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He sent me the report and I have to say they have no case.
Sev has been living here hes not leaving of course WE go to the order meeting. I plan to take him out so we can talk about what were doing.
If the ministry is trying to get Charles in trouble then there obviasly gonna not tell us the right time, Ill go four hours early.
I go to bed that night.
I wake up at 5 that morning dress in a suit and robes, silently slip out of the room.
I find father in the dining room already but not eating.
"Father, I didnt know you woke this early" I say
"I dont I just couldnt sleep" Father says
"Hmm well I dont know" I say
"Potter case today right" Dad asks
"Yes, anything I need to do" I ask
He nods no
A bird comes in looks like a ministry bird
Newt score
O for potions
Ministry of magic
I smile
"What" Father asks
"I got an O on my potions NEWT" I say
"You took your potions NEWT in your forth year" Dad asks
I smirk and floo to the ministry
"Welcome to the Ministry of Magic. Please state ypur name and buisness"
"Hadrian Riddle, here to represent Charles Potter in his disciplinary hearing" I say
"Thank you, Please take the badge and put it on"
The badge says Hadrian Riddle, Representive
"Visitors are reauired to submit to a search and present your wand for registration at the security desk"
I walk to the security desk
I put my wand on the table
"Cherry wood basilik venom, been in use four years" the man says
He looks at my name tag and gulps
"I take it your one of the people who believe my fathers back" I say with a smirk and walk off
Lucius comes up to me
"They changed the time to eight hurry up youll be late" He says
I knew it I hurry down there they started
"Witness for the defence, Hadrian Salazar Riddle" I say
"You got the message this morning then" Fudge says
"Afraid not it just so happens my uncle works here" I say
I snap and a chair comes flying over
"The charges are he did knowingly, delibretly, and in full awarness of the illegilty of his action, having previously written warning from the Ministry of Magic on a similar case, produce a prochonus charm in a muggle inhibited area, in the presence of a muggle, on August the second at twenty-three minutes past nine, which consists of an effence under paragraph C of the decree for the reasonable restriction of under age sorcery, 1875, and also under secyion thirteen of the international confederation of wizards statue of secrecy. You are Charles James Potter, of 336, Gobrick hollow" Fudge asks
Hes being very Gryffindor, you can tell he clearly has a grudge.
"Yes" Charles says
"You recieved a warning from the ministry for using magic three years ago, did you not" Fudge asks
"Yes but"
"You conjured a prochonus on the night of the second of August"
"Yes but"
"Knowing ypu are not to use magic outside until your 17"
"Yes but"
"Knowing it was an area full of muggles"
"Yes but"
"Fully aware that you were in close proximity of a muggle"
"Yes but I only used it because we were-" he got cut off again this time by Bones
"You produced a fully fledged Patronus" she asked
"Yes, because"
"A corproul Patronus"
"A- what"
"More than vapor or smoke"
"Yes, so can Hadrian its a stag and his is a snake" Charles says
"How long have you done this"
"Yes, we learned in third year, proffesor Lupin taught us" Charles says
"Impressive" she says
"Its not how impressive his magic is, he did magic infront of muggles" Fudge says
I nod at Charles
"I did it because of the dementors"
"Dementors in little winging surrey" Bones asks
"Thought we would be hearing something like this, Muggles cant see them" Fudge starts
I clear my throat and say "we have a witness besides Dudely Dursley, shes outside do ypu want me to get her" I ask
Fudge frowns and I smirk
"No Weasley you go" he says grumply
"Full name" Fudge says
"Arabella Doreen Figg" she says
"Who are you"
"A squid that lives in little winging" she says
"A Squib and a Riddle contacted you. Weasley can squibs see dementors" Fudge asks
"It just so happens they can because they are magical without magic" I say
Fudge frowns more
"Ms. Figg would you inform the cort of what you saw on the night of the second of august" I say
"I was buying cat food, when I saw on Maholia cresent and Wisteria Walk dementors gliding towards two boys one bigger and one skrawner" Figgs says
"Describe the dementors to the court Ms. Figgs" I say
"They were big scary, cloaked, took the happiness out, made everything cold. I remebered my worst nightmare" Figgs says
"What did these dementors do" I ask
"They went for the boys, the bigger one fell, Charles the other one was trying to repel them. He tried twice on the third attempt he did it. It chased them away" Figgs says
"Very well, you may go" Fudge says
She turns to me and says "come visit me sometime"
"I will try Ms. Figg" I say
"Not a very convising witness" Fudfe says
"Mr. Fudge if you would kindly put you grudge against Charles and Proffesor Dumbledore away for this Disiplinary meeting that would be great" I say
"Well, dementors in a muggle suberbs" Fudge says
"Ya I dont think they were there on coincidence. I think they where ordered there" I say
"What do you mean Mr. Riddle" Fudge asks
"Well, the ministry has turned there back on Charles and Proffesor Dumbledore. What better way to get Charles out of the way and Dumbledore on one leg by getting the boy who lived expelled and wand snapped" I say
An ungly lady comes forward
"The Chair reconizes Dolores Jane Umbridge, senior undersecretary to the minister" Fudge says
"Im sure I must have heard wrong, Mr. Riddle" Umbridge says, I curl my lip in discust "It sounded like you thought the Ministry of Magic had ordered the attack on this boy"
"Mam im just saying that the Ministry is well not foing very good and that is fact. If the Ministry may look if there was two dementors missing on the night of the 2nd of august" I say
"Mr. Riddle that is a great idea" Fudge says
Percy Weasley goes to look, he comes back
"Minister Fudge there was two Dementors missing on that night" Weasel says
"There you have it Minister Fudge, I have no clue wether someone went behind your back or not but those dementors attacked Mr. Potter" I say
Umbridge looks pissed
"So sir in that decree of underage magic it clearly states that a young Wizard or Witch may use magic underage to save their life. As I have saw everytime Mr. Potter comes in contact with a dementor it tries to give him a kiss" I say
"Laws can be changed" Fudge says rather loudly
"Minister Fudge, I know that I have helped my uncle on many occashions read over laws. Anyway when has it become practice to jold a full wizard court to deal with underage magic. And if you would please lower your voice" I say
I see Bones fighting off lauphing
"As however I have been preparing and there are no laws that say you can expell him from Hogwarts" I say
"Those in favor of clearing all charges" Bones says
Everyone but Umbridge and Fudge raises there hand
"All those in favour of conviction"
Umbridge and Fudge raise their hand
"Very well clear of all charges" Fudge says
I grab Charles and we go outside the court room
"So" Lily asks
"Hadrian had everyone praising at his feet by the end" Charles says
"Yes, yes I found what I'm gonna do in the future. I must go I have lessons with Father" I say
"Come on come eat lunch with us" Charles says
"Very well" I say
We go to the leaky culdren and order
"So whats your father like" Charles asks
"The exact oppisite of you James" I say
"But dads layed back" Charles says
"My Father is very strict and only excepts the best. He wont really talk to damian, he calls me his prised boy. He made me his second in command, he gives me lessons its been a very long summer" I say
"What kind of lessons" James asks
"Dark arts and dueling he says that while I'm a very good dueler he wants me to be the best and Charles this will be our last purposeful meeting" I say
"Why" lily asks
"Father has said that he has no intrist in killing you Charles he wants me to do it. So when its time your going to have to kill him fast" I say
"How do you know he has to kill your father" James asks
"Dad told me" I say getting up
I look at Charles on the verge of tears and say "well, Brother this is goodbye be ready, I have to act Proper" I say leaving and going home

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