Chapter Fourteen

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Capsule Corp was burning.

Walls had collapsed, leaving giant holes for the smoke to escape. I flew towards it was fast as I could, but it didn't seem to be be fast enough. 

"Trunks! Bulma!" I tried to call out, but no words came. I tried to feel their Ki, but I couldn't remember how.

Suddenly, I wasn't flying anymore. I was running down one of the long corridors. Fire raged on either side of me, and smoke filled my nose. My eyes watered, but I kept going. I had to find Trunks and Bulma.

I came upon a door at the end of the hall. Without thinking, I pulled it open, relevilng two figures. One female and one male. There was no fire in this room.

"Trunks! Bulma!" I cried it delight. Words came this time and I launched myself at them. Just as I reached them, my foot got caught on something.

I gasped as I hit the floor. Turning around to free my foot, a scream escaped my lips. Trunks and Bulma lay on the floor, unmoving. Their chests were torn open. A pool of blood surrounded them.

Laughter erupted from behind me. Whipping around, the two figures came closer. As they stepped out of the shadows, I screamed again. The Androids were standing in front of me, covered in blood. They looked like zombies. 17 took a step closer.

"It's time to die, Rosamoona." He said.

"No, please!" I begged. He smirked. Then he lunged at me.

I gasped as I woke up. My heart was beating a million miles a minute.

"Moona!" I heard a voice call. It was very distorted, so I couldn't place a name to it.

"Moona?" It called again, this time questioning. Chi-Chi appeared above me. But she was blurry.

"Chi-Chi?" I asked. But, just like in my dream, no words came out.

"Moon!" I head another voice call. My heart skipped a beat when Trunks appeared beside Chi-Chi. He was okay!

"Trunks." I whispered, relieved when sound came. But my voice was hoarse.

"Moon." He said, also relieved. A smile spread across his face.

"Out of the way!" Yet another voice says. 

Trunks and Chi-Chi move step aside. Though Chi-Chi looked up, Trunks keeps looking me in the eye, smiling like a goof ball.

"Moona, can you hear me?" The new voice asks. Sighing internally, I tear my gaze away from Trunks. Bulma stod next to me now. Another wave of relief washes over me. She's also alright.

"Can you hear me?" She asks again.

"Yes." I answer, my voice still nothing more than a whisper.

Bulma nodded. "That's good." 

"What happened?" I asked. "The last thing I remember was 17 stepping on my back." Bulma looked over at Trunks, and I did the same. His hands were clenched. 

"He broke your spine." Trunks growled. I gasped. Something that caused me to cough.

"B-But how am I still alive?" I asked after I got finished coughing.

"We're not entirely sure." Bulma admitted. I looked back over at her. She looked just as confused as I felt. Then she shook her head. "But that doesn't matter. What matters is that you are alive."

I tried to nod, but found I couldn't. I started to panic. 

"I-I can't move!" I said, my voice cracking.

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