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They entered November and things were going perfect.
Marcus said that the black shadows all are gonna make the team next year.
Saturday was the first match of the year, Slytherin vs. Gryffindor. Gryffindor was sure to win, Marcus planned to loose this year, we also joined regular practice.
By now everyone knew Charles was the new seeker, only Gryffindor and Slytherin thanks to me knew how good.
Charles, Weasley, and the mudblood were all good friends now.
They thought Snape wanted to steal something, did not know what. Snape has gotten really in a bad mood lately so the dark shadows have been with him helping recently, when were not in class
Right then they were walking across the yard talking to Sev about some stupid lions which made him smile kinda till he saw Charles and his friends
"What you got there, Potter" Drake says
Quidditch Through the Ages Charles showed him
Thats when I got an idea
"Library books arn't to be taken outside the school" I say
"Give it to me." Blade says
"Five points from Gryffindor" Sev said
He hands it over and we walk away with Sev smiling
"When did you come up with that" Sev asks
"A minute ago" I said while snickering
Later that night I was cleaning Sev's wound
Charles opens the door
Right as sev was talking about the dog
I snickered as Sev drops his robes
"I was just wondering if I could have my book back."
He left
"That's great" Sev says
"Sev, he can't tell anyone but the Weasley and Granger, Ive already ruined his reputation", I say while going back to clean his wound
Severus pov
How I wish he was older, just like 10 years, he is already my everything. I can't stop thinking about him. I wonder if he's my mate, yes I'm a vampire and I will have a mate, Riddles are Vampire/Dragons and will have a mate too. Most student here are a kind of Species except muggle- born.
Like Potters are unicorns, ya I know embarrassing. Mafloys are neekos
Zabinis are werewolfs, the diffrent kind that can change anytime, and control themselves.
Perkins are therestrals
Weasleys are light weasels- which is weasels who can only use light magic
Crabbes and Goyle are snakes.
Greengrasses are dark faries, which are dark magic people with wings.
Thats it, yes I just turned 20 so thats great I guess.
Hadrian pov
Sev has been looking at me for like 30 minutes now. I really like him but he's to old for me.
"Sev, I gotta go to bed. Lo- bye sev" I say
I almost said I love you
"Y-y-ya, ok bye Hades" he says. Hes so cute when he stutter, wait I din't just say that
I leave and go to the common room to find blade, and Drake
Im still blushing
"With Sev again I see" Drake says
"How do you know that" I squeak
"Your blushing, and squeaking" Blade says
"Shhh, he dosen't like me" I say
"I think you two are mates" Drake says
"What?" I ask
"Mates, you don't know your own lineage" Blade asks
"No" I say
"Riddles are known vampires/Dragons and Prince's, which is Sev's moms sir name is Vampires" Drake asks
"Are you guys creatures" I ask
"Ya im a neeko" Drake said
"Im a werewolf but one that can form anytime and I have control" Blade says
Im stunned
"Most pureblooxs and some halfbloods are, we normally get our creature inheratence at 15, thats also when you find out your mate, unless your mate isn't of age yet, then you got nothing. So Sev very well could be" Blade says
"What is so important about mates" I ask
"For neekos, your mate is everything if not we go mad and kill everyone" Drake says
"For warewolfs, we turn into normal werewolfs, with no control." Blade says
"What about vampires" I ask
"No clue, something to ask Sev" Drake says
I nod and go to the chamber
Where Salazar is reading so I sit down
"Are you a creature?" I ask Salazar
"Yes, where do you think you get your vampire blood" Salazar says
"What about Dragon blood" I ask
"Riddle thats were the red eyes are you guys are the rules of the reptiles" Salazar says
"What happens if I dont find my mate after I turn 15?" I ask
"Sometimes your mate is not of age so nothing till he or she does. For Vampires you have to drink there blood to live unless there not of age." Salazar says
"What about Dragons" I ask
"That happend to Hadrian the first he was my grandson as I understand them you have a year to mark them by preforming the mate ritual" Salazar says
"Drake thinks Sev is my mate" I say
"Could be, his mate hasen't come of age yet, and he is a submissive and your a dom" Salazar says
"Submissive, dom?" I ask
"A submissive is someone who gives themselfes to the other person, who does what there dom wants, a dom is like the man of the relationship weres the pants" salazar says
"How do you know I'm a dom and Sev is a submissive" I ask
"Well if you norice Sev does whatever hes told by doms, enless there students. You take charge of most things" Salazar says
"Ow, well Im gonna go to my room" I say as I get up.
I go to my room and my mind immediatly go to Sev
I love his good parts, but I love his flaws to.
I love how he looks when he's trying to concetrate on a potion and I love his big nose
I love how he has this skill to make everything look to easy and I love his greasy hair
I love his eyes hiw there black just black and I love hiw he tryes not to be in a good mood around me but fails.
I love every inch of him
I have to write this down, Ill probably never send it but Still
To my beloved Severus Snape I wrie on the front
Dear Sev,
I love you. You are the only thing I think about. When im around you your sent takes me in, when I'm not all I do is think about you. I love your eyes, I love your nose, I love your hair, I love your smile when I can get one. I love the face you make when your trying to concentrate, I really hope your my mate. I also really hope you never see this. Its for my eyes only, though if you do that will be embarrassing. Just know that I love you Severus Snape you are my always
Hades Riddle
I wrap it up
"Whats that" Zeke says
"A letter to Sev,-" I start to say.
Before I can finishes Zeke grabs the letter with a very bad look on his face, then flies out the window
Ow no
I get up flying out of the chamber of secrets and to Sevs quarters, swing the foor open, only to find Zeke and Sev reading the letter
He looks at me so I slowly back up
He looks about ready to cry so I turn around and make a run for it. Finding the quickest way, then going threw it, Im crying when I see Salazar
He come up and sets me on his lap.and strokes my hair
"I wrote a letter to Sev, I wasen't gonna send it. Zeke my Riddle bird, got ut and sent it. I tried to stop it. I was to late he read it" I say while crying
"Ow dear, well how about we skip lessons for a couple days hmm" Salazar aks
I just nod while drifting into sleep
Severus pov
I was sitting in my chambers sitting about the cute red eyed black haired first year. That sounds terrible hes a first year stop thinking about him that way
Thats when Zeke flew in and handed me a letter
To my beloved Severus Snape
What beloved?
Dear Sev,
I love you. Your the only thing I think about. When im around you your sent takes me in, when im not all I do is think about you. I love your nose. I love your hair. I love your smile when i can get one. I love the face you make when your trying to concentrate. I really hope your my mate, I also really hope you never see this. It's for my eyes only, but if you do it will be really embarrassing. Just know that I love you Severus Snape, you are my always
Hades Riddle
He loves me, hes only 11. Its probably only a crush, I want him to love me though.
My door slams open and theres Hadrian there
He looks at me and slowly backs up, I'm gonna cry. He thens around and runs.
I break down crying.
I think Dumbledoor heard because be came down and sat down on the bed
"Whats wrong, Severus" He asks
"I think I found my mate" I said
"Really" he says
"Yes, except im not sure hes 11, but all I can think about is him" I say
"Who is it" He asks
"Hadrian Riddle" I say breaking into more tears
He rubs my back, then lays down with me.
He's been like my father since forever. Everyone thinks that im mean and stuff but im not.
He leaves in the middle of the night.

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