"A wattpad Writer"

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Blaze's Pov:

She is playing with fire. She knows well that every little action of hers is testing my limits. Her eyes keep on teasing me while she loudly giggles at Luca's jokes. She sat as usual between his hands while playing with Austin. They missed each other and they are best friends, I get that. I even understand that she is a bit mad about my friendliness with Gaia. Any man married or not would totally see the beauty in Gaia. I am a man but I could swear upon my own life that I did not flirt with her. It may appeared like so but I was just absorbed in her talk about politics and her jokes about  some political parties.

"Gaia and Chris are still gone?" Eric questioned as he sipped his wine 

"Yep, I don't know where they will find five inflated beds. All shops around here seemed small and selling only basic stuff" Nina  replied as she sat next to a tired Elisa

"Five?" the shocked voice of Alexa echoed and her body clearly stiffened 

"A two in one for me and Eric to share, one for luca, one for Gaia, one for Chris and lastly for this sleepy Elisa." Nina explained playfully poking Elisa and earning herself a grunt.

"Call them and ask for six beds." Alexa announced loudly as her eyes connected with mine for a second

"Why is any other guest joining us?" Nina statically asked even though I knew fully well that she got the meaning behind Alexa's demand

"Nina, I am not sleeping with him on the same bed. You know that we had a fight. No matter what he told you, I will not share a bed with him." Alexa stood her ground pointing at me while uttering her words in a vicious way

"Oh..." Was all that Nina could say back

"I  did not flirt with her." I once again tried to clear my image but Alexa's harsh glare made me shut up

"Sorry, Lexi. He said everything is all right and I believed him." Nina revealed in a hush

"Would I stay away from him if all is okay?" Alexa now sounding tired sat back and asked

"He said you just missed Luca." Nina completed and I wanted earth to swallow me alive

"I...I didn't want the situation to get bigger and out of hand." I explained feeling apologetic 

"You can offer the girls your real bed and sleep by me. That way you will have Gaia's bed and he will have Elisa's inflated bed."  Luca interfered and I started to see red again

"We have to sleep by Austin." I grumbled at him earning a glare from Alexa

"Since when "we" had to. It is been always me and me alone." She mocked hugging Austin close to her

"Since I stupidly fell for you. I am also his father and I want to be there for him." I cried stepping closer to the couch

"His father?" Eric asked clearly bombarded by the news

"Later , Eric. Now , I have a stubborn wife to deal with. How may I prove to her that I did not flirt with her cousin is beyond me. She just supposes that I am lying and gets so fucking angry. She even told me that I am free to do whatever but what if all I want to do concerns her and her alone. I have never felt the need to be near anyone more than her. I feel like a kid around her. She teases me and tests my limits. She tells me off as if she does not care but I know well enough that she does...See Eric I have enough to deal with for now." I spoke loudly meaning for Alexa to get each of my words 

"After each wrong move you give a speech.You sound like some cheesy wattpad writer." she coldly spoke 

"Wattpad? Is that an insult of some kind?" I quizzed not knowing what she is meaning 

"Google it and leave me alone." Alexa finally huffed and focused all her attention back on Austin

"Why is so freaking hard for you to trust me?" I mumbled back knowing fully well that I won't get an answer 

"Because" she continued surprising me " you were and clearly still are a player. To be a womanizer is a gene of yours. It is like asking someone to change his DNA...I am not willing to risk my heart for you shenanigans. We are old enough to know what's best for us and I would rather live single and happy than anxious and in a toxic relation." she declared and I felt a pang of pain invading my chest.

"But you are not single... and I promise you that you have nothing to be anxious about. I truly love you." I voiced my feelings for her again " I am supposed to be the anxious one. A player falling in love, saying it loud but never hearing it back. I gave up my past for you..." 

"What difference will it make if I say I love you?" she challenged standing up and taking steps closer to me 

"It will assure me everything." I murmured and for the first time felt intimidated by a woman

"So you are not assured? and what makes you desservant of such three words?"  she whispered as if daring me 

"I am desservant..." I gulp down loudly as she stood one inch away

"Words..." she mocked with a fake laugh

"I am desservant. I love you. You need to get that through your head. If I wanted any other girl would I be explaining myself to you and getting insulted and mocked in front of out friends? Would I feel a stab of pain when you don't say "I love you too" if I did not fall for you? " I now regaining my voice confronted her

"Words" she repeated again trying to stand her ground yet her eyes felt softer and the faintest blush  covered her cheeks

"Say that again and I am not to blame." I threatened now seeing a spark of hope

"I am so afraid" she ridiculed and tried to step away but like always I was faster and in a second her body was caged between my hands. I drew her closer and heard her sharp in take of breath. Austin being in her hands giggled at our family hug and started to babble.

"I love you. I love you both." I promised 

"I..." Alexa tried to utter but I guess her shyness consumed her because her cheeks were beetroot red and her breaths were quick and short.

"Da..Da...Dada" Austin suddenly said and both Alexa and I froze 

"Dada ...I am not hearing stuff right?" I questioned looking at a shocked yet clearly proud Alexa

"You are right little love." she said kissing Austin's forehead and owning herself a giggle from him " I have been teaching him how to say it. This is his first time saying Dada" Alexa proudly said as her eyes connected with mine and something deeper than love stirred in me. I now wished for this moment to last forever

"I love you." I replied and without a warning my lips met with hers in a short yet meaningful kiss 

"Dada...Mama" Austin echoed again clapping his little hands and all Alexa and I could do was to laugh at his happy proud little grin

"I love you both." I said bringing them closer to my chest. " I am sorry for everything Alexa." I hushed kissing the top of her head 

"We love you too." she hushed back hiding her face deeper in my chest and I froze a little hearing those four little words...They came so suddenly but dear god they made my heart hammer loud 

"Yeyyyyyyy" Nina suddenly clapped and shouting bursting our little bubble and making Austin clap his little hands too 

"What happened? What have I missed?" a sleepy Elisa questioned 

"A fight, a kiss, a second word and a confession." Eric counted trying to gather his now hyper girlfriend in his hands

"All of that and no one tried to wake me up? I hate you guys!" Elisa mumbled crossing her hands like a child making us all laugh.

Her Plan (Fake marriage)  #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now