Chapter 15: It'll Be All Right...

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Normani's POV

I couldn't believe my luck! I was getting to kiss the love of my life daily as a requirement to pass my dance class! Bankhead thought the kiss took our dancing to the next level as it was an edgy thing to do, so the kiss became an integral part of our routine. Our dance friends and Lauren teased the shit out of us, but I didn't care. I was enjoying every lip lock more and more.

And—it may've been my crush mindset—but I could swear my dance partner was enjoying it more and more too. Her responses to my kisses were becoming increasingly passionate. Sometimes she would grip my hips tighter and pull me against her body. Sometimes she would cup my face and take control of the kiss. Sometimes she would tangle her fingers in my hair and kiss me deeper. But no matter what she did, it took me all my efforts to break off the kiss and knock off the beanie to proceed to the next part of our routine. If it were up to me, I would be wrapped up in her, exploring the depths of her mouth for hours instead of mere seconds.

And even though this was supposed to be a 'professional kiss' that I wasn't supposed to get excited for, after every practice, I'd go home and happily countdown the hours till I got to make out with my crush again. And sometimes, when Dinah was sleeping over in my bed, big spooning me, I thought about just turning around and impulsively pressing my lips to hers. The practical part of my brain, however, kept me in check.

But the practical part of my brain was getting weaker and weaker as the months progressed. In fact, during the last two weeks of practice, when we were running through our entire routine multiple times and I was kissing Dinah at least five times a day, the practical part of my brain was practically switched off. Especially since Dinah and I spent every waking moment together, trying to make sure every aspect of our routine was perfect.

It surprised me how well Dinah and I were able to work together even during the most tense parts of the whole preparation process. Usually during the days leading up to a big performance, I was snappy, but Dinah knew how to calm me down, and for the first time I opened up to someone about feeling nervous, something that I usually kept to myself under a façade of bitchiness. Sometimes, it felt like she knew how I felt before I even opened my mouth. We were two completely different people, but Dinah understood me better than anyone had ever done. And whenever she'd pull me into her arms and reassure me that things were going to be all right, I'd feel like we were truly meant to be more than just dance partners. The practical part of my brain would completely switch off during these intimate moments and I'd cherish her comfort as a soulmate.

So, of course, when recruiters from all the dance companies surrounded Dinah and me after our successful showcase, the practical part of my brain was overtaken by a hyper, post-show adrenaline rush. I got so many offers that my heart was exploding with happiness. This was the moment I'd been dreaming about for the past four years of college. This was what I'd worked hard for all my life. My dance career was set, and I was on top of the world! And the first person I wanted to share my happiness with was my dance partner.

Except, she was nowhere to be found. During the chaos of the recruiters trying to talk to us, we'd become separated from each other. I went to our dressing room to look for her. And there she was, all alone, blasting Beyoncé. My heart fluttered at her cuteness and I stood there for a few lovestruck seconds, just watching her dance in celebration.

Finally, when Dinah realized I was in the room, she excitedly shouted, "OH MY GOD, MANI! WE FUCKING KILLED IT TONIGHT! I have so many companies that want me after I graduate next year! I'm in, Mani! I'm in! And I know you're in too! I saw all of them hounding you! You're in too, right!?


"Ahhh! We did it!" Dinah rushed over and hugged me tightly, picking me up in her arms and spinning me around as I squealed and giggled. Then, she put me down, her arms still wrapped around my waist, and softly said, "I never thought I'd get in as a Junior with my horrible technique. This is all thanks to you, Mani! My career is set because of you. No one fucking brings out the best in me like you do. God, I love you so fucking much!"

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