"That I always will be"

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A/N: Warning:

  ○ Smut between these dots ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ ○ 

Harry woke up to someone playing with his hair but he didn't open his eyes just yet, instead enjoyed the feeling of Louis' fingers threading through his long, curly locks that reached past his shoulders at this point.

He finally preied his eyes open excited for this day. It was a long weekend because of Labour day so they were at the lake house and it was Saturday morning right now.

Harry was so glad that they were just chilling at that very moment as his exams were kind of killing him but that's just Uni in general.

He was making his teacher's degree, the very first semester as he was now 20 years old whilst Louis was actually still attending as well as he was in his third year.

Harry and Louis walked to the kitchen and the curly-haired lad made a quick messy bun and got to work while Louis hopped onto the counter and admired Harry doing that.

They started talking only to be cut off by Harry's phone ringing, the older lad answered it and put it on speaker so they talked with Nessa and Ni for a little.

They were indeed an item and even though they always scolded the two, all of them knew how much they appreciated what the couple has done back when they were in high school.

Harry was finished with breakfast so the pair settled outside and ate their eggs while chatting some more. Harry actually had great plans for today, Louis didn't know that just yet so he was being very smug when Louis started to plan their evening. This probably won't be a shock but Harry and Louis indeed have never went as far as to have sex.

They've never gone further than giving occasional blow and handjobs but Harry was excited to change that.

But as for now they just sat around on the sun, talking away, singing, playing card games, swimming and other things they always do here, trying hard not to overburden themselves, what actually implies that they were acting as lazy as it was humanly possible.

Soon it started to grow dark and the lads also had their frozen pizza outside while watching the lake and peaceful night.

"I'm well aware that you know this Boo but I love you so much." Harry pushed his nose into Louis' cheek, feeling that smile he loves more than anything stretch on his face.

"I love you too little one, always have and always will."

"Thank you for everything you've done for me, you've literally watched over me and took care of me since I was in diapers and I know for sure you have no idea what that means to me. You've simply accepted anything and everything I've ever done and cheered me on no matter what others thought, like that time Nessa painted my nails and those mean guys at your college party started to mock me for it. I've barely even experienced any of that and that's not because the world is that amazing and people actually learned how to treat each other with kindness, it was always you who dodged all of the hate and stopped anything before it could harm me. I love you but I just want you to know that I appreciate our friendship so much more. I always thought it's so bloody cheesy and not at all true when people say that they fell in love with their best friend but Boo that's exactly the irony of my life. I actually did that."

"I love you Hazza and I'm beyond grateful that you've always let me have that. You were the one who let me be part of your life and I know that I had my ups and downs, I know that you were disappointed in me sometimes and hated how I acted towards others. We had our fights like we should have but you've never pushed me away and I'll never be able to put it in words how much I truly appreciate that. You always believed in me and never saw me for what others tried to show but who I really was. I'm so proud of how far we've come my baby doll and the person you've become. You are still the best thing in my life."

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