Chapter Nineteen

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  • Dedicated to To all my wonderful fans and readers!!! <3 you guys!!!!!

It turns out that the Hyperbolic Time Chamber was more useful then what I originally thought. I'll admit, I was skeptical at first. A room that gives you a year's worth of training in one day? Come on. But then I thought of the Time Machine. It worked though I didn't believe it would. So, I sucked it up and went in with Father.

Surprisingly, a year passed by rather quickly. By the time Father and I emerged, I was well past the Super Saiyan barrier. Father, though, seemed to level out after a while, though he did get stronger.

When we came out, we were greeted by Goku, Gohan, Tien, Piccolo, and Mr. Popo.

"So, how did it go?" Goku asked excitedly. As I opened my mouth to reply, Father snorted behind me.

"You'll find out for yourself, Kakarrot."

A smile spread across Goku's face. "So it went well, huh?"

I nodded as Father growled behind me. I shook my head, sighing.

"Hello? Anybody here?" I heard Mom call. My head snapped up as she walked into my vision. "Ah, here you are..." She trailed off when she spotted me. I could see the confusion in her eyes as she took in my long hair. "Trunks...?" She asked, skeptical.

Laughing slightly, I say, "Yea, it's me."

"What happened? Why is your hair so long now? It wasn't like that yesterday!"

"Trunks and Vegeta just came out of the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. It's a room where you can get a year's of a training in one day." Piccolo explains to her.

"Oh. I guess that makes sense." 

"What are you doing here Woman?" Father asked Mom.

"Oh! I brought you all something." She replied, reaching into her pocket for a capsule. Bringing it out, Mom pushed the release button and threw it behind her.

After the smoke cleared, we could see a wooden crate. Mom walked over to it and, balancing Baby Me on one hip, she opened the lid, picking something up.

"I think I did pretty well on them, If I do say so myself."

At first I couldn't tell what she was holding. When I looked harder, I could tell it was one of the training uniforms that Father was wearing.

"Wow Bulma! These are awesome!" Goku exclaimed, picking up a breast plate. "And their so light!"

Mom smiled. "I made enough for everyone. Even you two." She said, turning to Tien and Piccolo.

Right away, they both refused, saying that they don't want anything to do with Saiyan technology. I, on the other hand, wasn't going to pass it up.

Taking my uniform, I quickly changed into it. Goku was right. They were really light.

"So, what have we missed?" I asked Gohan.

"Cell absorbed Android 17. Tien helped 18 get away, and now she and 16 are hiding from Cell." He informed Father and I.

"This is not good..." I mumble. Father scowls.

"And you call yourself a Saiyan..." He muttered before taking off.

"Vegeta!" Goku and Mom yell after him, but it had zero effect.

"He's going to fight Cell." Piccolo tells us, though we already knew that.

"I've gotta help him." I say, turning to Goku and Gohan. "You two, make use of the Time Chamber. I'll see you tomorrow." 

As I turned to take off, a hand grabbed my shoulder. Turning back around, I saw Goku.

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