Chapter Seventeen

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I sighed when the Time Machine vanished. I stood there an extra five minutes, gazing into nothing. Why didn't I go? Why didn't I transport to the Time Machine so I could go back with Trunks? It would have been simple. He wouldn't have been able to stop me. It would have been too late. I could be in the past with him right now. Seeing my family. Goku and Gohan, alive and well. So why didn't I take the chance?

The asnwer was because something stopped me. Something in the back of my head told me, "No, don't go." Why did I listen to it though? Why did I hesitate? Why did I miss my chance? 

Sighing once again, I transport into the backroom. It was too late now. I couldn't worry about it. It was the past. Something I couldn't change. Something I would have to live with until Trunks came back.

After showering and dressing, I transported downstairs. I hoped Bulma didn't ask about transporting instead of walking...

"Morning sunshine." Chi-Chi greeted me, walking through the door. "I'm guessing Trunks already left?" I nodded. Sighing, she came over and gave me a hug. "Don't worry Hun. I'm sure he'll be just fine."

I sighed. "I know, I know."

"Hey Chi-Chi! How are you this morning?" Bulma asked, walking in. Chi-Chi pulled away from me and looked over at Bulma. 

"Good. What about you?"

Laughing slightly, I walked over to the fridge and got a soda and a sandwich from dinner last night. Transporting to the living room, I sat down, turning on the T.V. to try to take my mind off Trunks. 

Two weeks came and went very slowly. I continued to train in the gravity room Bulma had made. It really helped with training, but it would have been better with two people. 

One time, when I was training outside, Chi-Chi came out and started giving me pointers. When I asked her how she knew all them, she told me that she used to be a Martial Artist. I nearly fell over from shock. I had no idea...

On the fourteenth day of Trunks' leave, the last day, I paced around the house like crazy. I couldn't sit still. I didn't eat, and I barely drank anything. I was so nervous. The bad feeling I had, had grown like crazy. I just knew something had happened.

"Honey, sit down." Chi-Chi finally told me. "You're making me nervous."

"Good!" I exclaim. No one seemed to believe me that something was wrong. They all thought it was because I missed Trunks, which I did, but this wasn't because of that. "Maybe you'll believe me!"

Bulma sighed, getting up and walking over to me. "Moona, just calm down. He'll be back tomorrow, bright and early. Just like last time."

I clenched my fists, still pacing. "No. Something happened. I just know it." Tears threatened to spill over any minute. Suddenly, Bulma's arms were wrapped around me.

"It's gonna be okay. He'll come back to us. I promise you." She told me, petting my hair. I sighed, hugging her back. 

When she pulled away, she kissed my forehead. "Now go try to get some sleep." She said. I nodded, going up to my room. 

As I lay in bed, I couldn't help but think she was right. No matter what, Trunks would come back to us. I knew that for sure. But I didn't know when.

I couldn't sleep at all that night. I tossed and turned, praying for Trunks' arrival the next morning. At five, I couldn't lay still anymore. Getting up, I showered, dressed and went downstairs. Not knowing what to do, I started cleaning up the kitchen. I had everything done by six-thirty.

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