Kidnapped by Luke Hemmings

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My name is Brittany. I'm popular at school and all the boys want me. I don't want any of them though, they're too immature. They just want me because they think I'm hot, there's more to me than that. Ever since my last relationship, I've sworn off boys. I'm looking for a real man. Here's a tale of how I met mine.
It was a normal Saturday. I had to go to the store because we needed noodles and sauce for dinner and I wanted a few snacks. I looked back to see a strange man. He was kind of cute, but he kept staring at me like a creep.
"Can I help you?" I asked.
I stopped moving, but he kept walking towards me. Since we were on a side street, there weren't any cars around. I got a little nervous when he stopped in front of me. He was a little taller than me. I asked him if he was lost or he needed help. After he didn't answer me, I realised he was looking at my chest. I slapped him.
"What was that for?" he asked.
"You're staring at my boobs you creep!" I said.
Then a van honked at us. He looked at the van and the door opened to reveal one more cute boy.
"This girl's a keeper." said the boy I had just slapped.
The boy in the van jumped out and came over to me. They both grabbed me and threw me in the van. I screamed but it was no use. After they got immediate in the van, the driver knocked me out.

I woke up on an unfamiliar bed. There was a man sitting at the end of the bed.
"Are you okay?" I asked, noticing his tear-stained cheeks.
I startled him by putting my hand on his leg.
"Are you okay?" I repeated.
"No. I feel terrible," he answered.
"Why?" I asked.
"My girl just left me,"he said.
"What's your name?" I asked.
"Ashton. What's yours?" he asked.
"Brittany. Ashton, I'm scared," I replied.
He looked even more upset.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"I don't like it when girls are upset," he said. "I never know how to help them."
I smiled and that made him smile.
"Ashton, how are we gonna get out of here?" I asked. "How long have we been trapped here?"
Before he could answer, the boy from earlier walked in.
"What's this?" he asked.
Ashton sprang up.
"Ashton, who is he? He's scaring me." I whispered.
Ashton gave me a hug to calm me down. It seemed to be working.
"His name's Luke. He thinks your, his." he answered.
Luke laughed. I asked him what was so funny, but he responded by dragging me to a different room. I fought him the whole way, but it just hurt my arm.
"What's your problem?" I said. "Let me go!"
He threw me in a room and locked the door behind him. I looked around for a way to get out. Instead I saw two other boys, one of them was the driver from early.
"I want to see Ash." I said.
They just laughed.
"What?" I asked.
"You're not going to see him again. You'll stay in this room while he forgets you even exist." Luke said.
Then he tried to hug me. I pushed him away.
"I'm you're master now. You do what I say."
He continued pulling me closer.
"I hate you!" I screamed.
I could see he was hurt. I didn't care. He smacked me and I fell to the floor. The boys gasped.
"Luke, you shouldn't do that," one of them said.
I started crying as the door fell to the ground. I looked to see who it was, but it was too blurry. Then someone threw me over their shoulder.
"Let me go!" I screamed.
"I'm coming, Brittany," he replied.
I finally stopped crying so I could see clearly. Ashton and Luke were fighting. Luke won.
"You'll never keep me from her! She's my sister!" Ashton screamed.
Luke spun around and the person holding me, dropped me. I looked at Ashton.
"What? I have a brother?" I asked in disbelief.
He nodded.
"We have the same mom," he explained. "My parents got a divorce. Dad kept us, but we had visits. Well, until mom got remarried to your dad, and she wanted to start a new family."
"As long as my head is reeling with questions, why'd you kidnap me?" I asked.
Luke looked down. Before he could 5 boys walked in the room.
"Oh my god! It's One Direction!" I screamed.
Niall's eyes sparkled like a waterfall. They didn't have any shirts on. They just finished working out, so they were cooling down. I could tell by the way their sweat glistened off their body. Then Harry did his famous hair flip. I thought I would melt into my shoes. Before I knew it, the ground rushed up to say "Hi."

I woke up in someone's arms. I looked at their face. It was Luke, and to make matters worse, he was awake!
"Let me go!" I yelled, struggling to get up.
Niall came rushing in.
"Niall! He won't let go!" I screamed.
Luke just laughed and tightned his grip.
"It was just a bad dream, Niall. She's fine. But you reaction. Ha! Classic." Luke lied.
I shook my head.
'Please know that something is wrong!' I thought.
"It's okay Niall. You can go back to what you were doing," he said.
Niall just shrugged and walked away.
"Don't pull another stunt like that again. Consider this a warning. Next time you won't be so lucky," he said.
"I have to go to the bathroom." I lied.
He walked me to the bathroom.
"Be quick or I'm coming in," he said.
I locked the door silently. I saw there was a window. I went over and noticed I was on the first floor. I opened the window and jumped out. I looked around before recognising the street. I ran down it for a minute before I heard someone scream my name.
It sounded like Harry but as far as I knew, he didn't know my name. I turned around and they bumped into me.
"Brittany. Please stay with me. I won't let him hurt you. I promise," he said. "After Niall told me about the weird encounter he had with you two, I asked Ashton what the deal was. I'm sorry that he took you, but can you please stay? If not for me, then for Ash? He really wants to connect with his little sister."
He smiled that gorgeous smile which made his dimples show.

Kidnapped by Luke Hemmings (Very Slow Updates)Where stories live. Discover now