Chapter Six

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  • Dedicated to Kimmi Hummer and Beth Revis

Bulma and Chi-Chi stared at Gohan, Trunks, and I like we had came from another planet. Then they burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked, my mouth full of rice.

"You three." Chi-Chi answered. She started shaking her head, still laughing.

"It's a good thing that we ate before you guys! There's not gonna be any food left by the time your all done here!" Bulma exclaimed.

Gohan, who had finished a piece of chicken, picked up his heaping bowl of rice and chop sticks.

"Chew Attack!" He called, literally shoveling the food into his mouth. Trunks watched him, and did the same.

"Men," I said, burping loudly.

"More please!" Gohan asked, holding out his bowl to Bulma.

She took it, laughing. "Yea, like father like son."

I instantly stopped eating. Gohan's smile faded. "Oh yea? Ya think so?" He asked.

"Oh definitely." Bulma said, laughing. Chi-Chi laughed as well, but her eyes were far away.

"Both you and Moona. You both remind me so much of Goku." Bulma continued. Gohan smiled, and so did I. She did have a point.

"I just know your father would be so proud of both you right now." Chi-Chi said, coming back to us.

I blushed. "Do you really think so?" I asked. She nodded. Trunks gave my leg a light kick under the table. I looked over at him, and he was grinning like crazy. I rolled my eyes and kicked him back.

"So, Gohan, I've heard that you've been fighting the Androids all by yourself." Bulma stated. 

Gohan's face hardened and he nodded. "Yes," He said, but it came out more as a question.

"Oh, Gohan! Please be careful!" Chi-Chi cried.

Bulma nodded in agreement. "I don't know if I could handle another loss." She said.

"Don't worry, I'll be just fine," He assured both of them.

"Good." Chi-Chi said. "Now, who wants dessert?"

After dinner, we stayed at Capsule Corp for a few more hours, then we headed home. I was verry pleased to see that Gohan was coming with us.

When we got home, I gave Gohan another hug.

"I'm so glad that your back." I told him.

He chuckled. "Well, I have to admit, it does feel good to be home."

We stayed like that for a couple of minutes. Then he pulled away and kissed my forehead. I smiled.

"Goodnight Moona." He told me.

"Night, Gohan." I said. He gave me another smile and walked into the living room to sit with Chi-Chi. I went upstairs to my room.

I shut the door behind me, and went over to my bed. Stretching out across it, I pulled out my phone and iPod. I quickly scrolled through my iPod and found my "To Go" playlist, putting it on shuffle. I smiled at the first song that came on. It was Somewhere Over The Rainbow by Israel Kamakawiwo'ole. This song never failed to put me in a good mood. Placing the iPod down, I flipped open my phone and found Trunks' number. I sent him a quick text.

'ow u doin monkey boy??????

As I waited for an answer, I grabbed the book that was sitting on my nightstand. It was A Million Suns by Beth Revis. I stared at the cover. I loved looking at it. It showed the two main characters, Amy and Elder, holding hands. But where their hands met, there was a glare. They were in a spaceship and it was surround by millions of stars. I smiled. It always made me a little jealous when ever I saw this picture. I would love to have the chance to see the stars like that.

My phone vibrated, causing me to sigh and put down the book. I flipped open the phone and read the text.

Pretty good. Wbu, Pigeon???

I shook my head at his silly nickname for me. Apparently "Pigeon" is a cross between a pig and a lion. He came up with it cause those are my two favorite animals. How exactly, I'm not sure. 

Day dreaming, which, by da way, u interupted. Thanx :p

I hit send and closed my phone, turning my attention back to the book. I sighed again and flipped it open. I was just at the part where Elder and Amy find out who's killing everyone. I was excited to find out who it was.

My phone went off again.

Ha, srry. Wut wuz it this time??? 

Being on Godspeed with Amy and Elder and looking @ da stars like they can

I once again returned to reading. They had just gotten to the heavy metal door and...

I looked over and glared at my phone, which had just gone off. I sighed, and closed the book, putting it over to the side. I'll find out later. I thought.

Ahhhhhhh, I c... & wuz I in this day dream???

Maybe...... Idk, u tell me XD

I laughed and hit send. Of course he was. Trunks was always there with me, aboard Godspeed. I don't think I would be able to survive there without him. He would keep me sane. He would be my Elder...

I shook my head and waited for Trunks to reply. My phone went off again, and I once again flipped it open.

Well th@s a yes. I'm happy 2 no th@ I'm loved :3

*rolls eyes* sure, if u say so  

I do ;-)

Well sum1's cocky

Cuz it's true

I laughed, shaking my head. I hit reply and typed in my answer.

Lqtmz. Welp, ur rite there.

I told u

*rolls eyes* yea yea yea now quit rubbing it in

I quoted him again. We talked for a while longer, then I looked over at the clock. It was nearly elven. How the hell did that happen?

Holy chz nips man, it's almost 11!!!!! Lolz, I'm gonna head off 2 bed. Txt u in da morning.

Kkz. Ttyl

I smiled and hit dismiss. I would reply in the morning, like I said. Setting my phone down on the pillow, I changed into my pj's. I turned off the light and crawled under the sheet. As I settled down, I could hear Chi-Chi and Gohan still talking downstairs. Smiling, I closed my eyes. It was times like this I could almost forget the damn Androids. Almost.


Sorry for this chapter only being a filler. I just wanted to get something up for you guys ;-)

And for those of you who haven't read it, A Million Suns is the sequel to Across The Universe. They're both written by Beth Revis. I absolutly love the books, and I'm currently waiting for the third one to come out. It's called Shades of Earth, and unfortunetly, it doesn't come out till January of 2013. But it'll be worth the wait XD

 Also, I just wanted to say that the extra "z" on then end of "Lqtm" and "kk" is something that I do personally. I don't really know why I started doing that, but I've done it for as long as I can remember.

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