9 - Care And Run

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2nd POV

  After school ended that day, the squad decided to head to Hercules' house to get your mind off of things. He said he had a bunch of anime on Netflix and a humongous collection of movies and TV shows.
  You, involving the Hamilsquad, went to Walgreen's to get a lot of food, involving Hershey's, strawberry milk,  butterscotch candy, banana chips, cookies, pop tarts, Snickers, milky ways, lemonade, fruity pebbles with some normal milk and a lot of chocolate donuts. A LOT. You knew that this would definitely take your mind off of things, especially since you knew that the pain in pregnancy doesn't come until later on.
  Everyone had went to Herc's room and he made everyone watch Courage The Cowardly Dog because why not. You made it through six episodes by the time you finished half the gallon of strawberry milk.
  Laf was a little angry at the fact that the strawberry milk was almost gone, especially since it was his idea. You let him have the rest though.
  You texted your mother about staying another night at a friend's house.
  Dumgurl: mom is it ok if I stay the night at a friends
  Mommmm: Yes, it's fine with me. Who is it?
  Dumgurl: it's just one of those guys I was talking to you about a couple weeks back
  Mommmm: OK well just stay safe and make sure none of them touch you inappropriately
  Dumgurl: mom
  Mommmm: Yes?
  Dumgurl: the guys are really nice. Plus two of them are in a relationship together and the other is just a gentle giant. And you already know that I'm in a relationship with the baguette one
  Mommmm: OK fine just come home tomorrow at least
  Dumgurl: oki bye
  Mommmm: bye love you

  You had brought your bag with you since you literally haven't gone home in a few days. You put your phone in your bag and continued to watch Courage The Cowardly Dog. Herc was definitely way into the show while John and Alex were slightly flirting and talking to each other. You laid back on the floor and sighed. At least these guys cared.
  The sweet baguette decided to lay down next to you. While hearing some weird screams from the TV in the background, Laf decided to talk.
  "So... The other night was fun?" It sounded like more of a question than statement. You giggled and turned to look at him.
  "You really don't know how to start a conversation, do you?" You asked, smiling. He blushed.
  "Not really... No." He chuckled softly. 
  You giggled once more and said, "It really was. Never felt that way in my life." You looked at his face and he blushed once more. He must feel proud of himself.
  You cuddled closer to him and watched the TV.

-Another le time skip brought to you by ur bullshit ass brother-

  It was 8:43 when you started to get tired. John was asleep in Alex's lap while Alex was doing homework on his computer which was placed on John's head. Herc was staring at the TV which now played The Ancient Magus' Bride and Laf was playing with your hair.
  You and Laf had a blanket over your bodies other than your heads and a bit of your upper body. You loved it when he played with your hair. His fingers running through it, the kisses on your forehead every now and then, the brushes against your skin from his other hand running up and down your shoulder and arm. You loved it. Your face was right under his chin, and sometimes you liked to place sleepy kisses on his neck, making him giggle.
  You started to doze a little, getting sleepy from the recent food and candy and the massages on your head.
  It came from your pocket. You turned a little and got your phone out in slow movement, irritated at the interruption. Laf looked at your phone curiously. You got a text message from your brother.
  It read:
  I know where you are. Why are you hiding from us? Do you have a secret that you don't want to share with us? Are you hanging out with your new "boyfriend"? Yeah. I know your in a relationship with that guy I saw that day. How? That doesn't matter. I'm not scared of hurting him, even if it hurts you. I know your hanging out with those guys. And plus, I'm not scared of hurting all of them. You don't need any guy friends nor a relationship with that weird French guy. If you want to, you can try to save them. But it'll be hard. Especially with the people I'll be teaming up with. And also, I have someone else you should date. They're an amazing guy. I think you'll like him. But your friends won't. They won't at all. So, I'm gonna find out that secret of yours, even if I have to force it out of you. I'll find out. I will.

  You were shocked for a moment, but you reread the paragraph. You had read the paragraph about five times when the squad was staring. Even sleeping John, who woke up.
  "What is it?" Herc asked, leaning over towards you, as did the others. You quickly got up and threw the blanket you were covered with on Herc's bed.
  "Get your stuff packed, now. Everything. School things, food, drinks, a-... Anything. Everything!" You said, panicked. Lafayette got off the floor and so did the others.
  "What are you so panicked about, mon amour?" He placed his hand softly on your arm. You looked at him.
  "Just get your things. It's my brother." Alex started putting his school things away while John gathered the food and put it in his bag.
  Herc stood up. "Why do we need food and drinks? It's just your brother." You looked at him and read the message on your phone hesitantly.  Alex froze while you read the message and John was almost in tears. Herc had an angry look and Laf looked shocked like you did when you first read it.
  "C-can't we just call the police?" John asked. Alex hugged him from behind when you said no.
  "We can't. I've called the police on my brother before and it only turns into disaster. The police never believe me. Never. I don't understand why even if I show them texts or bruises even. Sometimes he does hit me." Laf's eyes widened. Everyone started packing their things, Alex even got blankets while Herc took pillows.
  You all went downstairs into Herc's living room. When you reached the door, Herc asked, "Is it okay if I stay at a friend's for a few nights?" His mom looked at him.
  "A few nights? You should know you can't sleep at a friend's during the school w-"
  "Go ahead." His father said, not looking from the TV.
  "K. Thanks!" While you walked out the door, you saw Herc's mom look at his father with a death stare. The squad left and you took the lead. Your brother didn't know the place that you, Oliver, and Jackson used to play around at. The biggest park in the city,  the forest area.
  When you arrived there, you were relieved. A place where he couldn't find you. Well, at least you thought.
  When the squad went to the forest, you guys decided to go to the middle of it, where there were benches and a few water fountains for drinks. You got to the benches but saw something. People. Normally, people didn't come into the forest. It was rare. But then you noticed the people looked familiar.
  Your brother with Lee and Reynolds. Shit. They saw you straight away. Well, you thought that he didn't know the place. Why is he with Lee and Reynolds? The squad looked a little scared, but mostly you did. Were they one of the guys he said that you should be in a relationship with? Oh no.
  You and the squad stared right at the three guys while they stared right back.
  "What are you doing here?" You asked them, holding your backpack over your shoulder. It was dark out, making the three guys look like menacing, dark figures in the small amount of light. You looked at your phone. 9:16. What are they doing here? Did they really know where you were before?
  Your brother stood up and walked towards you. The whole squad including you, backed up.
  "Well, I just came here to teach you and these rats a lesson. So, Charles, James, get the sons of bitches out of my way." Instantly, Herc pushed you back after dropping his bag. He was well over the height of your brother, including Lee and Reynolds.
  "You ain't gonna do shit to any of us, especially her." He rolled up his white sleeves and stood bravely. Your brother raised a brow.
  "She's your sister." Alex stepped forward. "Why would you want to hurt her anyways?"
  "Exactly." The rest of them said together. They circled around you, defending you. Your brother had no more of his patience.
  "She needs to learn. Like you fuckers.  Charles, James, get these motherfuckers!" Lee and Reynolds charged forward.
  What are they going to do to you?

Lafayette, Mon Amour - Lafayette x Reader (Modern AU - Full Story)Where stories live. Discover now