to take a step, he realized he was surrounded by dead bodies. He gasped and closed his mouth and nose with his hand.

He tried walking again but his left foot stung, his arm full of scars and his head was bleeding. By then, he realized he had died again. He started to walk towards the tent again, careful not to step on any of the corpse.

He went through the crowd which don't seem to recognize him. He walked further into the crowd to the center of the big tent. There stood three people in front of a desk talking to two officers who were sitting on the other side of the desk. One officer was writing things down and one was talking to the three people who seemed to be crying.

Baekhyun approached them and stood next to the three people. When he looked towards them, he frowned as he realized that those crying people were his mother and brothers. They looked at him and froze, all stopped crying in an instant.

"I died again, didn't I?" Baekhyun scratched the back of his head.


Baekhyun knocked on the door and heard Jisung telling him to come in.

"Oh, hi hyung!" Jisung greeted with a bright smile, his hands fidgeting his lego. "How are you? Are you feeling like dying and then living again today?"

"Jisung!" Baekhyun frowned as he walked towards the younger's bed and sat at the corner of it, staring at Jisung on the floor. "No. I'm just, I want to tell you something and ask for your advice..."

"Oooohhh.." Jisung sent him a teasing look then wiggled his eyebrows. "You usually come to Heechul hyung for those kinds of things. Why are you coming here now?"

Baekhyun shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe because what I'm about to say is too absurd for Heechul hyung to coop with. He'll think I'm crazy or something."

"Highest probability I'd be exactly like Heechul hyung but much more honest on my words." He winked. "But go on."

Baekhyun rolled his eyes before he moved seat next to Jisung and leaned nearer to him. "Look, I've been dead.. twice."

"Haha, isn't twice a girlgroup?" Jisung joked. "I love them.." he looked at Baekhyun who was glaring at him. "Sorry."

"Like I said, I've been dead twice but I woke up everytime. And after I die I always end up having this dream, or I thought it was a dream, where I'm in this world that's similar to the one we're in right now but a lot of details are wrong." Baekhyun explained. "And I always meet this guy called Park Chanyeol who always shoots me in the head! And everytime he kills me, I wake up again here!"

Jisung nodded, "Okay."

"So?" Baekhyun leaned back from Jisung and rested his back on the side of Jisung's bed. "What do you think happened?"

Jisung placed his half done lego dragon on the floor, clapped his hands once, took a deep breath and turned to Baekhyun. "There are two possibilities in my head. One, you're just lucky that you didn't get to die and the Park Chanyeol world is just a dream you get."

Baekhyun nodded, but his face showed that he's not convinced.

"Two, Park Chanyeol and his world is real and you go there everytime you die here. When you die there, you live here." He shrugged, "that sounds impossible but who knows?"

Live, Die, Repeat [Chanbaek Oneshot]Where stories live. Discover now