5 - Je t'aime

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A/n - a bit of disappointment ahead/slight smut :D

2nd POV

  "Je t'aime."
  Your eyes widened. "W-what?" He couldn't love you! Impossible...
  "Je t'aime, Y/n." You still couldn't believe it.
  "Y-you... You can't love me! That's impossible! I'm horrid! I'm an ugly... Th-... Thing!" His gaze softened.
  "I'll show you." His hand was still on your cheek.
  He kissed you. His lips were so soft and sweet. Your eyes slowly closed and you accepted it. He loved you. If he loved you, then it must be very dearly. You leaned into the kiss, wanting more. You didn't care about anything else. You didn't care if anyone was watching. You just wanted him to be yours.
  The kiss continued and he let go. He pulled back as he blushed. You were blushing too. How is this possible? How? He loved you... But why?
  You pulled him back. You grabbed the back of his head gently and pulled his head towards you while leaning forward. His lips made it to yours. They danced together perfectly. He grabbed your face with both hands and came closer. You loved it. You loved his lips, his hair, his walk, his hips, his body, his voice. You loved everything about him. He was funny, intellegent, smart, creative... Everything.
  You grabbed his hips and pulled him onto your lap while leaning back against a branch behind you. Everything was going like Jackson said it would. He really did give great advice. You rubbed Laf's sides and hips, your hands moving with the curves. He curved his back and moaned slightly, and instantly you tried. You sped your tongue into his mouth and he gasped. Perfect kiss for the perfect Frenchman. (French kiss haha okie lol)
  Your tongue moved around his mouth, creating a weird feeling for the both of you. You then remembered, this was your first kiss. Most than likely his too. You smiled into the kiss and continued. He moaned more and started grinding on you.
  Dirty little Frenchman.
  You grabbed his thighs and groped them slightly. His hands went from your cheeks to your neck, making you moan at the warmth moving and creating a soothing feeling. Your heart sped and your stomach churned with butterflies.
  You heard a door slam. "Hey!"
  You both jumped and looked over. It was your brother.
  "What the fuck are you doing with my sister?!" Laf quickly got off of you, slipping on the tree a little. You grabbed his hand to keep him from falling. Your brother already started running towards you two.
  You looked at Laf and said, "Jump." You held his hand as he sat there wide eyed. Your brother was on the track team. There was no way you could outrun him. But maybe Laf could. He continued to sit there.
  You looked at your brother then Laf and said, "Fine! I'll come with!" He turned towards the edge of the tree and you both jumped. The two of you tumbled on the ground and got back up to start running. Your brother was near the tree but not close enough. But he did see you two jump. He darted around the tree and ran faster.
  You and Laf ran faster than before. Laf was leading while holding your hand, going anywhere he could to lose your brother. You couldn't keep up with Laf. You soon slowed down and he started to panic.
  You said, "I can't run anymore!" He knew what he had to do. He picked you up bridal style and started running with you. You held onto his neck while looking behind him,  helping Laf on where to go because you told him where your brother was.
  After running as fast as he could, he finally lost him. You both lost your brother. Laf was extremely tired and worn out. Once he got to a place that was empty, he set you down. He sat down too and lied back. You looked around after grabbing his hand. You were in a quiet, forest-like place.
  You knew where you were. You were at the biggest park in your city. You, Oliver, and Jackson used to play in the forest areas all the time when you were younger. You looked at Laf. You smiled. He was sleeping. He looked so peaceful.
  You lied down next to him and kissed his cheek. Wrapping your arms around him, you nuzzled your face into his chest. You too, fell asleep.

-le time skip brought to you by the guy who writes like he's running out of time and he needs it to survive-

  You woke up next to Laf, who was already awake. He was holding you and nuzzling your hair. He kissed your head. You moved your head up to look him in the eyes. You kissed him on the lips.
  "Laffy, what time is it?" You asked sleepily. His eyes widened. He checked his phone. You knew it was dark outside, but it was fall, so it got dark around six. His mouth dropped.
  "1:34..." Your eyes widened. You've been sleeping for 6 hours!? You both got up quickly. Laf was hyperventilating. You held his cheek and he looked at you.
  "Laf, we can just say my brother scared you, you panicked, fainted, woke back up dizzy and fell asleep." He hesitated, then nodded. You kissed his cheek and led him out of the park.
  Once you both got to his house, he checked his phone.
  He sighed, "2:00." He started crying. He sat there, on his doorstep, crying. You hugged him, holding him for a few minutes. He checked his phone again and noticed the notifications. His parents had been texting him for hours. Since 9:30. You petted his head to calm him down and kissed his forehead.
  "Just go in there and tell them what I said. My brother scared you and you panicked, fainted and woke up dizzy so you went to sleep." He nodded and hugged you tightly. Once he let go he kissed you on the lips. It lasted a moment, so you took it in.
  "I'll talk to you later in the morning, okay?" He nodded and went into his house, waving as you walked away.
  When you got home you were worried sick about him. What if his parents never let you see him again? What if they thought he was lying? You laid back in bed, relaxing. You tried to sleep but couldn't. Your phone rang. You jumped, knowing it was almost 3:00 in the morning so why would someone call you so early? Then it clicked. It must be Laf.
  You checked your phone and it was him. You answered, wanting to hear his sweet, loving voice again.
  He said, "Hi..." He sounded tired and done with the day already.
  You responded relieved, "Hey. Are you okay?" You wondered.
  "Oui... My parents found out I was lying though, so... I told them everything and they... Well... They are not mad. That is all that matters. I'm just tired now." You thought about it. Maybe his parents were happy for him to be in a relationship. Wait. You two weren't 'offically' in a relationship.
  You hesitated, "Hey Laffy..."
  "Um... So... Are you my boyfriend now... Or something...?" He gasped slightly.
  "R-really? You want me to be your boyfriend?" He sounded... Happy.
  "Well... Yeah, I mean... If that's okay wi-"
  "Oui! Oui! Oui! I would love to be your boyfriend, mon amour!"
  You blushed, yet smiled. A smile that would probably last forever.
  "Well... On Monday, do you think we should tell the squad?"
  "Oui. It would be better if they knew so they didn't think bad about our friendship."
  "Yeah, and they ship us anyway."
  Lafayette laughed. You laughed with him. You then sighed.
  "Je t'aime, Laffy."
  "Je t'aime aussi, Y/n."

Lafayette, Mon Amour - Lafayette x Reader (Modern AU - Full Story)Where stories live. Discover now