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I was able to return fully to the common room on wensday but had to check in with Madam Pomphry on thursday.
We were all sitting in the common room.
Well Drake, Blade and I anyway.
"Dude you gotta milk it" Drake says
"I will for everything I can get" I say
Then the girls come in Daph and Pansy sit by me
"Does it hurt" Pansy asks
"Not all the time it does twitch though" I says
"Im so sorry Hades" Daph says
"Its not your fault Daphanee its the bloody chickens fault thats why Uncle Lucius is taking care of it" I says
The next day in double potions I comes in and sits between me and the Potters
He tries to cut the roots but its my right arm that is 'hurt'
"Sir I cant cut my roots." I say
"You may assighn people to help you" Sev says and go back to grading
"Potter cut the roots for him" I say
He comes over and starts mutating them
"Switch with me now Potter, this is a fifth year potion, that can kill us all if not made right " I say
He does
"Weasley skin the shrviling for me" I say
He does
"Hows Hagrid" I asks sarcastically
"None of your buisness Riddle" Weasley says.
Longbottom has troubled and the mudblood helps him.
The Gryffindorks are talking about Pettigrews sighting.
"Thinking of trying to catch Pettigrew yourself Potter" Mafloy askd
"Yeah, thats right" Charles says I see where he is going
"If it was me I would have done something before now" Blade says
"I wouldnt be staying in school like a good boy, I would be looking for him" I say
"What are you talking about" Potter asks
"Dont you know, Potter" Mafloy asked
"Know what" Weasley asks
Some of us sneer others chuckle
"Maybe you would rather not risk your neck" Blade says
"Want to leave ot to the dementors do you?" I ask
"But, if it was me I would want revenge" Mafloy says
"Id hunt him down myself" Blade says
"What are you talking about"Potter asks
"You should have finished adding your ingredients by now; this potion needs to stew before it can be drunk, so clear away while it simmers and then we will test Longbottoms." Severus says
Blade and Mafloy were lauphing but I dont see whats so funny
"The boys toad might die thats whats funny" Mason hisses
"Its not funny though what if someone did that to you" I hiss back
"Oh boy remeber that Frog you tortured. Well its like that we might get to see blood. Plus are you forgetting hes a Longbottom a big person in the light, and your father would not approve being as he is the Dark lord. Your mother wouldnt eaither she is the one who tortured his parents into insanity" Mason hisses
" what is wrong with me" I ask
"You have compassion or getting it tonight lets go in the woods and kill something" Mason suggests
I nod.
Im walking between Mafloy and Daphanee
I see the Potter and smirk but keep walking.
Then I remeber its lunch so I go to the heads table
"Look Sev im sorry for walking out like that" I say
"Its ok you care for your brother, if you woulda stayed you woulda crucioed the Potters and the Weasley" Sev says
"Just making sure, so I see the mud-ggle born helped Longbottom" I say
"Yes, he cant do anything" Sev says
"Im gonna take on a challenge" I say
"What get Longbottom to not die" Sev says
"I dont know if you see it but Longbottoms a Slytherin he just hides behind his Scardeness. Im gonna bring it out of him and then call a resort for him." I say
Sev looks at me like I've grown two heads
"Hay if I'm able to get the headmaster to like me, then I can fool anyone. Get him to open up and then show him the real Slytherins." I say
"Ok whats the first step" sev asks
"Let me teach him Potions you scare him to death" I say
"Fine when" Sev askes
"Tonight 7, that way he will be leaving at 8 when Potter comes in for our detention" I say
He nods so I walk over to were Longbottom is sitting its conveniently right by the golden four
"Longbottom" I say
"Leave him alone Riddle" big Potter says
"I wasent gonna say anything mean. Proffesor Snape has asked me to teach you Potions, if you want too" I say
"He would never" Weasel says
"Look Longbottom he didnt ask me I asked him I need a challenge so It's not a trick, the Proffesors wont be there. Then you wont have to rely on a mudblood" I say
His eyes light up when I say the last part
"Um ya, sounds good when and where" Longbottom says
"Potions room, I promise Proffesor Snape wont be there, at seven" I say
He nods and I walk to the Slytherin table
"What was that about" Drake asked
"Dont you see Longbottom Slytherin tendencies" I say
"Ya, I've tried to talk to him but he just runs away" Dam says
"I dont think he's a Longbottom he acts like I did before I started second guessing my adoptive parents" I say
"Really, who do you think his parents are" Blade asks
"The Lestranges, I think hes my half brother" I say
Drake looks wary
"He was born on the same day as you though" he says
"Well there is a thing called half twins. They share a mother, it happens when the woman has entercorse with two men in the same night" I say
We finish eating and head to defence with Lupin
We are gonna be late but we catch Proffesor Lupin in the hall.
"Proffesor Lupin" I say
"Ah, Mr. Riddle" he says
I look at Blade, and Drakenod them to leave
"So proffesor what are we doing today" I ask
"Boggart, call me Remus in private" Remus says
"Of course Remus how is Sirius doing" I ask
"Good did you want something" Remus asks
"One of my friends will be a living Werewolf, he knows about your problem they all do and he want to make you like him. He said at one with your wolf" I say
"I can do that" Remus asks hopeful
"Yes he seems to have done this before" I say
"What does he want" Remus asks
"His friend is well not very good at defence he wants you to guve him private lessons" I say
"Who are these kids" Remus asks
"Zambini is the one who wants to teach you and he wants you to tutor Mafloy" I say
"I can do that when" Remus says
"Zambini will be there at 7, Mafloy will be there at 8, everyday" I say
"Alright" he says as we walk in the room I go to my friends
"Put away your things were doing a pratical lesson Boggarts" I wisper
They all do
We walk down the corridors
We walk into peeves who is making fun of Lupin
Lupid fires a spell but he still follows
I walk out "Peeves dont make me talk to the Bloody Baron" I say
He looks frightened and goes away
He goes to explain what a boggart is of course he did not call on the mudblood.
I already knew the charms but what I did not know is what scares me.
He calls on Neville
I raise my hand
"Yes, Mr. Riddle" Remus asks
"Sir may I talk to Neville before" I ask
He nods so I walk over to Neville
"The key to Boggarts is convidence. What are you afraid of Neville" I ask
"Proffesor Snape" Neville says in an undertone
"Yes yes Proffesor Snape can be scary if you dont know him. You know what would be funny Snape in girl dress robes and a funny hat" I say
Neville nods with confidence.
When the wardrobe opened Proffesor Snape steped out
He looks at me I smirk and nod
He point his wand at the Boggart and says "Riddikulus". He has dress robes on with a big hat.
He comes and stands by me next.
"Thanks Riddle" he says
"Call me Hades" I say
"Well then call me Neville" Neville says
We let all the Gryffindorks go first.
Charles did not get to it would of been something stupid like my dad.
Then the lesser Slytherins
Then Blade the boggart turns into a big mouse.
"Riddikulus" it turns into a plushy mouse
Drakes turns into his mother and father behind bars "Riddikulus" it turns into a bouncy house
Then its me it turns into my father "you are a discrace you lived in the same house of my murder and didn't kill him. Your weak, pathetic not worthy of me" I raise my wand "riddikulus" dad turns into a small miniture dragon
Lupin shoves the boggart back into the wardrobe.
I look at Potter and say "I should of killed you the moment I found out" I say
"Read the chapter on boggarts and summarize it handed in on moday. Thats all. Charles and Hadrian stay behind" Remus says
Everyone leaves
"What Remus" I ask
"Both off your boggarts are extrodanary. Charles is a dementor, yours is your father dissapointed in you" Remus says
"Yes Remus" I ask
"You boys are extrodanary thats all" Remus says so we leave
We had to make fun of Lupin he understood.
One day while he was passing we started
"Look at his robes" Blade says
"He dresses like an old house elf" Drake says
Snape has left Neville alone since I started having him hang around us lots the only time he wasen't with us was in his common room and eating. I can tell the Gryffindorks are getting mad.
It has been 3 weeks since I started and Neville is well a true Slytherin he is no longer shy and now I'm just waiting till he starts eating with us till I call a resort, and this christmas im gonna take him to do his inheratence. Right now im in detention with Sev grading papers while Charles cleans culdrens.
Then I remeber I have 3 minutes to get to the Slytherin chaging room.
"Proffesor Snape I am supose to meet with the Slytherin Quitich team in three minutes may I go" I ask
He nods and I run like run run.
I make it there 2 minutes late so I say "sorry detention with Sev"
"Its alright Hades, so first order of buisness we need 2 new players, we need a beater and a chaser." Flint says
"Gabe is a fair beater" Blade says
"More than fair he knocked me out last time and I was going full speed" I say
"Alright someone go get him, we will have to hold tryouts for chaser" Flint says
I stand up point my wand and say "accio Sirius Gabriel Black the fourth" and sit down
A couple minutes layer I open the door and he comes flying in
"Um ok" Gabe says
He looks confused
"Congrats your on the Slytherin Quidditch team"
"Awsome sause" Gabe says
We all look at him wierdly
"Ok we won last year with the help of the best Seeker since Merlin himself Hades. I want to keep it there is no way the little baby Puffs of the Gryffindorks are gonna beat us, if the ravens do good on them" Flint says "Were gonna train harder, longer, and more frequent"
"Sounds good Marcus" I say
"We have the best chasers. Me of course im the best, Mafloy who is suberb. Our beaters Black who can nock out Hades he is the fastest if us, Piers has got the most people out ever. The very best of the best seeker Hades who no dought will be the Slytherin captin when I leave he will also be my second has good ideas. Lastly the better than wood keeper who never lets a goal in" Flint says
We have practice 5 days a week at 3 for an hour and for 2 hours on weekends taking a break when some of us have ancient runes on monday and friday.
Ow ya did I tell you Gabe got a pet rat nammed pommpie and that Pettigrew disapeered. Anyway Mason is always trying to eat pommpie, then Gabe gets mad and stops away
In trans apparently the elder Potters would not sign the child Potter form, well my godparents signed mine. I will not be going though..... but I gotta shoe off. So I go up to her Sev told us to give our papers
"Here you go Proffesor McGonagall" I say
"How did you get yours signed and not me" Potter says
"Ya how did that happen" McGonagall asks
"Well as you know Godparents are considered Guardians so I Simply had Uncle Lucius sigh it. Bye Proffesor McGonagall, Potters" I say and leave
So that day all my friends left I wondered around the castle until I bump into Charles
"Charles how are you" I ask
"Good I guess what are you doing here why not in hogsmade" Charles asks
"I have prior engagments i'm meeting Proffesor Lupin for tea, then I promised Proffesor Snape I would help him with potions, after lunch is Quidditch practice, then Nevilles Potions. Its gonna be a busy day, we best hurry before Flinch comes." I say
To late Flinch and his cat comes around, wish I had Mason with me he would scare that cat but no he is all up on Rose hes full lank too.
"What are you two doing" He asks
"Nothing" Charles spouts
"Nothing likely a Riddle and a Potter together that nothing. Why arent you two at hogsmade with the rest of you nasty friends" Flinch says
"I have prior engagements, Potter did not get his form signed" I say
"Well go back to your common rooms" he snaps and walks away
"Nasty squib" I say
"Hes a squib" Charles asks
I nod
"Hades!, Charles?" I hear the voice of Lupin asks
We walked in
"Sorry Hades I forgot it was a hogsmade weekend" Remus says
"Its ok I wouldnt be going anway I have thing to do" I say
"Were is Ron, and Hermione?" Remus asks Charles
"Hogsmade, mom and dad wouldnt sign mine" Charles says
"Well you could join us if Hades thinks its ok" Remus says
"Ya sure come on" I say
"Ive just taken the grindylows out for our next lesson" Remus says
"What" Charles asks
"Honestly do you not read, nevermind I know you don't, Water demons" I say
"Correct Hades, we shouldn't have much trouble with them there very easy" Remhs says
We sit down to tea
"So Remus how are the lessons" I ask
"Great I should be normal by christmas break, and Draco is coming a long way hes at your guys level so I've been thinking of dropping his lessons" Remus says
"Hes at 3rd year level, I must say Remus you are an excellet teacher, if you think he's ready you should drop him" I say
"How's the Neville project coming along" Remus asks
"Well I must say that ever since you gave his confidence a boost he's been acting like a pureblood Slytherin prick" Charles says
"Well Neville is a pureblood Slytherin he was just blinded by all that scardness" I say
"Proffesor lupin why did you not let me face the boggart but you let Hadrian" Charles asks
"I thought yours would be Voldemort and I was curious what Hades would be or it he even had one" Remus says
"So its not cause you thing Hadrian is better than me" Charles asks
"I am better than you Charles but Remus is not like that hes not Proffesor Snape" I say
There was a knock on the door
"Come in" Remus says
It is Sev he looks at me then Charles then back at Lupin.
"Ah, Severus," Remus says "Thanks very much. Could you leave it on the desk for me" Remus asks
"So this is the potion I could not help make this is a simple 7th year potion" I say
"Yes your on 5th year" Sev says
"Hadrian was just asking me about my studys with you Zambini and Mafloy. He brought Charles, I think he took pity on him" Remus says
"You should drink that directly Lupin" Sev says I thunk hes mad I'm with Lupin maybe
He leaves
"Well Remus It was nice talking to you, but I think I somehow made Sev mad" I say and leave towards the dungeons
I walk in
"Shouldnt you be with Lupin" Sev asks
"Are you jealous" I ask
"What me Jelous, what were you talking to him for anyway" Sev asks
"You are Jealous. Sev he has lived in the same house as me my whole life. Remus is not light anymore neither is Sirius" I say
"Your telling me there dark" Sev says
"Yes someone had to teach me the Dark Arts. Remus is like an Uncle plus Blade is turning him into a living Werewolf in exchange for him giving Drake lessons on defence. He is also helping me on the Neville situation" I say
He nods
"I love you no one else got that" I say
"Yes, I love you too" he says
"Now what are we making." I ask
Thats how that went Quidditch practice was hard, Neville made great strides hes caught up to us now he just had to get over his fear of Snape so im having him sit in this lesson which is where I am this lesson.
He comes in
"W-Whats he doing here" Neville asks
"The next step your an amazing potions maker after I explained how Herbology fit into it. The only thing is to get oved your fear of Proffesor Snape" I say
He nods
"I want you to concentrate on the potions, he's going to be talking to you" I say
"Ok Hades" Neville says and starts
"Hello Sev" I say
"Hades how are you" Sev aaks
"Good I want you to critisize everything he does" I say
He smirks and turns to Neville
"Wow you call that cutting its more like mushing" Sev says
Neville flinches
"Remeber who you are Neville" I say
"I dont know who I am. We wont know till cristmas" Neville says
"I ment that your a pure blood" I say
"Ow ya I'm a pure blood i'm better than most people" Neville says
It goes like that till Neville dosent even care
He finishes and starts talking to me while hes cleaning
"So Gran wants me to stay here" Neville says
"Well, what do you think you should do" I say
"Tell Gran I'm staying and maybe I could go with you, or I could sneak out" Neville says
"I could ask Uncle Lucius but it would be better to speak out. Behind the statue of Merlin is the way under honeydukes underground cellar. The day after christmas meet me outside of honeydukes" I say

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