Austin and divorce

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Alexa's Pov: 

I can already imagine his reaction. Luca was shocked and out of words, when I told him. He knew that this was coming out of such a plan of marriage. He knew that I had hidden goals to achieve but never ventured and asked. Luca sat on the kitchen stool earlier with a mouth hung open. He didn't know how to respond. He ended up blaming me for rushing with such ideas and said that  Blaze will be furious. Blaze for sure will never accept what I am about to tell him. I am actually breaking one of his rules. I am tying him down on a whole new level. I can imagine him freaking out and running to the moon or beyond. Dear god, how is he going to react and why didn't I speak to him about this earlier?  

Blaze had been missing , as usual for the whole day. I need to come clean about something but he is still not here. I knew that the boys and him were out for drinks. Nina started dating this new guy and Eric was fuming with jealousy. He sounded angry whenever Nina spoke about her new guy yet kept on denying his feelings. He apparently hates the guy because he is changing Nina who surprisingly accepted her new committed relation and seems to have the biggest crush on her boyfriend. 

" Lexi?" I heard the voice that I am scared of the most right now echoing near me. Blaze sounded sweet as always but shivers and fear still found a way into my soul. 

"Blaze, I am here." I mumbled trying to sound as sweet as I can but I still sounded rough. 

"How are you?" Blaze questioned in a tired tone then sat beside me. This is the right moment, I hope. I have to come clean.

"Blaze, I have something to tell you. Promise me to stay calm and collected." I begged him and his eyes shot open. Tiredness was long gone and he seemed alerted and confused. His eyes did a double take of my body as if looking for any sign of injury or harm. Finding nothing, they shot back and connected with mine making me clearly shiver in fear.

"Are you hurt? Did anything happen to you? Did you also meet someone? What happened?" Blaze questioned rapidly as he sat himself directly in front of me and I had to collect my breathes and words to tell him the truth.

"I actually met someone." I honestly said and saw he went rigid 

"Someone?" He repeated in the lowest tone possible

"Not like someone, someone." I tried to explain "I just better go and get him" 

"You brought someone here ?" He yelled instantly " Didn't we agree that this is our safe zone ? Didn't you promise me to never bring a guy here?" 

"It is not like that. Just wait for a minute." I promised trying to sooth his anger a bit but nothing worked 

"I swear you girls are driving us insane." Blaze yelled as I left the living-room and went into my room to bring my special someone to him.

As I opened my room's door, my shakiness evaporated into nothingness. When my eyes fell on my bed and I saw my new adopted baby, my heart skipped a beat out of happiness. Today, while visiting my orphanage, I was informed of a new baby boy being submitted. His mother brought him declaring that her life is too messy to keep him alive and happy. Austin , the baby, is seven months old. He has curly black hair and a pair of the bluest eyes I have ever seen. He kind of reminds me of Blaze a bit. 

Since I held Austin, he wouldn't let go. He would cry whenever I try to put him down. I fell in love with how cute he is , since I laid eyes on him. He reminded me of my wish list. My top goal is to adopt a kid. Since I was eleven, I promised myself to adopt a kid when I grow old and independent. I opened an orphanage with the help of my family yet never felt this attached to any kid. Austin though made me feel motherly, for a reason. 

Her Plan (Fake marriage)  #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now