😎 70 😎

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Today is the last meeting before school starts. I think Father is gonna asign me something.
Sev is doing great, Im going over to his house after tonight
I head to the dinning hall where his inner circle is.
"Hadrian so glad you could make it I believed ypu lost your way, we saved you a seat" Dad says
I sit down right beside him and Sev.
"I want one of your followers to kill Dumbledore" Father says
"Sounds like a perfect job gor someone wanting to get back in my alliete" I say
I press on my arm signaling Draco.
Minutes later he appears
"Draco have you thought about what we talked about" I ask
"Yes my prince" he says
"And if I where to give you a chance to redeem yourself" I ask
"My Prince anything for the chance" He says
"Good........ I want you to kill Dumbledork" I say
"Yes My Prince" he says
"You have till the end of the year" I say
"Yes My Prince" he says bows and leaves
Uncle Luke and Aunt Cissy look pale.
Father looks pleased
"So Gracious son" Father says
"Thank you Father" I say
"You dont really think the Mafloy boy can do it" father asks
"No he dosen't he wants to see how hard he will try if hes worth it. He knows Draco is no killer" Mase says
"In the end it will be me who does it father I want to see how Loyal and Faithful he is to me" I hiss
"Your son is smart, Tom" Nanji hisses
"Thank you Nanji, I must say you look very buetiful tonight, did you have a scale shining" I hiss
The snake BLUSHES and slithers away
"Very cunning of you son" Father says
"Thank you Father" I say
"Dissmised Severus, Hadrian, Wormtail stay" Father says
I sigh and sit back down this time pulling Sev on my lap.
"Wormtail will be staying with you two for awile. Im tired of seeing his face" Father says
"But dad, I want to be alone with Sev" I wine like a child but it ushally works
"No buts now go, Wormtail do watever they say" Father says while leaving
"Great just fluffing wonderful" I hear Sev grumble
"Wormtail grab on to Sevs arm" I say with hostility
He does I grab his arm and we dissaperate to Splinners end.
We go in and turn to Wormtail.
"Do not come into our room" Sev says
"You will be the one yo anwser the door" I say
"Dont question where we go" Sev says
"Dont leave the house without one of us" I say
He nods and we take him to his temporary room
Then we go to our room and you know what we do.
The next day we are in the living room reading when there is a knock
Wormtail brings Aunt Cissy and mother in.
"Aunt Cissy, Mother" I say
"We need your help Hadrian. The dark lord has forbade it" Aunt Cissy says
"Then it should be forbade" Sev says
"It just so happens I know of what you are talking about" I say
"Of course you do he tells you everything" Mom says
"Mom why are you not in the dungeons with Damian" I ask
She just glares at me.
"What do you need Narcissa" Sev says
"I don't think Draco can do what is requested of him" Aunt Cissy says
"You have SO much hope for Drake. I will make sure its done, this is but only a test" I say
Sev looks at me wierd
"Sev take Wormtail and go buy groceries love" I say
He looks about ready yo refuse but I give him a look
"O.....k" Sev says and leaves
"Would you be willing to make an umbrakable vow" Mother asks
"Yes" I hiss in English
"Such anger towards you I wonder why" Mase hisses coming in around the girls feet and on to my sholders.
"Me to Mase, Me too" I say
I take Aunt Cissys arm
"Will you do the task set gor Draco if he indeed cannot" Mother says
"Yes" I say
I white light arupts and the unbrakable vow is made.
I'm gonna kill Dumbledore.
They leave and I sit down and start drinking
They come in about an hour later and im drunk
"Hellllooo mmyyy looovvvee" I slurr
"Your drunk" Wormtail says
"No dip shirlock, go to your room" Sev says
He goes away I 'stand up'
"I'm gonna kill Dumbledore" I say
"Come on Dom lets go, show me im your sub" Sev purrs
I smirk and you know what happened
The next day theres another knock but I answer its Dumbledore and Charles.
"Yo Sev Ill be back in a bit" I yell in the house and step out
"Headmaster we need to speak after whateber we are doing is done" I say
"Ok" he says
I take his arm as does Charles.
We land in a muggle town
We go towards a house that looks like someone got killed
I walk in and the house is torn to bits
Theres blood leaking from the cieling
Dumbles TASTSE it.
He poke the chair and a guy comes out
"Im thorough confused" I say
"This is Hadrian Riddle the 20th, and Charles Potter the 2nd" Dumbles says
"I know what your doing its not happening" the older gentlemen says
Aww this has to be Horace Slughorn.
"Horace Slughorn?" I ask
"Yes, thats me" he says
I smirk and walk up sticking out my hand.
"Its an honor sir, my father and mate speak of you quiet often. All good things" I say
"Who is your mate" Slughorn asks
"Severus Snape" I say and then add "soon to be Riddle if I play my card right"
"He was my apprentice" Slughorn says smiling
"You must be an awful good teacher because my sevvy taught me everything I know about potions" I say
"Horace may I use your bathroom" Dumbles says
"Ya up the stairs door on the left" Slughorn says
"You know your mother Lily was one of my favorites her and Severus were very adapt to potions" Slughorn says
"Yes they where in the slug club right" I ask
"Yes" Slughorn says
"Ive always wamted to be in the slugclub, Father talks so foundly about it, may I wash my hands" I ask
"Yes" he says
I walk into the kitchen hearing them talk about Lily.
Dumbles and I walk in about the same time
"Come along Hadrian, Charles. I know a lost cause when I see one" he says
Hmmm very Slytherin
"So soon" Slughorn says
"Hadrian and I have much to discuss" Dumbles says
"Alright but I want a new office not that closet I had" Slughorn says
"Excellent" Dumbles says we walk down the road
"Where am I going" Charles says
"The Weasleys" he says
"What about my stuff" Charles says
"Waiting" he says
He drops him off and we land in his office
"Very Slytherin with Slughorn" I say with a smirk
"Well the only way to counter a stubborn Slytherin is with Slytherin tatics" Dumbles says
"So gonna finally give Sev the defence position" I ask
"Yes please tell Severus. Now what did you need" Dumbles askes
"I've given Draco Mafloy the task to kill ypu and then I took a vow to do it if he can't" I say
"Its settled you will kill me" Dumbles says
"Please tell me everything" I say
"I believe Charles is a horucrux" Dumbles says and adds "you will need to tell him in the end that he has to sacrifise himself"
"So you have been raising him like a pig for slaughter" I yell
"Dont tell me you care for the boy" Dumbles says
I dont say anything
"Im dying I put on your fathers horucruc ring" he says
"Dunderhead" I mutter
"Severus is rubbing off on you" he says
"He rubs other places as well, is that all I will kill you" I say
"Yes that is all" he says
I apperate to splinners end.
I walk in with my head down
"Hades are you ok" sev asks
"Ya come to our room" I say
He follows me and I ward the room where he cant hear us.
"Dumbledore has givin you the defence position, congrats. He wants me yo kill him hes dying anyway. Hes raising Charles for self- sacrifice" I say
"You care about the Potter boy dont you" he asks
"You cant just erase 11 years of being someones brother" I say
His scowl turns into a loving look
He crawls up in my lap.
"Its gonna be ok, Ill be here when you kill dumbles to help you and when your brother dies." He says
"Im happy you got the position you wanted, do you want to go on this date ive planned to celebrate" I ask
He smirks and nods followed by a kiss.
"Great wear something comftorable Ill be back in like 3 minutes" I say
I walk out and to the litchen where wotmtail id.
"Take my arm" I say before shadow stepping the Riddle manor.
Father, mother, and Damian are in the sitting room when I get there.
"I'm taking Sevvy out to celebrate him getting the defence position. I can't leave him alone and i'm not taking him." I say
"Where are you taking Sevvy" Damian asks
"None of your buisness" I say
"Gees no need to jump my bones" Damian says
"Thats quiet muggle" Father says
"Look keep him forever let Damian tortur the little rat, just get him away from us" I say
"If you tell me where you taking him" Father says
"Uggg fine, I was gonna set up a picknick so we can watch the sun go down, then we would watch the stars while cuddling" I say
"Why don't you do something that romantic for me" Mother says to Father.
He look frightened
"Im a busy man, bella" Dad tryes
"So is Hadrian" Mom counters
"Im not gonna win this, thanks Hadrian. Leave wormtail and leave" Father says
I smirk and leave

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