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It was a wensday on Halloween, on wensdays they had charms with Gryffindor.
Flitwick partnered me with Charles, Drake with Weasley, and Blade with the mudblood. This was gonna be good.
I of course did it within 5 minutes of class starting Charles was still trying
"Wingardium laviossa " Charles tries again
"You realize your saying it wrong right" I ask
"Shut up" Charles says so I just go back to watching my surroundings
Suprisingly Drake and Weasley haven't killed each other yet just kinda ignoring each other, but Blade and the mudblood was hilarious
"Wingardium leviosa" Blade says
"Your saying it wrong," the mudblood snapped at Blade. "It's Wing - gar - dium Levi- o - sa, make the gar nice and long"
"I get it little miss mudblood knows everything you do it, go on" Blade sneered
"Wingardium leviosa " the mudblood says
She says just as I do it my 53rd time
"Look, Miss Granger and Hadrian has done it" Flitwick says
Blade was in a bad mood by the end of class
"No wonder shes got no friends, not even your annoyingly Gryffindor brother and his equally annoying Weasel like her. Shes also a mudblood probably still dosen't know what that means" Blade says
She runs past us crying
We snicker
But then my brother and his friend comes over
"That was mean, Zambini" Weasley says
"It's true" Drake says
"Hadrian our mother is a muggle born" Charles says
"Charles, thats your mother. My mother is Beletrix Lestrange" I say. I saw Nevilles eyes go huge, I smirk at him and he runs away
"I forgot your pure evil, like your mother and Father" Charles says
Quirrel walks in
"Brother, there is no good or evil, just power and those to weak to seek it" I say
"What?" He asks
"Power only power, my Father and Mother were smart they got Power" I say
Now everyone is here listening even the techers
"Maybe I should tell everyone who your father is" Charles says
"Brother, I would like you to not, but if you must everyone remeber I am not my father" I say
"No your worse, so much more worse," Charles says.
"Hadrian Riddles father is the Dark Lord Voldemort" Charles says
All the teachers go infront of me except McGonagall, and Proffesor Potter. To my suprise even Quirrel is on my side
"100 points from Gryffindor for revealing private information" Snape says
Proffesor McGonagall looks taken back
"Everyone leave, except the Proffesors, well McGonagall you can leave" Proffesor Dumbledore says
After everyone leaves they all turn to me
"Is it true" Quirrel says
"Yes, it is" I say
"No one blames you Hades" Severus says
"Sev, he just put out my biggest secret to everyone" I say
"Did you just call Proffesor Snape, Sev" Flitwick asks
"Sorry, forgot not suposse to do that around other people" I say
"You and Severus are close" Quirrel asks
"Yes, but it is non of your concern." Severus says
"Alright thanks for the talk guys but I have thing to do tonight" I say
I walk off but Quirrel and Snape follow me
"What" I sneer
"It's just me let it out scream if you have to but first let Quirrel ask you what he wants to ask you" Sev says
"What, do you want Quirrel, better be good because, I am not in the mood" I sneer
"He's not like this around other people" Quirrel says
"Hades is the master of disguise, he can fool anyone he wants, hes also one of the best Syltherins so ask him what you want to" Snape says
"My question is already answered" he says and leaves
"I see where your coming from he is wierd" I say
"Lets go to my Quarters so you can let it out and Salazar has already told me he will meet us there" Sev said.
We walk to his Quarters and Salazar is there as said
After the door closes
Salazar said "alright scream yell whatever"
"I can't believe he did that, we all know im not ashamed but its wasen't time for people to know. THE LITTLE STUPID GRYFFINDOR LION, THINKS HE CAN DO THAT AND GET AWAY WITH IT, HE IS WRONG. I CAN'T THINK ABOUT THIS RIGHT NOW. I HAVE TO FIND THE BLOODY SORCERS STONE" I yell
"Alright now that is over," sev says. "Do you feel better"
"Yes" I say
"Ok, now your plan for the Sorcers Stone" Salazar asks
"Well tonight when Quirrel lets in the troll, Sev your gonna head him off get him out of there. The black shadows will go up there and see about Hagrids part see what its gonna take to get passed" I say
"Brilliant" Snape snaps
"My hope is that Charles will go down there with Weasley and get it, We will come down replace it with a replica. Get out, put it down there in The Chamber of Secrets" I say
"How we gonna get Potter to go down there" Salazar says
"Thats were you come in, go follow Quirrel to the pub, where he will try to get info from Hagrid about whatever beast is up there. Hagrid will tell you catch it report to me, make sure he gets a dragon egg" I say while pulling one out of my pocket " Sev I'm sorry but your gonna have to get bit by whatever creature is up there and make sure Charles see's. Inevitable Potter is gonna send his invisibility cloak the night of cristmas corner Quirrel and make it look like your bad ok just make it look like you want it." I say
They nod
"Alright i'll see you guys later. I gotta go to dinner and meet the black shadows" I say walking at the door
When I get to the Great Hall everyone is talking about me, well except the Slytherins who already knew
They all snap there heads towards me.
Dumbledoor beckons me up
"Mr. Riddle is gonna talk to you all" He says
Murmur of protest rage out
"Shut up," I say and everyone shuts up
"Yes my father is Voldemort, I am not gonna deny that fact. I am not like my parents, yes im in Slytherin like both of them. I was also raised by the Potters," I say and everyone gasps "My own brother said those things about me, over something I cant control. So yes I Hadrian Salazar Riddle the 20th, was once known as Harry Potter. I grew up thinking I was a potter, that I was the boy-who-lived twin. When I found out I was frightened, im a Riddle. I was lied to, so yes sometimes I act as a Propper Slytherin. Charles has parents, mine are locked up or dead, most of you see the Gryffindor parts." I say they all cheer except the Slytherins who looked pissed, and of course my brother and the Weasley
I go sit down
"Guys chill, I didn't mean any of that" I say
"Good" Drake sneers
We finish eating all the Slytherins glaring at me
Quirrel runs in "Troll-in the dungeons-thought you ought to know"
Everyone freaks out except me and the guys, Dumbledoor silences everyone
"Prefects," he says, "lead your House back to tge dormitories immediatly!"
The prefect of Slytherin was very ready she nodded at us and lead the rest to the dormitorys
We go the back way, spying until we see Sev and Quirrel leave
We go in
I quietly move forward it growls
We leave, on the second floor we see Charles and Weasley get hit trying to save the mudblood.
So we walk in knock it out and wake them up
"Ok, Granger you tell the Proffesors when they get here you tried looking for it but they saved you got it" I say
She nods as I obliviate them to remeber they saved her
We leave silently going to the commom room
We walk in and they all sneer at me
"Alright, sometimes you have to lie to get people on yohr side, as always im with you guys. Im a Slytherin at heart" I say
"We believe you Riddle" a 7th year said.
Everyone nods
"We get it, you did the most cunning thing in the world, you fuelled everyone even McGonagall, you got her mate" Flint says
"You guys can all call me Hadrian" I say
We eat and party till like midnight then we all go to bed

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