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ORIGINALLY WRITTEN ON EMMalcolms; or MissEsther (when that was her username)

OLD AUTHOR'S NOTE: new 1D fanfic, coming soon. I know "here she goes again" but yes i am gonna keep my word about this and Classified and Approved, they will not be posted until i TRY to finish some other works i think i'm doing a good job so far

It all started with a concert. But not just any old concert. It was a One Direction concert.

EJ is your average, everyday girl, with no idea of what she wants in life. But the day she turned eighteen, her whole world changed. EJ was not really a big 1D fan, but when the band came to Puerto Rico, on her birthday, she decided to let her three sisters' uncontrollable love for the band be put to a hush, when she starts to "see the light". EJ has just fallen in love with Harry Styles. But will she ever get to meet him face to face before he goes back to England? And if she does, will she ever see him again?

thats the scoop, hope you'll read it when it comes out :D

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